CLI Configuration


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8. CLI Configuration

CLI interface (Command Line Interface) is an alternative to web access. You can work with the CLI interface in text mode using an appropriate client, either ssh (putty) or telnet.

CLI “login” and “password” are the same as those for web access via browser. Access using ssh keys is also possible. Keys are unique for each individual RipEX Serial number. The public key is downloaded in RipEX, for the private key kindly contact RACOM and provide RipEX S/N.

Connecting with a putty client. Type the following command into the window Host Name (or IP address):


Press Open. Then enter the password admin.

Thu Mar 31 10:56:47 CEST 2011
Welcome to RipEX Command Line Interface (CLI) on station: RipEX 50

For help try: cli_help


The cli_help command shows a list of all available functions. The commands can be completed using the Tab key. If you select the command with the left mouse button, you can copy it to the clipboard and then use the right mouse button to insert it into the location of the cursor. You can use the -t parameter to send commands to remote RipEX’s. Every command gives a comprehensive help when invoked with -h or –help parameter.

There are two ways how to execute the CLI command. It can either be executed in the interactive mode or in the script mode.

In the interactive mode, you need to save, apply or cancel every command. If you choose the “save” option, the change is stored in the buffer and it is not yet active. In this way, you can save several commands in the buffer (e.g. change the frequency, COM settings and RF power) and “apply” all the changes in one step. If you do not wish to save or apply the command, you can “cancel” it and issue another command.

In the script mode, all the commands are automatically saved in the buffer without any confirmation. When you need to apply the changes, issue the command cli_cnf_apply_change (in the script mode again). The CLI commands can be used in the scripts thanks to this mode.

8.1. CLI Examples

An example of a parameter request for the COM1 port of the RipEX with IP

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_show_com 1 -t
COM link type: RS232 (RS232)
COM bitrate: 19200 (19200)
COM data bits: 8 (8)
COM parity: None (n)
COM stop bits: 1 (1)
COM idle size: 5 chars
COM MTU: 1600 bytes
COM handshake: None (n)
COM break length: 1000 chars
COM protocol: Modbus (mod)

The CLI is a powerful tool for advanced management of RipEX, especially suited for automated tasks. It is best learned through its own help system, hence it is not described in further detail here.

Setting the COM1 baud rate (interactive mode)

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_set_com 1 -bitrate 9600
Starting new update. Updated values:
COM link type: RS232 (RS232)
COM bitrate: 9600 (9600)
COM data bits: 8 (8)
COM parity: None (n)
COM stop bits: 1 (1)
COM idle size: 5 chars
COM MTU: 1600 bytes
COM handshake: None (n)
COM break length: 1000 chars

Please select action (save, apply, cancel):
cli_cnf_set_com: Configuration update accepted, starting to perform. Estimated time to finish: 4000 ms.

Setting the COM1 baud rate (script mode):

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_set_com 1 -bitrate 9600 -cs
CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_apply_change -cs

Applying several commands at once

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_set_radio -rf-power 19
Starting new update. Updated values:
Radio IP:
Radio mask: 24
Radio Tx freq.: 435.750.000 Hz
Radio Rx freq.: 435.750.000 Hz
Freq. values locked: On (n)
RF power: 1W, M-PSK (19)
Channel spacing: 25.0 kHz (25.0)
Modulation type: M-PSK (-)
Radio approval type: CE (CE)
Modulation rate: 83.33kbps | 16DEQAM (25.0kHz, CE) (691)
FEC: Off (o)
IP optimization: Off (f)
Fragment size: 1500 bytes
Radio compression: LZO (l)

Please select action (save, apply, cancel):
cli_cnf_set_radio: Update saved.

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_set_com 1 -bitrate 19200
Continuing from previous update(s). Updated values:
COM link type: RS232 (RS232)
COM bitrate: 19200 (19200)
COM data bits: 8 (8)
COM parity: Even (e)
COM stop bits: 1 (1)
COM idle size: 5 chars
COM MTU: 1600 bytes
COM handshake: None (n)
COM break length: 1000 chars

Please select action (save, apply, cancel):
cli_cnf_set_com: Update saved.

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_apply_change
Do you really want to apply modified configuration? (yes, no)
cli_cnf_apply_change: Configuration update accepted, starting to perform. Estimated time to finish: 13000 ms.
cli_cnf_apply_change: You may be disconnected during update.

Remote RipEX COM1 parity configuration

CLI(admin):~$ cli_cnf_set_com 1 -bitrate 9600 -parity e -t
Starting new update. Updated values:
COM link type: RS232 (RS232)
COM bitrate: 9600 (9600)
COM data bits: 8 (8)
COM parity: Even (e)
COM stop bits: 1 (1)
COM idle size: 5 chars
COM MTU: 1600 bytes
COM handshake: None (n)
COM break length: 1000 chars

Please select action (save, apply, cancel):
cli_cnf_set_com: Configuration update accepted, starting to perform. Estimated time to finish: 4000 ms.

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