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4. Troubleshooting

  • I have configured Router mode in RipEX unit, but I cannot configure Nomadic mode.

    • Only the “Flexible” protocol supports the Nomadic functionality. You probably set up the Base Driven Protocol.

  • I see three Base stations in the Remote unit, but the selected one does not have the best RSS/DQ values. Why is that?

    • If the Remote is already connected to some Base unit, it reconnects to another Base unit only if the signal quality is at least 5 dBm better. Otherwise, it prefers the current Base. What is the RSS level difference? Have you tried to trigger a new “Seek” manually?

  • I moved Remote unit to a different location and it cannot communicate with central unit any more.

    • If the Remote is already connected to some Base unit, it reconnects to another Base unit only if the signal quality is at least 5 dBm better. Otherwise, it prefers the current Base. What is the RSS level difference? Have you tried to trigger a new “Seek” manually?

    • Trigger the “Seek Base stations” manually so a new Base station can be selected, or

    • wait until “Dead base timeout” is reached so the automatic seek is triggered.

    • If there is no communication request, “Base refresh period” must time out before a new seek is triggered automatically.

    • Is it in the radio coverage of at least one Base station?

  • The Remote can only communicate with the central unit if it is connected directly. In case of connection over another Base unit, it does not communicate.

    • Is this Base unit configured in the central unit? Each Base unit must be added manually.

    • Does the Remote use “nomadic” routing rules? I.e. it dynamically changes its routes based on current connectivity conditions. Aren’t routes set statically to the central unit?

    • Is the Remote really connected to the required Base? Trigger a manual “Seek” of Base units and verify the functionality.

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