Edesa, Argentina



  • RipEX 400 MHz
  • Power Distribution
  • Bridge mode
  • Recloser Management
  • 25 km average link length
  • Easy setup & management
  • Remote rural area

Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad de Salta S.A. (Edesa) generates and distributes electricity in Argentina’s Salta Province in the North West corner of the country. Since commencing operations in this region, the Company has been fully committed to provide the community with quality service levels and high safety standards. This involves ensuring electricity distribution is managed using the necessary tools so that the productive sector can anticipate and respond to the demands of the market.

Due to the geography of the Province, there are still scattered rural areas to which EDESA’s energy systems do not have access. Edesa is also fully committed to ensuring electricity provision as a new service, exclusively, to all inhabitants of Salta who request it.

One such new network, providing electricity to a rural area within the Province, uses RipEX radio modems to connect the SCADA network to reclosers. Set up to operate in Bridge mode, the RipEX units are installed in cabinets and mounted on poles in both the city and mountainous regions; the average length of link is between 20 and 30 km.

A Best-In-Class radio, RipEX is renowned for providing 24/7 reliable service for mission-critical SCADA applications for power networks and meeting all security requirements. With a high resistance to multipath propagation and interference and built from heavy duty industrial components, all mounted in a rugged die-cast aluminum case, RipEX is an obvious choice of modem to function reliably in these demanding semi-arid conditions.

We look forward to also helping Edesa meet their commitments of quality and safety to other communities they serve in the future.

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