Conditions for MSU120


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8. Conditions for MSU120

8.1. Important Warning

RACOM s. r. o. (hereinafter referred to as RACOM) is the exclusive owner of all rights to this operator manual. All rights reserved. Any duplication of this manual in any way, shape or form, or translation to any other language (without the prior written consent of the owner of the rights) is strictly forbidden. RACOM retains the right to make changes to the technical specification or functions of this product or to terminate production of this product, or to terminate service support of this product without advance written notice to the customer. RACOM firmware is available free of charge. Source code is the property of RACOM and is not available to any user. Any commercial use of the software with this licence is strictly forbidden. Changes to software and documentation are forbidden. RACOM firmware is released with the intention that it will be useful, however without any specific guarantees.

Under no circumstances is the Racom or any other company or person responsible for incidental, accidental or related damage arising as a result of the use of this product. The manufacturer shall not provide the user with any form of guarantee containing assurance of the suitability and applicability for its application. RACOM products are not developed, designed or tested for use in equipment which directly affects the health and life functions of humans or animals and neither as part of other important equipment, and RACOM does not provide a guarantee if company products are used in such equipment.

8.2. Conditions of Liability for Defects and Instructions for Safe Operation of Equipment.

Please read these safety instructions carefully before using the product:

  • Liability for defects does not apply to any product that has been used in a manner which conflicts with the instructions contained in this operator manual, or if the case in which the power supply is located has been opened, or if the equipment has been tampered with.

  • Equipment mentioned in this operator manual may only be used in accordance with instructions contained in this manual. Error-free and safe operation of this equipment is only guaranteed if this equipment is transported, stored, operated and controlled in the proper manner. The same applies to equipment maintenance.

  • In order to prevent damage to the power supply and other terminal equipment the supply must always be disconnected upon connecting or disconnecting the cable to the radio modem data interface. It is necessary to ensure that connected equipment has been grounded to the same potential. Before connecting the supply cable the output source voltage should be disconnected.

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