RWE, Czech Republic



  • MG102
  • Gas distribution
  • Polling & Report-by-exception
  • IEC104
  • Fully redundant centre
  • 2 SIM, 2 operators
  • Nation wide, 800 remotes

MG102 wireless routers are used for controlling the natural gas distribution network across the entire Czech Republic.

The requirement was for high reliability, so 2 SIM cards using 2 independent operators are used on the majority of sites. Each unit is configured for possible usage of 2 APN’s (Private and Internet). In case of a problem, MG102 automatically switches to the second APN or operator.

The centre is also fully redundant. There are 2 routers, where communication from MG102’s is terminated and 2 central SCADA computers. The connection from SCADA centre to operators is redundant, too. There are dedicated lines to both operators + Internet in case of drop-out. When any device fails, communication is automatically re-directed to functioning equipment or link.

RACOM provides 24/7 maintenance service with guaranteed time to repair 6 hours.

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