

Print version

18. Monitoring

Valid for software version 551 and higher.

Monitoring enables data flow through various interfaces in the CU to be followed. Monitoring information is arranged in the source Node into a binary file and dispatched. In Setr or another application on the Destination address the binary data is compiled into the required form. In this case they attain the form of the monitoring reports described below.

By means of the Monitoring menu it is possible to choose the interface followed, the destination Node the binary data packets are sent to and the form in which these packets are displayed on the Setr.exe display.

From MORSE main menu type i M Enter:

(S)CC R(F)C (E)TH NA(G) o(b)solete

The direction and parameters of transmission of monitoring packets are chosen in the separate menu d(i)ag (s)ystem channels, on/off and filtration of individual channels are contained in the next menus. Initialisation is performed in each menu separately.


— filter for serial channels


— filter for radiofrequency channels


— filter for Ethernet channel


— filter for Network Agent channel


– o(b)solete — obsolete filter for Node input and output is replaced by new features of other items


— Sets off the monitoring in the way that all items (R)X and (T)X in RAM and in flash memories are switched off. Other parameters remain unchanged. Running monitoring can be stopped at any moment with the commands:

  • Q Enter

  • iMo Enter


– (f)eatures — other features setting

Content menu (f)eatures:

Monitoring:  (d)isplay:HEX
SCC e(v)ents:ASCII
(T)ime format:ABSOLUTE
RSS (B)eep:OFF  (L)ow freq. (-120dBm):400Hz  (H)igh freq. (-40dBm):4000Hz
RSS (S)hort:OFF

– (d)isplay — switches the way of displaying messages from monitored channels. The commands (d)isplay and SCC e(v)ents are set into RAM by merely writing in Setr. These parameters are not saved into flash memory. The parameters only influence the CU receiving the monitoring.


– HEX — displays data in the hexadecimal form


– ASCII — displays data in the ASCII code


– ROW — hexadecimal form without gaps


– SCC e(v)ents — the current parameters of (RTS, CTS…) are displayed according to the choice:


– displays in ASCII only when the parameter is changing

(h) HEX

– displays in hexadecimal form in each monitoring message


– displays in ASCII in each monitoring message


– RFC (c)ompress — the data in RF channel:


– UNCOMPRESS — normal (long) form of data


– DO NOT MODIFY — compressed form which is transferred via the radio channel


– (T)ime format — the time of monitored message can have two forms:


– ABSOLUTE — local time in CU


– RELATIVE — the increment from previous message in ms


– RSS (B)eep — the RSS level of monitored packet can be indicated by sound of various pitch


– (L)ow freq.(-120dBm): 400Hz — the optional sound frequency for week signal


– (H)igh freq.(-40dBm): 4000Hz — the optional sound frequency for strong signal


– RSS (S)hort — the short form of message from physical RF channel is available

18.1. Routing of the monitoring messages

In this separate menu the source, destination and in what way monitoring messages will be transmitted are determined. The setting is common for all channels. The menu enables preparation of two variations of id which can be independently assigned to the individual monitoring channels. The choices id0 and id1 are suitable for monitoring, because they allows switch it off by the common command iMo.

From MORSE main menu type ise Enter Enter:

System channels:
(Service 'iMo' works for s0 and s1 only)

(0)  0    00000000     888     400     ON 
(1)  0    00000000     888     400     ON 
(2)  0    00000000     888     400     ON 
(3)  0    00000000     888     400     ON 
(4)  0    00000000     888     400     ON 
(5)  0    00000000     888     400     ON 

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

Also choose 0 Enter

System channels:
(N)ode:0 Destination (a)ddr.:00000000
Destination (2)addr.:00000000 (3)addr.:00000000 (4)addr.:00000000
            for splitting packets only
max. TX (s)ize:400byte
(I)nit (W)rite

– (N)ode:0 — The choice of the Node in the traced CU which generates the monitoring packets. The monitoring reports are then labelled by its address. It is suitable here to choose Node 1. This Node should have the connection (direct or by the routing tables) to the Destination (a)ddr.


– Destination (a)ddr: 00000000 — The monitoring packets are sent to this address (in local or distant CU). The monitoring packets leave the Node which has this address via the service output. The channel to which the application with monitoring is connected must be assigned to this output.

Typically Setr is connected via the service cable, i.e. in the menu (N)odes column (s) the channel SCC2 to which the service cable is connected is set.

