CLI interface (Command Line Interface) is an alternative to web access. You can work with the CLI interface in text mode using an appropriate client, either SSH (putty) or Telnet.
Please see more details in RipEX Manual.
See the Nomadic CLI commands:
Display status of Nomadic mode
CLI(admin):~cli_status_nomad_show Status of Nomadic mode: Mode: remote State: connected Base: Measured Base stations: Radio address: RSS: 89dBm DQ: 223 Age: 293s Flag: Radio address: RSS: 59dBm DQ: 215 Age: 293s Flag: selected
Display configuration of Nomadic mode
CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_show_nomad Nomadic mode: Remote (r) Protocol message repeats: 2 Remote - Base quality samples: 3 Remote - Base seek slots: 8 Remote - Base refresh period: 3600 s Remote - Base re-seek ratio: 24 Remote - Dead Base detection timeout: 120 s Remote - Backward routing mode: Automatic (a)
Display backward routes of Nomadic mode
CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_show_nomad_backrts Backward routes: 1. Destination IP: Destination mask: 24 Note: Rule active: On (n)
Display list of Base stations of Nomadic mode
CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_show_nomad_bases Base stations: 1. IP address: Note: Base1 ETH Item is active: On (n) 2. IP address: Note: Base2 Radio Item is active: On (n)
Change backward routes of Nomadic mode
Change list of Base stations of Nomadic mode
Force Base station Seek in Nomadic mode (Remote)
Disconnect all locally connected Remotes in Nomadic mode (Base or Center)
Change configuration of Nomadic mode
Run the CLI command with -h parameter for particular command options.
Several advanced parameters can be configured via CLI only.
Protocol message timeout
Default = 5 s [0.1 – 25.5]
Timeout for messages sent to Base
Command example: “cli_cnf_set_nomad -msg-tout 10”
Protocol message timeout
Default = 5 s [0.1 – 25.5]
Timeout for messages sent to Center. Service packet keeping the connection is sent after this timeout if there is no other communication running.
Command example: “cli_cnf_set_nomad -msg-tout 10”
Reconnection speedup
Default = 1 [1 no speedup – 15 max. speedup]
The “Center refresh period” value is divided by this parameter to speedup reconnection.
Command example: “cli_cnf_set_nomad -bs-speedup 2”
Base seek slots
Default = 8 [3 – 32]
Defines time period (measured in slots) to wait for Base response while searching for Base with the best signal. Higher number equals lower collision probability.
Command example: “cli_cnf_set_nomad -seek-slots 12”
Base re-seek ratio
Default = 24 [4 – 2047]
Used to set time period between searches to establish Base station with the best signal strength instead of just current Base station verification.
By default, one “Base refresh period” is 3600 seconds and this “base re-seek ratio” is 24, i.e. Seek Base stations once a day.
Command example: “cli_cnf_set_nomad -rsk-ratio 48”