We are pleased to announce that a common procedure for RMA (Return Material Authorization) across all RACOM product lines is in use from 1.6.2016. This RMA procedure will improve the service repair process; it makes it smoother and faster.
The RMA form is part of RACOM WebService, a unique portal for RACOM customers. The WebService provides many on-line services such as our E-shop, HelpDesk and also a record of Quotations, Orders, Invoice history, delivered devices etc. RACOM has been continuously developing this portal for more than 10 years and it is the main channel for daily communication for 99% of our customers.
Customers without a WebService account can access the RMA form on WebService as an Unregistered User. However they are recommended to contact their regional Sales manager to have a Webservice account established in order to benefit from the other WebService features.
The RMA form can be accessed directly from the Support menu of www.racom.eu or WebService: https://webservice-new.racom.eu/main/rma.new
We hope our customers see improvements in our new procedure for RMA and look forward to rolling out further add-ons to the WebService portal in the coming months ahead.