If the Split is chosen, e.g. in the menu iMEIe 0uSn , the copy of the packet running is set to this address.


– Destination (2)addr.: 00000000 — Next 3 addresses, where the packet copy from Split function can be sent.


– (t)imeout:888ms —The longest time over which data is collected in the monitoring packet, before it is sent to the Destination (a)ddr.


– (s)ize:400byte — The maximum length of the sent monitoring packet. After it is filled up the packet is dispatched and the next packet starts to be made up.

The above-mentioned data can be prepared in two versions. Selection of one of them should be made in the respective monitoring channels.

After parameter setting carry out (W)rite, (I)nit. The command iMo does not have an effect on the contents of the (s)ystem channels menu.

18.2. Monitoring SCC channels

The monitoring parameters of SCC channels are set here. Setting is performed individually for each channel.

V MORSE main menu type iMS Enter:

SCC monitoring:
(p)hysical layer  CN(I)

This menu, like the menus for other monitored channels, offers two sets of monitored points:


– (p)hysical layer — monitoring of packets on the SCC physical layer, i.e. packets coming to and from the connected equipment. This kind of monitoring was used in sw449 and older versions.


— monitoring of packets exchanged between the SCC and the Node.

18.2.1. SCC monitoring – physical layer

After choosing iMSpe Enter Enter we obtain the menu for the physical layer:

  SCC monitoring:
(0)  0   ON  ON  OFF         32 
(1)  0   OFF OFF OFF         32 
(2)  0   OFF OFF OFF         32 

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync
  SCC monitoring:
(0)  0   ON  ON  OFF         32 
(1)  0   OFF OFF OFF         32 
(2)  0   OFF OFF OFF         32 
(3)  0   OFF OFF OFF         32 

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

For choosing the individual Serial Communication Channel type e.g. 0 Enter:

SCC monitoring:
O(N) O(F)F
o(n) o(f)f          (R)X:ON  (T)X:ON  (E)vents:OFF
(s)ys. channel:0
(I)nit (W)rite

– O(N) O(F)F — the possibility of simultaneously switching on RX and TX in the chosen channel.


– (R)X:ON — Switching on / off the monitoring in the Receiving direction, i.e. packet arrival through the SCC channel from outside to the CU.


– (T)X:OFF — Switching on / off the monitoring in the Transmitting direction.


– (E)vents:OFF — switching on/off the monitoring of the hw signals on the port, e.g. CTS, RTS


– (s) — Choose method of sending according to (s)ystem channels menu.


– data l(e)ngth:32 — Max. length of data field in the traced packet, which is transmitted and displayed behind the monitoring report. A value from 0 to 1500 bytes can be chosen.

The format of a monitoring report for SCC channels – physical part:

Monitoring: source 690F8700|6.
07:27:35.532 rx    4 | S00

Monitoring: source 690F8100|7.
07:27:36.679 tx   18 | S01
400E 00A9 690F 8909 690F 8700 AAAA AAAA 4EAE
07:27:36.701 rx    2 | S01

The meaning of individual parts of a report:


– Monitoring: source 690F8700 1. — Labelling of a Node which is the source of the report and the report order number from this Node. This src address is only displayed in the case when it was changed in monitoring message.


— time stamp (hh:mm:ss.msec)


— the direction of packet progression, here from external source through SCC to CU


— dec – length of monitored packet


— monitored serial channel


— transmitted packet, here simple data from async. link, in the second case the data wrapped up in the retranslation Morse packet, in third case it is ACK

SCC monitoring – CNI layer

This menu is accessible from MORSE main menu by command iMSIe Enter Enter:

    CNI Monitoring:
          |         retranslation         |            user              |
    s-moR |-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl-|-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl|
(0) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(1) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(2) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync
    CNI Monitoring:
          |         retranslation         |            user              |
    s-moR |-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl-|-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl|
(0) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(1) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(2) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(3) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

The part retranslation is used for monitoring traffic between the retranslation SCC input/output and the Node. The part user is used for packet tracking between the SCC user input/output and the Node.

  • The columns s,moR are common for both parts.

  • The direction of packet movement is expressed from the SC channel point of view, i.e. the packet going from SCC to the Node is called TX here.

