The menu (m)isc
contains some auxiliary and service
In the MORSE main menu type m Enter
Miscellaneous stuff: (p)rotocol services (t)ests p(o)wer save po(w)er cycle (b)att
(p)rotocol services | — the supplementary functions for some protocols (Skao, Modbus-Skao, GPS, Modbus), they are used according to the description for respective protocol |
(t)ests | — the special tests used by some protocols, see the protocol description |
p(o)wer save | — switching of CU (MR400 only) into sleep mode with minimal energy consumption, see Section 3, “Power saving (SLEEP MODE)???TITLE???” in Communication unit chapter. |
(b)att | — indicates the supply state, which is the state of the input
clamp PI in MR400 modems. This clamp is connected to the clamp MAIN
PWR OFF on power supply MS2000. The explicit information is got here
if the CU supplying is done from power network or from battery.
Choose the function