Morse Network Management Software


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1. Morse Network Management Software

For configuring and controlling CUs (Communication Units, e.g. MR400, MR25), or alternatively for configuring and managing the whole MORSE system several control applications (Utils) are available. The application runs on Linux or Windows platforms. The DOS platform is not supported in sw version 586 and higher.

1.1. The most important applications


configuration, diagnosis


download / upload (backup) of complete configuration


download firmware


locking / unlocking the CU, or the whole network

Common features for all utilities:

  • The connection between the application and the MORSE network can be made via the RS232 serial channel between the PC and CU or via the Ethernet channel

  • If the PC is connected to the CU via the serial channel only one application can be started at a time. When using Ethernet a arbitrary number of the same or different applications can run on the PC in parallel.

  • Upon making a successful connection the application is connected to the MORSE network node in the connected CU. The application then carries out all operations using the system of services – it sends sevice packets to the respective nodes in the network and receives service messages.

1.2. Application Control

1.2.1. Connection to a CU (e.g. MR400, MR25) via the serial port

This uses serial communication with the MARS-A protocol. If you use a service cable (DSUB9-RJ12 or DSUB9-Jack3,5) from the COM port of your PC to the service connector of the CU (recommended connection), then the connection is made automatically upon starting the application with the default parameters.

It is necessary to count on the fact that user communication in the respective port on the CU (e.g. SCC0 in the case of MR400) is disconnected immediately as soon as you connect the service connector and the COM port on the PC via the service cable.

After making a successful connection a message appears containing the address of the connected node. Next the Main menu (for SETR) or the desired application operation (NETCNF, MEMCP, NETLOCK) appears. If a “no response” message appears we recommend starting the application with appname.exe -mh monitoring switched on for ascertaining failures in the connection (typically it is caused by use of a different port on the PC). Appname.exe is used here as alternative labelling for some of the applications, use for example, setr.exe -mh.

1.2.2. Connecting to the CU via Ethernet

Connecting the CU via Ethernet requires at least minimum configuration settings for IP communication. The easiest method for this purpose is to use Setr connected via the serial port; see above.

Basically there are two possible methods:

  1. Direct PC – CU connection

    For the CU configuration purposes there it is sufficient set the IP address and mask in CU only. Then connect the PC via crossed Ethernet cable and start Setr using the command e.g.:

    setr -pIP192.168.0.1

    Until 9.30 version inclusive it is necessary insert the non-zero MORSE address in the node 1 also.

    The configuration must be completed for the communication through MORSE network. Configure e.g. MAS according to the manual MORSE Guide 3.

  2. LAN

    The CU can naturally be connected to a LAN and communication with it from the PC will either be direct or via a router (default gw). In the case of connecting the CU to a standard hub (switch) a standard (uncrossed) Ethernet cable is used. A standard ICMP ping may be employed on Ethernet to test the correct setting of IP routing in the MORSE equipment.

1.2.3. Application Parameters

Whereas the SETR.exe application can be started without entering parameters the entering of parameters is a necessity for MEMCP.exe. An overview of parameters for the respective application can be obtained using the command:

setr -h

Using command System>Screen to file change the list to a file and save it using a suitable name.

The parameters can be activated in more ways than one. The method by which the parameter is loaded has differing priority. The following overview of loading parameters is ordered from the lowest to the highest priority.

  1. Not loaded

    The application uses the default value – upon starting the application a parameter is not loaded and so the default value is used, for example, the parameter for selecting the communication port has a value of -p1

  2. File

    Parameters can be prepared in the file appname.par, for example setr.par, which will be used upon each start of the application, e.g. the contents of file setr.par are as follows:

    # note - port p2, monitoring on

    Then command SETR starts the application via port p2 and with monitoring of service packets running. The file appname.par may also contain a link to another file, e.g. morse.par in the form:


    in which common parameters used by more applications may be stored.

  3. Command line

    Parameters may be used in the command line when starting the application, for example:

    SETR -pIP192.168.0.1

    Starts setr.exe communicating with the CU via the Ethernet channel.

  4. ALT+P

    In the running application it is possible to enter a new parameter after command Alt+P.

1.2.4. Common parameters for all applications

-pb bit rate
desired bit rate on COM port
possible values 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
default value 19200
example -pb57600

-p com port No
No of com port on PC, which is used
default value 1
example -p2 

-pIP address
IP address connected CU in decimal form
example -pIP192.168.0.1

-pI address
IP address connected CU v hexadecimal form
example -pIC0A80001

-m monitoring
monitoring mode of communication between PC and MCU
possible values h (= hex), a (= ascii), s(=size), o(=off)
default value off
example -mh

-t set up the timezone
the difference between the local time and the GMT
default values - none - a value from operating system is used
example -t-3600 

-nt net layer timeout
timeout in ms, which application waits for the service report
default value 6000
example -nt15000

-nr net layer repeats
No of repeats, which application tries to get the service report desired
default value 2
example -nr10 

-cl[filename] capture
everything from console is saved into the filename
example -cltest.cap
default value off

-cg[filename] macro send
macro from the filename is executed
example -cgtest.mac
default value off

1.2.5. Close of the application

ALT+X standard close
CTRL+BREAK, CTRL+C - forced close

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