By selecting the SCC number we enter the next menu containing the address filters:

type 0 Enter

SCC CNI Monitoring:
(s)ys. channel:0
(d)st :00000000  (D)st mask :00000000 (1)-for :RX
sr(c) :690FABCD  sr(C) mask :FFFFFF00 (2)-for :TX
t(o)  :00000000  t(O) mask  :00000000 (3)-for :RX
fro(m):00000000  fro(M) mask:00000000 (4)-for :RX
use MO(R)SE addresses:OFF
(I)nit (W)rite

This menu is fully applicable for the retranslation part. Only the (d)st and sr(c) addresses are useful for the user part.


– (s)ys. channel:0 — Choose method of sending according to (s)ystem channels

(d)st …

– (d)st: (D)st mask: — Only the packets that fulfil all set conditions are displayed. For example the transmitted packets must have the source address in the range from 690FAB00 to 690FABFF to be displayed. The received packets will be displayed without exception.


– use MO(R)SE addresses:OFF — addresses type used for displaying and filtration


— the user addresses are used for the display and filtration purposes


— the MORSE addresses are used, see the address translation in the menu SIe

For the retranslation part of menu type r Enter:

Ret. CNI monitor:
O(N) O(F)F          (R)X:OFF  (T)X:OFF  TX (E)rr:OFF
eliminate (d)eadlock:ON  (S)plit:OFF
Packet (t)ype:0000  type (m)ask:0000

– O(N) O(F)F — The possibility of simultaneously switching on RX and TX in the chosen channel.


– (R)X:ON — Switching on / off the monitoring in the Receiving direction, i.e. arrival of packet from the Node to the SCC.


– (T)X:OFF — Switching on / off the monitoring in the Transmitting direction.


– TX (E)rr:OFF — Switching on / off the monitoring of the error messages.


– eliminate (d)eadlock: ON — Skip monitoring of the monitoring messages to prevent channel deadlock.


– (S)plit:OFF — The Split ON function changes monitoring to splitting. The copy of packet is created and sent to address ise2a or to addresses ise22, ise23, ise24 also. The id2 to id5 from ise menu is used for this purposes.


– (l)ength:0 — Max. length of data transferred.


– Packet (t)ype: 0000 type (m)ask: 0000 — The desired packet type can be determined here.

The user part of menu:

type u Enter

User CNI monitor:
O(N) O(F)F          (R)X:ON  (T)X:ON  TX (E)rr:OFF
eliminate (d)eadlock:ON  (S)plit:OFF
Packet (t)ype:0000  type (m)ask:0000

The meaning of items is similar as in the previous menu. The only difference is that this menu is valid for communication between the SCC user input/output and the Node.

The format of a monitoring report for SCC channels – CNI layer:

15:18:31.791|690F120E 690F120E|690F120E 690F1241|S00I  OUT   2|09 1dat
15:18:31.792|                 |690F120E 690F1241|S01I   IN   2|09 1serv

Packet AAAA in this example arrived via the to the SCC0 channel and was monitored by retranslation monitoring on its way from SCC0 to the node 690F120E (OUT direction). The packet is monitored on the CNI level and this is why it contains only the data without the packet head. Then this packet was sent from the node to the user channel SCC1 (IN) and was monitored at its input into SCC1 by user monitoring.

Meaning of items:


— time stamp

|690F120E 690F120E |690F120E 690F1241

— addresses in the order – to, from, destin, source

|S00I OUT 2

— channel monitored, direction, length of the packet

|09 1dat

— packet type, serial number 0 to 7, kind of packet

18.3. Monitoring RFC channels

From MORSE main menu type iMF Enter:

RFC monitoring:
(p)hysical layer  CN(I)

This menu, like the menus for other monitored channels, offers two sets of monitored points:


– (p)hysical layer — monitoring of packets on the RFC physical layer, i.e. packets coming to and from the radiomodem.


— monitoring of packets exchanged between the RFC and the Node.

18.3.1. RFC monitoring – physical layer

After choosing iMFpe Enter Enter we obtain the menu for the physical layer:

RFC monitoring:
o(N) o(F)f          (R)X :ON  (T)X :OFF  Medi(u)m:OFF
(s)ys. channel:0
(l)ength:100     rx (p)romisc. lvl:0 (normal operation)
Only (h)ead crc OK :OFF
Only d(a)ta crc OK :OFF
Packet t(y)pe:0008 tmas(k):0008
(d)st :690F8700  (D)st mask :00000000 (1)-for :RX
sr(c) :00000000  sr(C) mask :00000000 (2)-for :TX
t(o)  :690F8700  t(O) mask  :FFFFFFFF (3)-for :RX
fro(m):690F8100  fro(M) mask:FFFFFF00 (4)-for :RX
de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

– o(N) o(F)f — The possibility of simultaneously switching on RX and TX in the radio channel.


