Menu r(T)ab
enables reading, editing and clearing of
all routing tables in an CU.
From MORSE main menu type T Enter
Retranslation table: (l)ocal (w)ide area (n)et (g)lobal (q)uit >>
choose table type w Enter
Wide retranslation table No: (1) (2) (3) (4) (q)uit >>
choose table No: 1 Enter
Retranslation table: (r)ead nontrivial paths (p)ath:0 via (n)ode:0 (g)et p(u)t set (N)ode (c)lear (e)dit (q)uit >>
(r)ead | — reads the selected table; only the non-trivial items are
displayed on the Setr.exe screen. Trivial items are those which are
in the initial state after clearing the table, see the |
(p)ath | — the pertinent byte from the path destination address, corresponding to the selected type of table (global – net – wide – local) is entered |
via (n)ode | — part of
Both |
(g)et | — displays the table item |
p(u)t | — puts the entered |
(c)lear | — clears all items in the selected table. In local tables all
items are set to trivial paths, i.e. WALRUS – the Walrus firmware used in MRouter and MServer demands to perform (c)lear command before first use of the routing table. |
set (N)ode | — it is used for creating the time sync path with help of the macroinstruction:
(e)dit | — edit mode – other mode of table creating – The whole table contens is transferred to the Setr. The table is edited here and then is the table transferred to the distant CU again. |
Example of edit without (e)dit command:
Every item path+node is transferred individually.
>>p03>>n0300 O.K. ...item p03 N0300 is written in CU >>p05 >>n0501 O.K. ...item p05 N0501 is written in CU
(g)et | — displays the table item for |
type g Enter
path via node 03 via 0300 >>
The table can be edited using function (e)dit:
To edit the whole table in Setr select e Enter
Enter. (r)ead
s performed automatically and we can
see the content of the table :
Retab editor Wide retab. No 1 03to:0300 05to:0501 87to:8700 (c)lear table N(o):1 (p)ath 0 via (n)ode 0 p(u)t set (N)ode (r)ead (w)rite (q)uit >>
Now we can edit the table in the PC and finally transfer in one go
to the CU using command (w)rite
03to:0300 05to:0501 87to:8700 | — the table content in (distant) CU |
(c)lear | — clears the table in the Setr, not in the CU |
table N(o):1 | — the table number can be changed here. We can e.g. read the
table 1, then change |
(p)ath 0 | — the item path prepared for putting in the table in Setr |
via (n)ode 0 | — the item node prepared for putting in the table in Setr |
p(u)t | — |
red(i)rect | — redirecting the table to other node, see example down |
set (N)ode | — see the menu above |
(r)ead | — reads the table from CU (and overwrite existing table in this menu) |
(w)rite | — writes the adjusted table to the CU |
Redirect using red(i)rect
For example – in the network the link to nodes 11, 12 and 13 is directed via node 03 and the link to 15 via node 07:
Retab editor Local retab. No 1 11 to:03 12 to:03 13 to:03 15 to:07 (c)lear table N(o):1 (p)ath 0 via (n)ode 0 p(u)t set red(i)rect (N)ode (r)ead (w)rite (q)uit >>
A change in network layout has occurred and node 03 is no longer
directly accessible, but via node 02. See the first item in the following
table. Now, if items (p):3, (n):2
are prepared we can apply
the command red(i)rect
and thus repair all items 11, 12, 13
in table from direction 03 to direction 02. Item 15 to: 07
remains unchanged.
Retab editor Local retab. No 1 03 to:02 11 to:02 12 to:02 13 to:02 15 to:07 (c)lear table N(o):1 (p)ath 3 via (n)ode 2 p(u)t set red(i)rect (N)ode (r)ead (w)rite (q)uit >>
The resulting table is written to the CU using