Description of Commands for Communication with the power supply via the Serial Port


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Appendix A. Description of Commands for Communication with the power supply via the Serial Port

The MSU120 solar power supply is fitted with an RS232 serial port allowing basic control and set up during manufacture and installation. Communication takes place at 19200 Bd, 8, n, 1. The power supply reacts to single-character (ASCII) commands, and the reply from the power supply is in the form of text strings (mostly ending in CR/LF). It is possible to communicate with the power supply in this way even after connecting it to a common terminal. For remote access to the power supply in the MORSE network the program SOLTERM (Win-application) is available.

Description of certain commands


Command description


ID source + firmware version

<|SOL28 (2005-06-27)>

current time


Displays the header of the printout of measured values

<|Ub     Ib      Us    Is    Ismax  Pwr   Tep>

Printout of measured values – battery voltage, battery current, solar panel input voltage, current from solar panel, max. measured current from the previous minute, current delivered power, temperature…

<|11.6  -0.4    16.2    0.7    0.7    8    41>

Printout of measured values – battery voltage, battery current, solar panel input voltage, current from solar panel, max. measured current from the previous minute, current delivered power, temperature…

<|11.6  -0.4    16.2    0.7    0.7    8    41>

Same values in binary internal values


Switches power supply to state of readiness for receiving a multicharacter command

<Ready – waiting…>

– If another command is not received within 2 seconds the power supply reports a Timeout

[d + time]

For setting the power supply´s internal time in format : [d2005-08-31*21:54:06] it sends the current time to the power supply (necessary directly after pressing ENTER)

<Date OK 2005-08-31 21:54:06>

(Program SOLTERM automatically sends the current time after pressing [d])


Switches the source to the solar panel full power mode

<Full Power Mode ON/OFF>

Switches the source to/from the Verbose mode

<Verbose Mode ON/OFF>

In this mode the power supply reports:

  • disconnection of battery from output (approx. 1 minute before disconnection)

    <|Battery Low->Switch output OFF! Ubat=10.7 2004-12-12*20:19:59
  • when connecting the battery to the output (approx. 20 seconds after connection)

    <|Output ON Ubat=12.0  2004-12-12*20:19:59
  • transition to sleep mode (Ubat < 10 V, or USol < Ubat in SLEEP MODE )

    <|Sleep  Ubat=9.9  2004-12-12*23:19:59
  • transition from sleep mode ( USol>Ubat) or the moment the battery is connected to the output (Ubat>12V)

    <|Wake-Up  Ubat=10.1  2004-12-13*08:19:59
  • on the turn of a new day – total for the previous day

    |Day status:2004-12-10*00:00:00
    |Battery Voltage max.(V):11.9     at 14:58
    |Battery Voltage min.(V):10.7     at 05:41
    |Max. charge current (A):2.8      at 11:43
    |Max. Solar current (A):3.5       at 11:44
    |Total charge  (Ah):8.7
    |Total dischg. (Ah):11.9
    |Actual dischg (Ah):8.0
    |Solar energy used (Ah):15.6
    |Solar energy poss.(Ah):15.6
    |Temperature max. (^C):46
    |Temperature min. (^C):22
    |Last Out-ON  12-31*23:59 
    |Last Out-OFF 08-09*07:22

sends the current sum from the beginning of the day

|Day status:2005-08-09*15:24:39
|Last Out-OFF 08-09*07:22

sends the stored sum from the previous day

|Day status:08-08
|Battery Voltage max.(V):11.9     at 14:58
|Last Out-OFF 08-09*07:22

sends the 1st block of the measured values record from the previous day

t    005    008    009    000    000    000    060
D    130    000    027    000    004    152    000
D    130    000    027    000    004    152    000
D    130    000    027    000    004    152    000
D    130    000    027    000    004    152    000        000

– the last figure represents the block number


Sends another block of the measured values record the previous day. The meaning of values in individual columns is as follows:


row representing the date and time of the beginning of the daily record (the last value determines the period of the record of measured values in seconds = 60 s)


row with recorded data (all values represent internal values of the power supply without conversion to real values ):


battery voltage


positive battery current


negative battery current


voltage on the solar panel terminals


current from the solar panel


temperature of external temperature sensor


maximum current that can be drawn from the solar panel (test at max. current)


sends the first block of the daily sums record

s 031 012 127 014 114 023 059 012 023 028 014 008 026 025 075
s 013 003 125 012 089 010 052 011 023 024 008 007 020 019 075
s 014 003 128 013 087 008 048 013 022 025 022 001 042 041 074
s 015 003 136 014 120 007 060 011 021 025 029 000 032 031 073
s 016 003 144 013 126 006 052 013 020 024 022 000 024 024 057
s 017 003 147 010 129 007 048 012 023 026 022 000 024 025 062
s 018 003 147 011 129 007 040 011 023 026 015 000 017 021 062
s 019 003 147 012 128 006 025 013 022 024 013 000 015 017 066  096

– the last figure represents the block number


sends the next block of the daily sums record. The meaning of values in individual columns is as follows:


s” header for field of stored values


day record made/sumday




max. battery voltage during the day [0.1 V]


time of record/write time of max. voltage [hours]


min. battery voltage during the day [0.1 V]


time of record/write time [hours]


max. recorded value of current Ibat [0.1 A]


time of record/write time [hours]


max. temperature [ºC]


min. temperature [ºC]


energy supplied to the battery [Ah]


energy drawn from the battery [Ah]


energy drawn from the solar panel [Ah]


max. energy that can be taken from the solar panel [Ah]


highest daily value of current from the solar panel [0.1 A]


repeats transmission of the last sent block of the daily sums record or measured values record from the previous day


MSU120 sends a 1 byte status with the following meaning:

Bit 0 _BatLL

Lowe battery voltage (Ubat < 10 V) – transition to SLEEP mode

Bit 1 _BatteryLow

Low battery voltage UBat < 11.5 V

Bit 2 _BatOff

indication of disconnected output

Bit 3 _USolOK

Sufficient voltage USol ( = USol > UBat)

Bit 4 _NegIb

Negative current to the battery = discharging

Bit 5 _GoVyp

Notified switching off = disconnection of the battery from the output DC-OUT of the power supply

Bit 6 _Foc

running phase of overcharge charging

Bit 7 _Ffl

running phase of float charging


switches the source to automatic sleep mode if there is a lack of solar energy


– in this mode the actual consumption of the power supply is reduced, transition back to full operation is automatic upon reaching a sufficient voltage from the solar panel

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