– (R)X :OFF — Monitoring on / off in the Receiving direction.


– (T)X :OFF — Monitoring on / off in the Transmitting direction.


— The RSS value and the RF modem status is sampled every 8 milliseconds and coded into a 4-bit number (see RF medium log description for details). When RF medium monitoring is switched on, a monitoring message is generated every second, containing these 4-bit samples from the previous second.


– (s)ystem channels: 0 — The choice of report transmitting according to (s)ystem channels menu.


– (l)ength: 100 — Max. length of data in the packet transmitted.


– rx (p)romisc. lvl:0 (normal operation) — the choice of category of packets which are monitored:


– 0 (normal operation) — normal traffic


– 1 (includes foreign headers) — normal traffic include alien packets


– 2 (includes crc errors) — normal traffic include packets with wrong CRC of head


– 3 (sync to foreign packets + data) — all radio signals

For restricting the amount of data transmitted the filters are used which distinguish:

  • exactness of CRC check sum

  • packet type

  • addresses

The displayed packet must fulfil the conditions of all 7 filters, if they are switched on:

  • check sum


    – Only (h)ead crc OK :OFF — CRC for packet head is OK (the filter is off here)


    – Only d(a)ta crc OK :OFF — CRC for packet data is OK (the filter is off here)

  • packet type


    – Packet t(y)pe: 0008 — packet type


    – tmas(k):0008 — the mask for packet type application (0000 = off). The mask is indicated by ones, which packet type bits in the monitored packed must be equal to the parameter Packet t(y)pe.

    The example used here:
    Packet t(y)pe:0008 tmas(k):0008
    can be useful for choosing the packets containing user data (type 0x09, 0x89) and the echo packets generated after an exclamation sign command (0x98, 0x9A). The ACK packets having type 0x06 are not monitored.

  • 4 filters for addresses

    (d)st :690F8700  (D)st mask :00000000 (1)-for :RX
    sr(c) :00000000  sr(C) mask :00000000 (2)-for :TX
    t(o)  :690F8700  t(O) mask  :FFFFFFFF (3)-for :RX
    fro(m):690F8100  fro(M) mask:FFFFFF00 (4)-for :RX

    The packets are classified in accordance with addresses destination, source, to, from and with the direction of their progression towards a monitored CU (received RX, transmitted TX). For a received packet conditions are valid which have RX at the end of the line. Conditions containing TX are ineffective for it. For the transmitted packet the opposite is valid. In this example the received packet, to be monitored, must contain the address (to) 690F8700, the (from) address must be in the range 690F8100 to 690F81FF, the (source) address is not valid for it, the (destination) address can be arbitrary.

    (d)st: 690F8700

    — Required destination address

    (D)st mask: 00000000

    — Mask (allows arbitrary address)

    (1)-for :RX

    — Valid for received packets

    sr(c): 00000000

    — Required source address

    sr(C) mask: 00000000

    — Mask (allows arbitrary address)

    (2)-for: TX

    — valid for transmitted packets

    t(o): 690F8700

    — Required to address

    t(O) mask :FFFFFFFF

    — Mask (requires precise congruity)

    (3)-for: RX

    — valid for received packets

    fro(m): 690F8100

    — Required address from

    fro(M) mask: FFFFFF00

    — Mask (requires precise congruity in the parts global, net, wide)

    (4)-for: RX

    — valid for received packets

The format of a monitoring report for RFC – physical layer:

Monitoring: source 565098C6|5.
RF mon      |toa      frm     |dst      src     |lNo!DQ!RSS size|TT N
07:14:47.585|565098C6 565098BA|565098C6 565098BA|015*31* 77   10*98 4dat
E018 C100 5650 98BA 4201
07:14:47.585|565098BA 565098C6|                 |015  RFTX     0 06  ack
07:14:47.742|565098BA 565098C6|565098BA 565098C6|00E  RFTX    26 9A 4dat
E018 C100 5650 98BA 4201 7F4D 5650 98C6 8000 8000 5650 98C6 4201
07:14:47.855|565098C6 565098BA|                 |00E*31~ 77    0*06  ack

The meaning of individual parts:


– Monitoring: source 565098C6|5 — Node, which is the source of the report and the report order number from this Node. This is displayed only when the source address changes.

