Command Line Interface


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6. Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (CLI) provides an alternative to GUI management (HTTP or HTTPS access). CLI allows you to work in a text regime interface using a SSH (PuTTY) or telnet client. For a more detailed description of functions and parameters managed through CLI please consult relevant sections of Chapter 5, Configuration.

6.1. Connection via CLI

6.1.1. Telnet

Use the telnet client to connect to the unit with service IP address Type this in the command prompt:


Then use the username and password from the menu Service access > Users for HTTPS access (by default admin, admin). This works if Service access > Services > Telnet is checked in HTTPS access.

6.1.2. PuTTY

Connection using putty client. Type this into the Host Name (or IP address) field:


Click Open. Then enter the password admin. This procedure (without key) is subject to selection Service access > Services > SSH on in HTTPS access.

If you own the private key part, then you do not need a password. In PuTTY, continue by selecting Connection/SSH/Auth and selecting path to file with key e.g. key.ppk. Use Session > Logging to save the PuTTY configuration. To access the unit via CLI simply select the connection in PuTTY and click Open.

6.1.3. SSH

Connection using client ssh in Linux.

ssh admin@ -i key

If you know the password and it is enabled in Service access > Services > SSH onlykey in HTTPS access, you can skip the key and use password in the next query.

6.2. Working with CLI

  • Overview of CLI options


    CLI menu

    Fig. 6.1: CLI menu

  • Parameters of CLI commands are listed in the help. For example:

    -hhelp listing
    -ttarget unit
    -t llocal, default option
    -t bboth, both units, command item for remote unit has PEER_ prefix
    -t ppeer, opposite unit, when reading using the show command
  • When inserting commands, using the tabulator can help

  • An incorrect command is rejected (e.g. inserting forbidden frequency)

  • A parameter that caused the loss of the connection is restored after 1 minute (Rollback)

  • Reading parameters of local unit

  • Reading radio parameters of peer unit
      cli_cnf_show -t p | grep RADIO

  • Entering parameters (TX power of local unit)
      cli_cnf_set RADIO_TX_PWR=-3
    Items of command (RADIO_TX_PWR=) are taken from the list cli_cnf_show

  • Entering more parameters in both units
      cli_cnf_set -t b RADIO_TX_CHAN=17128000 PEER_RADIO_RX_CHAN=17128000

  • Put parameters containing spaces in quotation marks:
      cli_time_set -t b -T '2012-11-27 10:55:00'
    Set time in both units

6.2.1. SSH keys

  • Generation using ssh-keygen
      [user@laptop ~]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f usr_ssh_key
    Uses working directory to save private usr_ssh_key and public part of the key

  • Copying the key into the RAy unit
      [user@laptop ~]$ scp admin@
    The public part of the key is written to the folder /tmp

  • Installation of key in RAy unit
    CLI(admin):/rrusrhomes/admin$ cli_user_authkey -c a -k /tmp/

  • Testing access to RAy unit using SSH key
      [user@laptop ~]$ ssh -i usr_ssh_key admin@

6.2.2. Scripts

  • Script example with access using key

    [user@laptop ~]$ ssh -i usr_ssh_key admin@ 
    "source /etc/profile;cli_info_link;echo \$?;cli_cnf_show | grep TX_PWR;echo $?"
    Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
    cli_info_link: Link status: up
    [user@laptop ~]$
  • The script contains:

    source /etc/profile;environment settings
    cli_info_link;query for link status
    echo \$?;reading return value
    cli_cnf_show | grep TX_PWR;query for radio power
    echo \$?reading return value
    cli_info_link: Link status:upreturn value
    0OK command
    RADIO_TX_PWR=4power +4 dBm
    0OK command

6.3. Configuration with CLI

6.3.1. Configuration file

  • Configuration backup
    Saves the configuration of both units to file cnf_backup.tgz into the working directory.

  • Configuration restore
      cli_cnf_set -t b -b cnf_backup.tgz
    Restores configuration of both units from file cnf_backup.tgz

  • Default configuration list
    Warning, the command
    is not a default setting – it uses factory settings, deleting all logs and saved data. It is very likely that the connection to peer unit will be interrupted!

6.3.2. Firmware upgrade

  • Current version of fw

  • Preparation of files
    fw package, a file with cpio extension, for example xxxxxx.cpio copy using SSH or PuTTY into folder /tmp in RAy3-17
    Clears the RAy buffer
    Checks buffer status

  • Saving into buffers
      cli_fw_load_package -f /tmp/xxxxxx.cpio
    A new fw package is loaded into the buffer (20 sec)
    The fw package is also loaded into the peer unit (20 sec)

  • Upgrade
      cli_fw_upgrade -t b
    Firmware in both units will be replaced with new version from the buffer. After few seconds, this message appears:
      Firmware upgrade started. Estimated time to finish is 45 s.
    Connection is terminated. After a minute, log in to RAy again

6.3.3. Remote unit authorization

The RAy unit in default configuration, establishes a connection with any remote unit and both units act as a communication pair. Should the higher protection from the unauthorized communication take-over be required, it is possible to use the so called Secured mode of remote unit authorization. This mode is based on locking the two specific units into one communication pair. Units with Secured mode activated refuse to make a connection with any other communication unit. The units are locked using the unique authorization keys. The keys are exchanged between the units concerned. The authorization keys can be backed up to an external medium to be able to make a service unit exchange, if necessary. Should the Link authorization quard be disabled, the user data occurs even the remote unit is not authorized.

The Secured mode set up process consists of a few steps:

  • Unique authorization keys generation:
    cli_link_key_gen -t b

  • Authorization keys exchange between the two communication units:

  • Authorization keys activation:
    cli_link_key_apply -t b
    Parameter -t determines whether we configure the whole link (-t b) or only one unit (-t l).

  • Secured mode activation. Both sides of the link must have identically secured mode set On or Off:

  • Secured mode de-activation:

  • Backup of the keys to an external medium. The backup has to be performed to be able to make service exchange of the corrupted unit, if necessary. The new exchanged unit is not able to make an active connection with the other unit if it is not loaded with the proper authorization key.
    cli_link_key_save -s s -f <file>
    The key is backed up to a selected file in the internal unit file system. It can be transferred to an external medium using for example the scp client.

  • Authorization key restoration from the external medium.
    The key has to be transferred to the unit internal file system first. The scp client can be used. The CLI commands can be applied subsequently:
    cli_link_key_load -t b -f <file>
    cli_link_key_apply -t b

6.3.4. Radio loopback

“Radio loopback” function provides indicative measurement of antenna parameter CPI (Cross-Port Isolation). CPI is the ratio between transmitted signals on TX polarization and unwanted signal returned by the antenna on opposite polarization.

  • Command

The Radio loopback command takes 15 seconds. The result is suppression [dB] of the unwanted signal (transmitter to receiver penetration). Radio loopback can only be used with units operating in 17 GHz or 24 GHz band.


User traffic is interrupted during command execution!

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