Table of Contents
- Introduction
- 1. Installation and Documentation
- 2. Templates
- 3. RAy2 Templates in Detail
- 4. How to Import Monitored RAy2 Stations?
- 5. Value Mappings
- 6. How do I Know that Something Has Happened to the RAy2 Station?
- 7. How to Access RAy2 GUI from Zabbix
- 8. What Else does Zabbix Offer?
- 9. Zabbix Alerting via e-mail
- 10. RAy2 Firmware upgrade and other Useful Scripts
- Revision History
List of Figures
- 2.1. Importing Template button
- 2.2. Importing Template options
- 2.3. Template Macros
- 2.4. Importing RAy2 template
- 2.5. Mass update of RAy2 units
- 2.6. Replacing RAy2 template for selected units
- 4.1. Defining the Host name and its IP address
- 4.2. Defining the SNMP interface
- 4.3. Defining the Host Inventory
- 4.4. RAy2 latest data
- 4.5. RAy2 graph
- 5.1. Linking a value map to an item
- 6.1. RAy2 traps definition
- 6.2. RAy2 temperature trap triggered
- 7.1. Map URL definition
- 7.2. RAy2 URL Link in maps
- 7.3. Trigger URL definition
- 7.4. Issue description used as a link
- 7.5. Inventory URL definition
- 7.6. RAy2 URL link in the Inventory
- 8.1. Basic map with two RAy2 stations
- 8.2. Definition of RAy2 station in maps
- 9.1. E-mail configuration
- 9.2. User’s e-mail
- 9.3. Action
- 9.4. Action conditions
- 9.5. Action Operation
- 10.1. RAy2 script
- 10.2. Script configuration
- 10.3. Host MACROs
- 10.4. Scripts in the Maps