RF mon….

— the header appears in first monitoring message after start Setr only


— timestamp


— to adress


— from adress


— destination adress


— source adress


— order number

*31* 77  10*

— receiving from outside to the RF channel, DQ, RSS:


header CRC is OK or


header CRC wrong




data CRC OK or


data CRC wrong or


no data, e.g. for ACK




dec – length of monitored packet in bytes


Rx, packet is received

or alternatively:

RFTX  26

— transmission from the radio to the outer space


Tx, packet is transmitted


dec – length of monitored packet in bytes


— packet type


— order number


— the kind of packet


– E018 C100 5650 98BA 4201 — the monitored packet

RFC monitoring – CNI layer

This menu is accessible from the MORSE main menu using the command iMFIe Enter Enter:

    CNI Monitoring:
          |         retranslation         |            user              |
    s-moR |-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl-|-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl|
(0) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(1) 0 OFF | ON  ON  ON   30 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(2) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(3) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|
(4) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

The behavior iMFIe menu is analogical like in iMSIe menu in the section SCC monitoring – CNI layer. The part retranslation is used for monitoring traffic between the retranslation RFC input/output and the node. The part user is not used for the RF channel.

The direction of packet movement is expressed from the RF channel point of view, i.e. the packet going from the RFC to the node is called TX here.

By selecting the RFC number we enter the next menu containing the address filters:

1 Enter

RFC CNI Monitoring:
(s)ys. channel:0
(d)st :00000000  (D)st mask :00000000 (1)-for :RX
sr(c) :00000000  sr(C) mask :00000000 (2)-for :RX
t(o)  :00000000  t(O) mask  :00000000 (3)-for :RX
fro(m):00000000  fro(M) mask:00000000 (4)-for :RX
use MO(R)SE addresses:OFF
(I)nit (W)rite

– (s) — Choose method of sending according to the (s)ystem channels menu.


– (r)etranslation — This menu is applicable for the retranslation part.


— This menu is not used for RF channel.


– (d)st and next filters — Only the packets which fulfil all set conditions are displayed. See the previous paragraph iMF(p)hysical layer.


– use MO(R)SE addresses — OFF – not used, in FIe the address translation is not used

The retranslation part of the menu:

type r Enter

Ret. CNI monitor:
O(N) O(F)F          (R)X:ON  (T)X:ON  TX (E)rr:ON
eliminate (d)eadlock:ON  (S)plit:OFF
Packet (t)ype:0000  type (m)ask:0000

– O(N) O(F)F — The possibility of simultaneously switching on RX and TX in the chosen channel.


– (R)X:ON — Switching on / off the monitoring in the Receiving direction, i.e. packet arrival from the Node to the RFC.


– (T)X:ON — Switching on / off the monitoring in the Transmitting direction.


– TX (E)rr:ON — Switching on / off the monitoring of the error messages.


– (d)eadlock:ON — Skip monitoring of the monitoring messages to prevent channel deadlock.


– (S)plit:OFF — The function Split ON changes the monitoring to the splitting, see the SCC monitoring.


– (l)ength:30 — Max. length of data field in the traced packet.


– (t)ype: (m)ask: — The desired packet type can be determined here.

The format of a monitoring report for RFC – CNI layer
Monitoring: source 565098C6|3.
CNI mon     |toa      frm     |dst      src     |          size|TT N
09:53:32.450|565098C6 565098BA|565098C6 565098BA|R01I   OUT   10n98 7dat
09:53:32.450|565098BA 565098C6|565098BA 565098C6|R01I    IN   26N9A 7dat

This example was scanned without data, (l)ength:0. The first line contains the received packet coming from RFC1 to the Node. The second one displays the same packet after processing in the Node, which is sent to RFC1 to be retranslated again. Note, that there are no ACK packets here because they are generated by RFC and they are not sent to the Node.

