MTF protocol (Morse Technology Format) is used to securely transfer data between the points with the technological unit SEP/ADIO. MTF format can also use the MODBUS protocol using function translation by ART table, see the MODBUS description.
The structure of MTF packet, which is sent from the interface to MORSE network:
| header/32 | data_part | chksum/16 |
The packet consists of a header, a number of data blocks and
checksum. Blocks of data_part
can be a different number.
Format of each item is determined by the command
processed one after the other.
format/8 | beginning of the packet 0x01 |
err/8 | error message |
reqNo/8 | request number |
respNo/8 | response number |
Data blocks:
|type/8|ft/1|cmd/3|size/4|cnt/4|offset/12| data |
A short frame is common in devices SEP/ADIO. Long framework is in development, its format is given at the end of this section.
type/8 | Distinguishes between data blocks according to content and
defines the format of
ft/1 | framework distinguishing, 1 – short, 0 – long |
cmd/3 | command
size/4 | size of one block of data in a word, example:
cnt/4 | number of data blocks, example for ADIO:
offset/12 | adresa první přenášené digitální nebo analogový kanál, příklad pro SEP:
data | data – data length (word) is determined by the product |
The format of short and long MTF frame
A short frame is used in equipment SEP/ADIO:
|typ/8|ft/1|cmd/3|size/4|cnt/4|offset/12| data | ft=1 - short frame
Long frame:
|typ/8|ft/1|res/7|cmd/3|res/1|size/4|cnt/8|offset/16| data | ft=0 - long frame
Example of short frames generated by ADIO module, broken down into data blocks:
0100 C300 format req No,resp No 01C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 Dinp,spont,3word 1×data,000offset mask status state=00 06C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 Dout,spont,3word 1×data,000offset mask status state=00 02C1 2000 0C82 0001 Ainp,spont,1word 2×data,000offset OK,stav0xC82 OK,state=0x001 07C1 2000 0C88 0000 Aout,spont,1word 2×data,000offset OK,stav0xC88 OK,state=0x000 AFE1 chksum
The first packet after switching on station. The inputs are not connected and the outputs are not set.
17:22:12.017| |00000021 00000012|G00I OUT 42||8A 5user 0100 C202 01C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 06C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 02C1 2000 0008 0001 07C1 2000 0000 0000 C9E1
Setting Aout0 using the test menu to 15.67 mA, the output is connected to the input Ain0
Spontaneous packet informing about the status change
17:22:39.617| |00000021 00000012|G00I OUT 42||8A 6user 0100 C300 01C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 06C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 02C1 2000 0C82 0001 07C1 2000 0C88 0000 AFE1 01 00 C3 00 + 01 - format/8 00 - error/8 C3 - MTF request number/8 00 - MTF response number/8 data part 1 + 01 C3 10 00 00 03 00 03 00 00 + 01 - typ/8 (01 = digital inputs) C3 - 1100 0011 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0011 - size/4 = 3 - data block size (words) 10 00 - 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 1 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 00 03 - mask/16 00 03 - status/16 00 00 - status of digital inputs/16 data part 2 + 06 C3 10 00 00 03 00 03 00 00 + 06 - typ/8 (06 = digital outputs) C3 - 1100 0011 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0011 - size/4 = 3 - data block size (words) 10 00 - 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 1 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 00 03 - mask/16 00 03 - status/16 00 00 - status of digital outputs/16 data part 3 + 02 C1 20 00 0C 82 00 01 + 02 - typ/8 (02 = analog inputs) C1 - 1100 0001 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 20 00 - 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 2 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 0C 82 - 0000 1100 1000 0010 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - valid data/1 x0xx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value in the range/1 xx00 1100 1000 0010 - measured value/14 00 01 - 0000 0000 0000 0001 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - data OK/1 x0xx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value in the range/1 xx00 0000 0000 0001 - measured value/14 data part 4 + chksum + 07 C1 20 00 0C 88 00 00 + AFE1 07 - typ/8 (07 = analog outputs) C1 - 1100 0001 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 20 00 - 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 2 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 0C 88 - 0000 1100 1000 1000 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - valid data/1 x0xx xxxx xxxx xxxx - reserve/1 xx00 1100 1000 1000 - set value/14 00 00 - --//--
