How to Access RAy2 GUI from Zabbix


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7. How to Access RAy2 GUI from Zabbix

Zabbix can offer various ways of accessing the RAy2 web interface by clicking on the link within the Zabbix front-end.

7.1. Map URL

For every Host depicted in Maps, you can define its URL.

Map URL definition

Fig. 7.1: Map URL definition

After clicking on the Host, a new Item appears (URL), defined with the Name and the actual link. And when you click on this URL, the RAy2 web interface appears.

RAy2 URL Link in maps

Fig. 7.2: RAy2 URL Link in maps

7.2. Trigger URL

Every host can have as many Triggers as required. And for every Trigger, the respective URL can be defined. Just add the URL in the Trigger configuration page.

Trigger URL definition

Fig. 7.3: Trigger URL definition

After you do so, every time the trigger is activated, you can click on the Issue description within Dashboard’s “Last 20 Issues” window and then on the URL link.

Issue description used as a link

Fig. 7.4: Issue description used as a link

A simple click can forward you to the RAy2 web interface.

7.3. Inventory URL

The third option is to use Inventory for configuring URL. For every Host, you can enable the Inventory (serial number, OS, host type, …). Within many Inventory options, the URL can be defined.

Inventory URL definition

Fig. 7.5: Inventory URL definition

Every host’s Inventory can be opened from the Dashboard’s “Last 20 Issues” window. And in the Details, there is the configured URL displayed.

RAy2 URL link in the Inventory

Fig. 7.6: RAy2 URL link in the Inventory

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