Morse Redundancy Solution


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6. Morse Redundancy Solution

This part of the menu is under development. The original meaning of the abbreviation SDR (Semi Dynamical Routing), now known as Morse Redundancy Solution, expresses the function of the automatic selection of the communication route according to the situation in the network. It contains three independent parts:

Morse Redundancy Solution:
(N)ode extensions
(H)ierarchy Routing Table

6.1. Node extensions

This menu contains the list of variant routing tables. They are used in the Morse Redundancy Solution system also at choice of spare path according to the menu DGe oN.

With choice DNe we get the table, where the variant routing table numbers can be written similarly like in the menu Ne:

  Node Extensions:
Nid |l w n g| Mode
(0) |0 0 0 0| 0
(1) |0 0 0 0| 0
(2) |0 0 0 0| 0
(3) |0 0 0 0| 0
(4) |0 0 0 0| 0

Go in the submenu by writing e.g. 1. Here switch ON the parameter (K)eep lines. It is necessary in the mode NEXT NODE for the test packet sending.

Node Extensions:
(l)o:0 (w)i:0 (n)e:0 (g)l:0 (H)rt:0
(K)eep lines:OFF

The item (H)rt:0 is under development.

6.2. Globals – Mobile mode

Globals menu contains the parameters for the Mobile mode and for the Next Hop mode which can switch the backup communication line. Since version the parameters for old mobile mode are shifted here from the menu FPe. The manual MORSE Guide 2 describes this modes.

From main menu choose DGe Enter:


Dynamic routing: Globals
m(o)de:MM ROUTER           ... selection Router/Base/Mobile
validity (t)imeout:120sec  ... validity of entry in dynamic table
(N)id:1                    ... selection of node for this mode
mm (m)obile                ... other parameters for Mobile station
mm mob(i)le obsol          ... older Mobile mode, in menu FPe formerly
mm ro(u)ter                ... other parameters for Router
mm (b)ase                  ... other parameters for Base

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

The parameter m(o)de offers the mode:

>>DGe o

(0) OFF             ...standard mode, stationary routing
(M) MM MOBILE mode, mobile CU
(O) MM MOBILE OBSOL ...old mobile mode, mobile CU
(L) MM BALANCED development
(R) MM ROUTER mode, router
(B) MM BASE mode, base
(N) NEXT HOP        ...backup path, Next Hop mode
(K) NEXT HOP+KEEPS  ...backup path, Next Hop+Keep mode

The parameters for both mobile mode follows.


>>DGe u

Router mode parameters:
Mobile:  (b)ase:690F8000  (m)ask:FFFF8000  (c)entre:690F7E05
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF

(b)ase:690F8000 – reference address for definition of Mobile stations


(m)ask:FFFF8000 – mask for definition of Mobile stations


(c)entre:690F7E05 – address of central application


Lo(w)/M-L:200promile – evaluation of RF load, less than 20% is level 3


Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile – 20% to 60% is level 2, more than 60% is level 1


(T)au:5000ms – auxiliary parameter for evaluating RF load


(o)wn load threshold:500bps – auxiliary parameter for evaluating data load


(S)ystem channel:OFF – switches on transmission of debug messages to the System channel ise 1


>>DGe b

Base mode parameters:
Mobile:  (b)ase:690F8000  (m)ask:FFFF8000  (c)entre:690F7E05
Base info (t)imeout:30sec  base-centre (e)cho timeout:0sec
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF

In addition bases use the following parameters:


Base info (t)imeout:30sec – interval for sending packet base info to the RF channel


base-centre (e)cho timeout:0sec – interval for sending test pings to the centre – if no response returns transmission on the RFC is interrupted and the Mobile station switches to another Base

Mobile station

>>DGe m

Mobile mode parameters:
Apps:  (b)ase:690F7E00  (m)ask:FFFFFE00  (c)entre:690F7E05
Base:  (B)ase:690F0000  (M)mask:FFFF8000
(P)assive:OFF  (h)ome frequency id:1
(r)etune timeout:30sec  (k)eep timeout:30sec
(p)ifka timeout:60sec
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via Event (L)og:OFF
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF
Retune method parame(t)ers

Apps: (b)ase:690F7E00 – reference address for definition of applications


Apps: (m)ask:FFFFFE00 – mask for definition of applications – packets sent to these addresses renew records in dynamic tables of Bases and Routers and prevent the transmission of a keep packet for the period DGemk


