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5. Nodes

The node is the basic organisational unit of the MORSE network. It is defined by entering the address and works independently to others nodes. In one CU it is possible to define up to 4 nodes + 1 node for service purposes.

Basic routing parameters of the CU are set in this submenu – node addresses, channels assigned to nodes outputs, routing tables assigned to individual nodes etc.

From Main menu type Ne Enter Enter

Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 0049D007     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F0003    S00 S00| -  R01|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 690F0013    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 690F0023    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

type 1 Enter

(a)ddr:690F0003 (M)ultiaddressing
(u)c:S00 (s)c:S00 R(L)ink: -  R(N)et:R01
(l)o:0 (w)i:0 (n)e:0 (g)l:0
Store (T)O:15
(C)enter:OFF e(x)tended:OFF (v)alidity TO:19*16 s (h)istory TO:30
(I)nit (W)rite
(a)ddr: 690F0003

the node address, (node 0 address is equal to the unit serial and cannot be changed)

(M)ultiaddressing: L on/off

when ON, packets routed to Link output go to the user output of the node

(M)ultiaddressing: N on/off

when ON, packets routed to Net output go to the user output of the node


channel SCC0 is connected to the user output from the node, for no user output type un Enter


channel SCC0 is connected to the service output to which the service cable is plugged. The MR400 uses SCC0 as the service channel, MR25 uses SCC2.


no channel is connected to the retranslation link output


channel RFC1 is connected to the retranslation net output


assigning of routing tables to the node, local table, “0” means no table used


wide table


net table


global table


table for “hierarchy” routing, the state OFF is “”, see the chapter Chapter 6, Morse Redundancy Solution

Store (T)O:15

The time (sec) within which a packet has to leave the unit. If exceeded, the packet is discarded and an error message is generated.


When ON, the node is switched to Mobile Centre mode. In this mode the node can keep information about the mobile units location, i.e. for each active mobile address the currently valid base address is kept. For more information see, Support, Mobile Network.


The number of Mobiles registered is limited according to type CU used as Center:

  • MR25, MR25ET, MCM302 – 64 Mobiles

  • MR400, MR300, MR160, MC100, MG100, MR900 – 450 Mobiles

  • SW Walrus – 2000 Mobiles

e(x)tended: OFF

in development

(v)alidity timeout: 19*16 s

When the Mobile Centre mode is on, this parameter sets the time (in seconds) for which the base address information assigned to a mobile address is regarded as valid (here 19×16=304 s).

(h)istory TO: 30

timeout (sec), over which the (C)enter checks and blocks packet duplicity from the mobile station; the packet must contain the net number, 0 = the check is off



The modes of error messages:

The Node can generate the error message for two reasons: the communication error (the ACK from the opposite CU was not received) or the configuration error (e.g. the attempt to send the packet in non-exist channel). The error messages can be generated for all packets or for some packets only.

 Packet typeError type (communication,configuration)
MORSEallcommunication error
SERVservice requestall
S+Uservice request user data, prot dataall
C92obsolete, for the compatibility with RD300FS (packet type C5)communication error

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