Routing examples 1


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8. Routing examples 1

8.1. Direct connection between two CU.

Let suppose, that in the communication unit (modem, radio) there is set the working frequency, power and that all parameters have the default value. Then we set the address 690F1230 in the menu Ne in one of them:

Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 004AE97E     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F1230    S00 S00| -  R01|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 00000000    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

Save all by the command (w)rite and (I)nit. After new address setting initialize the connection with Setr by command Alt+I. The same things make in the opposite station with this different, that the putted address is 690F1233. The resulting state:

              __________      radio     __________
             |          |    channel   |          |
       PC ---| 690F1230 |..............| 690F1233 |
      Setr   |__________|              |__________|

Then give back the service cable in the first CU, perform Alt+I and write:

     >>!h690F1233 Enter

Suffice it to write the last part of address only, which is different from the own or the last called address:

    >>!h33 Enter

Now put the command for the packet sending:

    >>! Enter

The packet is sent there and back and the connection report appears:

u S00   690F1230    R01 
31/ 77  690F1233   serd 

 serd   690F1233    R01 
30/ 75  690F1230  u S00 

The address column describes the way of packet. On the left there is the incomming signal description (signal source or for radio signal it’s quality and strength DQ/RSS). On the right there is the direction in which the packet leaved the node.

8.2. Store and forward connection.

In this case we need three CU. The assigning of routing tables put in the CU 690F1230:

Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 004AE97E     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F1230    S00 S00| -  R01|1 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 00000000    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

We prescribe it the local table in CU 690F1230 , that the packets designated for the address 690F1233 should be sent to address 690F1200 which is audible for both station:

Local retab. No 1
33 to:00  

After command !h33 Enter we obtain next report:

u S00   690F1230    R01 
30/ 68  690F1200    R01 
31/ 68  690F1233   serd 

 serd   690F1233    R01 
30/ 71  690F1230  u S00 

We can see, that the packet from 690F1200 to 690F1233 runs through the store and forward station 690F1200 but in the opposite direction remained the direct route, because the routing table is not fullfiled in 690F1233 and the stations can hear each other directly. The connection scheme:

                  :                       :

Now put also in CU 690F1233 the local routing table:

Local retab. No 1
30 to:00  

and assign the set of tables 1 also to the address 690F1233 . The packet runs now in both directions through 690F1200:

u S00   690F1230    R01 
27/ 68  690F1200    R01 
30/ 68  690F1233   serd 

 serd   690F1233    R01 
31/ 69  690F1200    R01 
30/ 65  690F1230  u S00 

The connection line is similar in both directions:


Now both end points can be out of touch (the radio signal between them is too weak) but if each of them can hear the station 690F1200, they can communicate together.

8.3. Distant access

The configuration modifications can be done by service cable but more often the distant access through the radio channel is used. We remain connected by the service cable to the local station and hand on the service packets by radio channell to the distant station. If we obtained in the last example after command:

    >>!h33 Enter

Enter this response, then the last line


announces, that we are switched in the 690F1233 station and all commnads, we are putted in, will be performed in this station. Notice the change shape of prompt from


which refers to local access to


denoting the access in the distant station. To return to the local access type:

    690F1233h>!l Enter

Notice the longer response to service command for reading and writing into memory in the distant CU. Switch to the distant station

    >>!h33 Enter Enter

and choose from the main menu

    690F1233h>Ne Enter

Now takes place the service packet exchange between the stations, which takes according to the connection conditions from several tenth of seconds to several seconds and then the report appears

get  NODE 0 O.K.
get  NODE 1 O.K.
get  NODE 2 O.K.
get  NODE 3 O.K.
get  NODE 4 O.K.

which says, that the menu Node edit was succesfully transfered from the distant station into our program Setr. Display this menu by Enter and write e.g. the new address and routing table assignement in the Node 2.

Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 004A1E27     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F1233    S00 S00| -  R01|1 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 690F1234    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

These changes are yet done in our Setr and only by command (w)rite we send them into distant station. We obtain the acknowledgement about succesful writing in the flash memory:

write NODE 0 O.K.
write NODE 1 O.K.
write NODE 2 O.K.
write NODE 3 O.K.
write NODE 4 O.K.

Now we perform similarly the writing in the RAM memory by command (I)nit and in this way we initialize the putted parameters in the distant station.

put   NODE 0 O.K.
put   NODE 1 O.K.
put   NODE 2 O.K.
put   NODE 3 O.K.
put   NODE 4 O.K.

It could happend at bed connection or heavy radio traffic, that the acknowledgement get, write or put doesn’t come. We repeat the command in this case. We return by command

    !l Enter

in the local station, refill the local routing table to the state

Local retab. No 1
33 to:00  34 to:00  

and by command

    !h34 Enter

examine the new connection:

u S00   690F1230    R01 
30/ 68  690F1200    R01 
31/ 68  690F1233   serd 

 serd   690F1233    R01 
30/ 69  690F1200    R01 
29/ 65  690F1230  u S00 

The connection through more CU is presented in the chapter Routing examples 3.

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