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5. Notes

Versions of fw and sw

It is recommended to use the same version of firmware in CUs and sw in PCs. For example, firmware modules E757 and B757 in CUs and Setr from the morse-757 package in PCs.

Other combinations are possible, however, we may come across exceptions here brought about by the continuous development of MORSE software. The most important of them are given below. For example, module B was modified when switching from version 6xx to 7xx. Therefore it is also necessary to replace module B685 with module B705 when replacing module E685 with module E705. On the other hand between versions 730 and 745 it is not necessary to change module B. It is better to avoid unnecessarily downloading module B, particularly during transmission over the radio channel as this presents a certain risk to the CU.

When replacing old fw with new it is recommended to first download the new module B and then the new main module. When replacing the main module with a new one of the same version, e.g. replacing E730 with D730 then module B remains unchanged.


If during development of sw a new parameter is added to a certain menu, then the configuration structure of the new version of firmware shall change. After downloading there may be a loss of configuration parameters and so it will be necessary to add them manually. It is therefore recommended to back-up the finished configuration using command (c)nf (b)ackup, i.e. cb. The backed-up configuration is then used automatically on restarting or manually on entering command ce.

A change in configuration structures also causes a message to appear when trying to enter write or Init, for example using Setr 745 to CU with fw 757:

get NODE 0 Invalid cnf version! Obsolete client!

The old Setr can operate with new fw in the CU, however, it cannot write. We can correct this by using Setr 757 or a later version.


Be careful when downloading the older main module ( <602 ) instead of the new one ( >=602 ). After this it is necessary to return the parameters to the default state (e.g. using ca and sgB commands) and set the parameters again manually.

Module B-saver is rewritten from version 616, the old module B needs to be replaced with this new one. DonĀ“t use sw600 to sw615 for downloading the old B < sw600

The module B-saver is rewritten from version 616. The old module B must be replaced by the new one.

If we download new sw (>sw600) to the CU, it is then necessary to check whether module B, version 616 or higher, is in the destination CU, and if not then to download it: memcp -af.\fkl\mb10.fkl -ar -aE We can then download other modules using this new B-saver.

Other significant changes were made from B 641. We should download them in order: firstly kernel (e.g. E 641), then B 641.

When changing from version 6xx to 7xx it is also necessary to download module B. Use batch file mr900_cbl_lb_up.bat, which overwrites module B using the main module.

For version fw 757 and higher it is also necessary to use Setr 757 and higher.

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