Phosphate Mining, Jordan



  • RipEX, 400 MHz
  • Water monitoring at wellheads
  • Remote desert installations, +50 °C
  • Serial interface
  • Siemens ‘WinCC’ SCADA and ’S7-300’ PLC
  • Bridge mode
  • 2 base stations and over 20 remotes

The Jordan Phosphates Mines Co. , incorporated in 1953, extracts and processes phosphate ore as a primary activity. Operating three mines, it is the World’s second largest exporter of Phosphate ore. Accountable to the Kingdom’s environmental codes to ensure sustainability within the country, JPMC have looked to employ the latest technologies in relevant fields to comply with these demands.

As part of this review, JPMC realized the benefits to be gained in using modern digital radio networks; easy to configure and maintain and that provide robust and reliable communications with even the remotest sites. By the end of the tender process, RipEX proved itself to be the optimal solution for a network to monitor water at the wellheads. Since the customer put maximum stress on the communication reliability in remote desert locations and the data speed was not the issue, 4CPFSK modulation with 20 kbps data rate has been chosen. Each radio is configured in Bridge mode using the serial interface [RS232] to connect with SCADA PLC. Data acquisition includes water quality, pressure and temperature at the wellhead, with alarm values set to immediately notify the control centre of changes to measured values.

Despite being the first project for PALCO, RACOM’S new local partner, the installation and commissioning process was made very easy due to the intuitive nature of the set up configurations and technical support mechanisms provided by RACOM. In this case RACOM provided only Radio coverage path study.

At the time, Mr. Radwan Abu Tubbaneh, Deputy General Manager of PALCO said, “The engineers did not know the product but are so delighted with the ease of installation and commissioning, they are looking forward to using more RipEX units when the network is scaled up as well as in other projects.

Since commissioning, the network has operated seamlessly and at time of writing, orders for additional RipEX units are already being processed to scale up the size of the network.

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