Meaning of items:


— time stamp

|565098C6 565098BA|565098C6 565098BA

— addresses in the order – to, from, destin, source

|R01I OUT 10

— channel, direction, and length of the packet monitored

n98 7dat

— packet type, serial number 0 to 7, kind of packet

18.4. Monitoring ETH channels

From MORSE main menu type iME Enter Enter:

ETH monitoring:
(p)hysical layer  CN(I)

This menu like the menus for other monitored channels offers two sets of monitored points:


– (p)hysical layer — Monitoring of packets on the ETH physical layer, i.e. packets coming to and from the Ethernet line.


— Monitoring of packets exchanged between the ETH channel and the Node.

18.4.1. ETH monitoring – physical layer

After choosing pe Enter we obtain the menu for the physical layer:

ETH monitoring:
O(N) O(F)F          (R)X :ON (T)X :ON
(P)romisc. mode:OFF
ip (d)st :CA000001  ip (D)dst mask :FFFFFFFF (1)-for :RX
ip sr(c) :00000000  ip sr(C) mask :00000000 (2)-for :RX
de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

– O(N) O(F)F — the possibility of simultaneously switching on RX and TX in the ETH channel.


– (R)X: ON — Switching monitoring on/off in Receiving direction.


– (T)X: ON — Switching monitoring on/off in Transmitting direction.


– (s) 0 — The choice of report transmitting according to (s)ystem channels menu.


– (l)ength: 100 — Max. data length in traced packet. It is possible to choose from 44 to 1500 bytes here. The IP and UDP heads and flags are always displayed.


– (P)romisc. mode — choice of monitored packets


— displays the packets for own Eth channel only


— displays all packets


– ip (d)st: C0A00001 — The address filter. Destination IP address which must be identical to the packet’s destination address in the range of the mask.


– ip (D)st mask: FFFFFFFF — The mask for the destination address. If the mask contains some zeros then the address ip (d)st must also contain zeros in the corresponding positions.


– (1)-for: RX — The condition is valid for received packets.


– ip sr(c): 00000000 — Source IP address which must be identical to the packet’s source address in the range of the mask.


– ip sr(C) mask: 00000000 — The mask for the source address, here the condition is not determined.


– (2)-for: RX — The condition is valid for received packets.

The format of an ETH monitoring report – physical layer

12:58:51.826|eth:RX   60 |FFFFFFFFFFFF |0002A94C9D8F | ARP/REQ
0001 0800 0604 0001 0002 A94C 9D8F C0A8 0001 0000 0000 0000 C0A8 0009 C0A8
12:58:51.827|eth:RX   60 |0002A94C9D8F |0002A94CA177 | ARP/ANS
0001 0800 0604 0002 0002 A94C A177 C0A8 0009 0002 A94C 9D8F C0A8 0001 C0A8
12:58:51.829|eth:TX   68 |0002A94CA177 |0002A94C9D8F | IP/UDP/MOR/RET/DAT
4500 0036 009B 4000 4011 B8C1 C0A8 0001 C0A8 0009 22B8 22B8 0022 3B63 D200
12:58:51.834|eth:RX   60 |0002A94C9D8F |0002A94CA177 | IP/UDP/MOR/RET/CTL
4500 002C 0016 4000 4011 B950 C0A8 0009 C0A8 0001 22B8 22B8 0018 EA03 C100

Upon setting (l)ength:44 the report contains only the Ethernet monitoring head, IP datagram head, UDP head and the flags. The 4 reports correspond to communication over the Ethernet line. The third of them containing the data, after setting l(e)ngth: 100 looks like:

12:58:51.829|eth:TX   68 |0002A94CA177 |0002A94C9D8F | IP/UDP/MOR/RET/DAT
4500 0036 009B 4000 4011 B8C1 C0A8 0001 C0A8 0009 22B8 22B8 0022 3B63 D200
1390 690F 8909 690F 8101 0A89 690F 8909 690F 8101 AAAA AA63

Structure of this report:

  • 12:58:51.829|eth:TX 68 |0002A9 4CA177|0002A9 4C9D8F| IP/UDP/MOR/RET/DAT
    — head of the report

  • 4500 0036 009B 4000 4011 B8C1 C0A8 0001 C0A8 0009
    — IP head

  • 22B8 22B8 0022 3B63
    — UDP head

  • D200 1390 690F 8909 690F 8101 0A89 690F 8909 690F 8101 AAAA AA63
    — MORSE pseudoframe

The content of individual report parts (guide description only):

Head of the report:


— time stamp


— Ethernet channel, transmitting


— 68dec transmitted bytes in the monitoring

0002A9 4CA177

— destination Ethernet address

0002A9 4C9D8F

— source Ethernet address


content of the report (IP head / UDP head / Morse / retransmission / packet containing data)

