CNI-channel to node interface


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25. CNI-channel to node interface

This part of the menu is used to configure connections from an CU channel (of any type, i.e. SCC, RFC, ETH and NAG) to one of the nodes within the CU.

From MOSE main menu type SIe (or FIe or EIe or GIe) Enter Enter

 Channel to Node Interface:
    retranslation     |   user+service                 lim
 id N  A t          m | N  A t Base     m  sec brc han S   e compr
(0) 0   NO AR         | 1   NO AR          usr OFF usr OFF NONE
(1) 0   NO AR         | 2 MASK 00000000/08 usr OFF usr OFF NONE
(2) 0   NO AR         | 1 MASK 00000000/08 usr OFF usr OFF NONE
(3) 0   NO AR         | 0 MASK 00000000/08 usr OFF usr OFF NONE

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

The number of lines in the above table corresponds to the number of respective channels in the CU (4 for SCC or 5 for RFC or 1 for ETH or 2 for NAG). Choose No of channel to be edited:

type 1 Enter

SCC Channel to Node Interface:
(I)nit (W)rite

A channel can be used for user I/O or for a retranslation link (net), or for both, depending on the channel type and configuration. According to these two possibilities, the Channel to node interface is divided into two independent parts (retranslation, user). When the channel selected supports only one of these possibilities (e.g. an RFC cannot serve as a user I/O), settings of the other part are not used.

type r Enter

Retranslation CNI:
(A)R:NONE AR(t)No:0 (m)ask:0bits

Retranslation CNI:


(N)ode: 0 assigning a node to the channel retranslation output.

In the case of SCC during configuration of the link connection between two CU’s and the chosen (N)ode:1 - 4 the maintain packets are transmitted every 20 sec. The transmission can be stopped by choosing (N)ode:0. See the MARS-A protocol for more informations.


(A)R: NONE choose the way of address conversion

  • (n)NONE — no conversion

  • (t)TBL — by means of an address resolution table (ART)

  • (m)MASK — by mask


AR(t)No: 0 number of ART used


(m)ask: 0bits – number of (least significant) bits used as the address mask

type q Enter

SCC Channel to Node Interface:
(I)nit (W)rite

type u Enter

User CNI:
(A)R:MASK AR(t)No:0 (B)ase adr:00000000 (m)ask:8bits
user se(c):ON (s)ecurity:OFF (b)roadcast:OFF
(U)ser handicap:ON (h)andicap:OFF
limits: (S)econds:0s Byt(e)s:65535
debug (I)NP:0 (O)UT:0

User CNI:


(N)ode: 2 – assigning a node to channel user output


(A)R: BOTH – choose the way of address conversion

  • (n)NONE — no conversion

  • (t)TBL — by means of an address resolution table (ART)

  • (m)MASK — by mask and base address

  • (b)BOTH — both table and mask


AR(t)No: 0 – if (A)R = TBL or BOTH, then number of ART


(B)ase adr: 00000000 – if (A)R = MASK or BOTH, then base address, default address is 00000000


(m)ask: 8bits – if (A)R = MASK or BOTH, then number of (least significant) bits used as the address mask

Security bit:


user se(c):ON – the method of setting security bit in the packet incoming via this channel

  • ON — the communication security in the channel controlled by the user packet type

  • OFF – security according to the next (s)ecurity


(s)ecurity:OFF – permanent setting of sec bit, for (c):OFF only

  • ON — every packet sent must be confirmed

  • OFF — non-secured communication on the communication channel

Broadcast bit:


(b)roadcast:OFF – broadcast bit setting in the packet incomming via this channel

  • ON – every packet entering the node is marked as a broadcast one

  • OFF – packet goes through without change

Handicap bit:


(U)ser handicap:ON – handicap bit setting in the packet incoming via this channel. This bit is utilized when solving the RF channel access, see the chapter RF Access.

  • ON — bit handicap controlled by the packet incoming

  • OFF – bit handicap set according to the next parameter (h)andicap


(h)andicap:OFF – setting of handicap bit, for (U):OFF only

  • ON – every incoming packet has set the handicap bit to 1, i.e. low priority

  • OFF – bit handicap set to 0, i.e. high priority


– limit for user data packets entering the network through this interface


(S)econd: 10s – time limit (S = 0 means no limit)


Byt(e)s :200 – length limit



  • NONE — data go through without compression

  • BASIC — in development – the data type user and prot are compressed on the input to MORSE network and decompressed on the output. This functionality allows the CU series MR400 and MC100 only. All CUs in the network must have set this parameter in the same way.

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