(c)entre:690F7E05 – address of central application – keep packets leave to this address


Base: (B)ase:690F0000 – reference address for definition of Bases


Base: (M)mask:FFFF8000 – mask for definition of Bases – only these addresses are accepted as a Base


(P)assive:OFF – with this setting station MR switches the antenna through the duplexer to MR or MW during a change of operation between the narrow and wide band, the signal is on SCC3

(P)assive: ON – MR does not give a signal for the duplexer


(h)ome frequency id:1 – number of the channel on which the Mobile station begins to search for a Base upon start up or upon a loss of connection


(r)etune timeout:30sec – the Mobile station does not switch between various frequencies before this time has elapsed; when switching between Bases from various locations on the same frequency this limitation does not apply (so-called rapid switch)


(k)eep timeout:30sec – in this interval the Mobile station sends a maintenance packet to the Centre to address DGemc


(p)ifka timeout:60sec – the parameter Crit is reduced for this time period for the Base with which problems occur in communication – this results in switching to another Base, if available


Lo(w)/M-L:200promile – limit for distinguishing the load levels 3 and 2 on the RF channel – for a load on the RFC for less than 20% of the time the level is 3


Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile – limit between level 2 and 1 – a load greater than 60% gives level 1


Load meas (T)au:5000ms – auxiliary parameter for evaluating RFC load


(o)wn load threshold:500bps – auxiliary parameter for evaluating data transfer load


debug via Event (L)og:OFF – record to debug messages to Event log

(0) OFF          ... off
(1) PROBLEMS     ... erroneous configuration of frequencies,
                     loss of location
(2) +RETUNE INFO ... (1)+ retuning to another Base 
(3) FULL DIAG    ... all messages

debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF – messages sent to System channel 1 (menu ise)

(0) OFF
(1) INFO  ...message about switching Bases, etc
(2) TRACE ...message sent with an interval of 1 sec  
(3) FULL  ...table mrm sent with in interval of 1 sec,
             heavy channel loading

Retune method parame(t)ers – parameters which are important for retuning to another Base:

>>DGE mt

Retune method parameters:
Retune m(o)de:RSS/DQ
(D)q weigh [mode RSS/DQ]:700promile
(M)edia type setting
Criterium (h)ysteresis:20promile
Dq  transform curve: Kx(1):15  Ky(2):950promile
Rss transform curve: Kx(3):85dBm  Ky(4):800promile
Problem meas (T)au:15000ms  (P)roblem treshold:900promile
Problem (u)ncertainity treshold:100 [1/100]
(r)ss:150promile  (p)ifka:250promile

Retune m(o)de:RSS/DQ – method of processing RSS and DQ when evaluating a Base

(0) RSS/DQ ...DQ has a weight according to DGemtD, 
              the weight of RSS is an increment to 1000
(1) DQ     ...other weights, under development

(D)q weigh [mode RSS/DQ]:700promile – weight DQ, weight RSS is 1000 – D

For all Bases at one location there is taken a common value of RSS and a common value of DQ.


(M)edia type setting – transmission media in individual channels are characterised by a four-bite character, for example:

MR:  0010 = 0x02
MW:  0101 = 0x05

meaning of bits from the left:
bit  3   - res
bit  2   - 0 channel preferred for transfer of individual packets
           1 channel preferred for transfer of a large amount
              of data (connection)
bity 1,0 - 00 ETH
           01 wide - wideband
           10 narrow - 25 kHz band
           11 microwave channel

Criterium (h)ysteresis:20promile – parameter Crit must change by at least this value in order to induce a change in channel


Dq transform curve: Kx(1):15 – for converting DQ values into a value used in the calculation a pair of abscissae defined by coordinates DQ/value are used: 0/0, Kx(1)/Ky(2), 31/1000.


Dq transform curve: Ky(2):950promile – second coordinate of conversion abscissae for DQ


Rss transform curve: Kx(3):85dBm – definition of conversion abscissae for RSS


Rss transform curve: Ky(4):800promile – second coordinate of conversion abscissae for RSS


Problem meas (T)au:15000ms – auxiliary parameter for the calculation of parameter Problem, a longer time increases the influence of historic values of the parameter Problem and slows down the reaction to new events


(P)roblem treshold:900promile – parameter Problem is calculated from more indicators, it rises particularly during unsuccessful communication with the centre. If the limit (P)roblem treshold is exceeded then Pifka status is set for this channel. This results in the Mobile station attempting to use a more suitable Base.