IP head:



– IP protocol version


– IP head length (5 words, each with 32 bits)


– type of desired service for datagram transmission


— hex = 54 dec – length of IP datagram in bytes


— hex – serial number, datagram identification


— 0000 = bits 0(most high) to 15(lowest):


  • bit 0: 1= fragmentation forbidden

  • bit 1: 1= next fragments follow

  • bit 2: reserve

  • bit 3 to 15: fragment offset – start position of fragment data part relative to original datagram (in bytes)


— itemized:


— datagrams lifetime in seconds is decremented by at least 1 upon passage through the router at 1, (if =0 then discarded)


— specifies higher level protocol, the message of which is contained in the data part of the datagram


— checksum of IP head


— source IP address


— destination IP address

UDP head + flags:


— source port UDP


— destination port UDP


— 22 hex = 34 dec – length of UDP packet (UDP head + UDP data) in bytes


— UDP checksum

MORSE pseudoframe:


— flags, here:

  • D – data frame

  • 2 – appended frame no, repeat no, security yes, problem bit no

  • 0 – reserve

  • 0 – protocol version


— UDP link No

690F 8909

— to address

690F 8101

— from address

Morse packet contained in the MORSE pseudoframe:


— packet type

690F 8909

— destination address

690F 8101

— source address


— transmitted data


— checksum

18.4.2. ETH monitoring – CNI layer

This menu is accessible from MORSE main menu by command:

iMEIe Enter Enter

    CNI Monitoring:
          |         retranslation         |            user              |
    s-moR |-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl-|-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl|
(0) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

The part retranslation is used for monitoring of traffic between the retranslation ETH input/output and the Node, i.e. at IP retranslation (M-IP-M).

The part user is used for packet tracking between ETH user input/output and the Node, i.e. at IP2Morse (IP-M-IP) or MAS (M-MAS-IP).

The following menus are similar to those for SCC channels:

Type 0 Enter:

ETH CNI Monitoring:
(s)ys. channel:0
(d)st :00000000  (D)st mask :00000000 (1)-for :RX
sr(c) :00000000  sr(C) mask :00000000 (2)-for :RX
t(o)  :00000000  t(O) mask  :00000000 (3)-for :RX
fro(m):00000000  fro(M) mask:00000000 (4)-for :RX
use MO(R)SE addresses:OFF
(I)nit (W)rite

The retranslation menu was chosen:

r Enter

Ret. CNI monitor:
O(N) O(F)F          (R)X:OFF  (T)X:OFF  TX (E)rr:OFF
eliminate (d)eadlock:ON  (S)plit:OFF
Packet (t)ype:0000  type (m)ask:0000

For the meaning of items see SCC channel monitoring.

The format of a monitoring report for ETH – CNI layer

13:34:05.960|690F8909 690F8101|690F8909 690F8101|E00I    IN    2N89 1dat
13:34:05.961|eth:TX   68 |0002A94CA177 |0002A94C9D8F | IP/UDP/MOR/RET/DAT
4500 0036 00A5 4000 4011 B8B7 C0A8 0001 C0A8 0009 22B8 22B8 0022 F982 D200
139A 690F 8909 690F 8101 0989 690F 8909 690F 8101 AAAA ED39

Packet AAAA in this example was incoming from the Node to the ETH channel (CNI layer monitoring) and was send to the Ethernet line (physical layer monitoring).

Meaning of items:


— time stamp

|690F8909 690F8101|690F8909 690F8101

— addresses in the order – to, from, destin, source

|E00I IN 2

— channel monitored, direction, length of the packet

|89 1dat

— packet type, serial number 0 to 7, kind of packet


— user data

18.5. Monitoring NAG channels

The monitoring parameters of NAG channels are set here. Setting is performed individually for each channel.

From the MORSE main menu type iMGIe Enter Enter:

CNI Monitoring:
          |         retranslation         |            user              |
    s-moR |-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl-|-RX--TX--ERR-len-type-mask-Spl|
(0) 1 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF  90 0000 0000 OFF|
(1) 0 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF | OFF OFF OFF   0 0000 0000 OFF|

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

The Network Agent channels have not a physical input/output, so the menu offers the CNI monitoring only. The parameter setting is analogous like at SCC channels.

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