RACOM keeps going

Production is going

RACOM management has adapted structures to meet new COVID requirements, applying smart new strategies taken from rescue services and utility organizations. Such measures ensure production levels and other activities continue unaffected in the functioning of the company.

Many staff are working from home and following government quarantine guidelines.

Those who can only perform their job by being present at RACOM premises at our HQ, mechanical and SMT plants are now split into shifts and with no physical contact with each other.

Personal hygiene is a priority; everyone must wear a face mask at all times and staff are working in isolated spaces, using all the extra available offices with maximum consideration for social distancing. Each shift works alternate days, ensuring the whole work place can be thoroughly disinfected between each shift.

All meetings with more than 2 people are conducted remotely using teleconferencing tools. All RACOM visits are prohibited and we communicate with our customers and partners remotely.

Material receipt and expediting operate on a non-contact basis with forwarders.

All these measures ensure that any health issue would affect a very limited part of RACOM.

Our purchasing department is constantly in touch with our component suppliers to ensure we have no outages in component supplies.

Our staff and their health are our number one priority and we are confident we meet all our obligations being able to support and supply our customers without any outages. However we apologize in advance if you experience any minor disruptions or delays.

For as long as emergency measures of this sort are required, you can be assured that RACOM is ready to cope and supply the world with essential communication equipment.

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