Problem (u)ncertainty treshold:100 [1/100] – together with parameter Problem the parameter Problem uncertainty is also calculated. Uncertainty drops with fresh data about successful or unsuccessful communication. Uncertainty cannot be greater than the limit set here in order to allow for the application of Pifka.


(r)ss:150promile – all criteria at the location are multiplied by this value (=0.15) with the exception of channel home (DGemh) in the case where RSS weakens to below -95dBm. This results in switching to channel home on which setting up communication to the next location is easier.


(p)ifka:250promile – the criterion of the channel to which status pifka was applied is multiplied by this value (=0.25). This results in the Mobile station switching to another Base if available.


(c)onnection:250promile – during the transfer of “connection” type data, i.e. a large volume of data, the criterion on channels unsuitable for this transfer is multiplied by this value (=0.25). An example of this are channels with parameter DGemtM0 = 2, i.e MR160.


pac(k)ets:650promile – during the transfer of “packet” type data, i.e. short packets, the criterion on channels unsuitable for this transfer is multiplied by this value (=0.65). An example of this are channels with parameter DGemtM0 = 5, i.e. MW160.

The result of the last two parameters is that narrowband (MR) modems deal with the transfer of short data and wideband modems (MW) remain available for the transfer of large volumes of data. These transfers to various Mobile stations can occur simultaneously.

Mobile obsolete

The old mobile mode parameters are shifted here from the menu FPe. Detailed description in the manual MORSE Guide 2

>>DGe i

Mobile obsolete mode parameters:
(b)ase:690F0100  (m)ask:FFFFFF00  (c)entre:690F0233
(k)eep timeout:61sec

(b)ase:690F0100 – comparative address for choice of base stations


(m)ask:FFFFFF00 – if any station which can be received on the RF 0 channel is to be taken as base, masked parts of the (b)ase parameter and the base station address must be equal, e.g. 690F0105


(c)entre:690F0233 – address of central station, where this mobile has to report to


(k)eep timeout:61sec – period (sec) for reporting to the central station (0 means no periodical reports are sent)

6.3. Hierarchy routing table

The routing based on hierarchy routing tables is a variety to the standard routing tables. It is implemented since version 7.60. It is activated from the Nodes menu choosing e.g. Ne 1H1.

The (H)ierarchy Routing Table menu is in a development stage and it’s control is unnormalized. It works with the S-RAM memory only analogous to the common routing tables. The commands de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite in the DHe menu are used only for the reading and writing.

  Hierarchy routing table:
Hid |-
(0)| 5
(1)| 5
(2)| 5
(3)| 5

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

After selecting He Enter it is necessary to read the contents using command r Enter. Now select one of the tables (0) to (3) by command 0 Enter:

Hierarchy Routing Table
    (b)ase   (m)ask   (t)oa    tm(a)sk
(0) 690F0000 FFFFFF00 00002100 FFFF00FF
(1) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(2) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(3) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(4) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000

Use a combined command to edit, e.g.0b690F0000 Enter. For saving we have to return by one level q Enter and save using command w Enter.

If the HRT mode is switched on in the Nodes menu then when routing HRT is browsed first and only then the routing tables. HRT 0 to 3 assigned to the node contains max. 5 items in rows (0) to (4), which are browsed from top to bottom.

Item (b)ase must be entered in such a way that it has a 0 on those bits on which 0 has the respective mask (m)ask.
Item (t)oa must have a 0 on those bits on which the mask tm(a)sk has the value 1 (or F in the hexadecimal meaning).

The destination address is compared with item (b)ase in the scope of (m)ask. If destination agrees with the base then a new address Next Node is created for routing in such a way that a part according to the mask tm(a)sk is taken from destination address and that part where tm(a)sk has zeros (after bits) is added from (t)oa. Then HRT is exited and the operation with routing tables is skipped and routing is completed with the Next Node address obtained in this way.

If destination and (b)ase do not agree the next row of HRT is tested if it is filled in. After exhausting all the possibilities offered by the HRT table the routing solution continues by using routing tables.

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