RAy at MUM in Vienna


In early March 2019, RACOM supported Mikrotik’s flagship European Meeting by taking an exhibitors booth in Vienna. The event provided an ideal opportunity to introduce our new 24 GHz 1Gbps FDD RAy3 Microwave link and get general feedback for the first time, from those who are already using the new product.

Visitors to the event came from all over Europe, providing broad ranging and well balanced views about every aspect of our products based on different ITU requirements in different countries. All of these comments are welcomed by our Product Management team who need this input to help influence decisions for future developments.

With higher data and modulation speeds combined with the Asymmetric channel capability and other market leading features, many visitors noted that RAy3  offered very good value for money based on a price/capacity/quality ratio. We even received comments that our RAy3 radio is the top equipment for license free bands.

From a technical viewpoint, top feedback highlighted:

  • Very simple antenna alignment (some even said “unique in the industry”)
  • RAy Tools mobile app is the perfect tool for setting up links, is ergonomic and very easy to use.
  • Reliability continues to be one of RAy’s key strengths
  • The ‘plug and play’ compatibility with RAy2 makes it very easy to upgrade networks

To answer one concern we received, our comprehensive roadmap ensures firmware updates are being released on a very regular basis as our software development team implement new features.

Thanks to everyone who visited our booth and provided feedback.

Please watch the video for more from our Product management team.

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