Spontaneous packets with a period set in the menu GPe0pd
17:23:12.017| |00000021 00000012|G00I OUT 42||8A 7user 0100 C400 01C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 06C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 02C1 2000 0C82 0001 07C1 2000 0C88 0000 AEE1 17:24:12.017| |00000021 00000012|G00I OUT 42||8A 0user 0100 C500 01C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 06C3 1000 0003 0003 0000 02C1 2000 0C82 0001 07C1 2000 0C88 0000 ADE1
Communication MR – SEP on SCC is in the Modbus format:
09:19:50.816 tx 10 | S00 011E 000F A00F A000 41C4 09:19:50.877 rx;i 29 | S00 011E 1800 FF00 C72C 7A00 5E00 1C00 6500 7500 0E00 2100 620F 9B0F 9ED4 9D 09:19:52.817 tx 8 | S00 0104 0010 0010 F003 09:19:52.867 rx;i 37 | S00 0104 2000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0093 79
CNI interface continues in MTF format:
09:19:54.001| |69609074 00000075|S00I OUT 54||8A 1user 0100 0107 01C3 1000 00FF 00FF 00FF 06C3 1000 00FF 00FF 0000 02C1 8000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 07C1 2000 0000 0000 25F6
A packet with details for each part:
| header | data_part 1 | data_part 2 | data_part 3 | data_part 4 | chksum | 0100 0107 01C3 1000 00FF 00FF 00FF 06C3 1000 00FF 00FF 0000 02C1 8000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 07C1 2000 0000 0000 25F6 header 01 00 01 07 + 01 - format/8 00 - error/8 01 - MTF request number/8 07 - MTF response number/8 data part 1 + 01 C3 10 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF + 01 - typ/8 (01 = digital inputs) C3 - 1100 0011 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0011 - size/4 = 3 - data block size (words) 10 00 - 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 1 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 00 FF - mask/16 00 FF - status/16 00 FF - status of digital inputs/16 data part 2 + 06 C3 10 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 + 06 - typ/8 (06 = digital outputs) C3 - 1100 0011 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0011 - size/4 = 3 - data block size (words) 10 00 - 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 1 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 00 FF - mask/16 00 FF - status/16 00 00 - status of digital outputs/16 data part 3 + 02 C1 80 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 + 02 - typ/8 (02 = analog inputs) C1 - 1100 0001 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 80 00 - 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 8 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 40 00 - 0100 0000 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - valid data/1 x1xx xxxx xxxx xxxx - measured value out of range/1 xx00 0000 0000 0000 - measured value/14 40 00 - --//-- 40 00 - --//-- 40 00 - --//-- 40 00 - --//-- 40 00 - --//-- 40 00 - --//-- 40 00 - --//-- data part 4 + chksum + 07 C1 20 00 00 00 00 00 + 25F6 07 - typ/8 (07 = analog outputs) C1 - 1100 0001 1xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 1 - short frame x100 xxxx - cmd/3 = 4 - spontaneous data xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 20 00 - 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 xxxx xxxx xxxx - cnt/4 = 2 number of data blocks xxxx 0000 0000 0000 - offset/12 = 0 starting from 0 00 00 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - valid data/1 x0xx xxxx xxxx xxxx - reserve/1 xx00 0000 0000 0000 - set value/14 00 00 - --//--
| header | data_part 1 | data_part 2 | data_part 3 | chksum | packet header 01 00 00 00 + 01 - format/8 00 - error/8 00 - MTF request number/8 00 - MTF response number/8 data_part 1 + 01 00 23 01 00 00 + 000F 000F 0000 + 01 - typ (01 = digital inputs) 00 - 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 0 - long frame x000 0000 - res/7 - reserve 23 - 0010 0011 001x xxxx - cmd/3 = 1 - request for reading xxx0 xxxx - res/1 - reserve xxxx 0011 - size/4 = 3 - data block size (words) 01 - cnt/8 = 1 - number of data blocks 00 00 - offset/16 = 0 starting from 0 000F 000F 0000 - mask, status, value data_part 2 + 02 00 21 03 00 00 + 00AA 00BB 00CC + 02 - typ (02 = analog inputs) 00 - 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 0 - long frame x000 0000 - res/7 - reserva 21 - 0010 0001 001x xxxx - cmd/3 = 1 - request for reading xxx0 xxxx - res/1 - reserva xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 03 - cnt/8 = 3 - number of data blocks 00 00 - offset/16 = 0 starting from 0, carries words 0,1,2 00AA 00BB 00CC - Ainp 0,1,2 data_part 3 + chksum + 02 00 21 01 00 07 + 00DD + chksum 02 - typ (02 = analog inputs) 00 - 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 0 - long frame x000 0000 - res/7 - reserve 21 - 0010 0001 001x xxxx - cmd/3 = 1 - request for reading xxx0 xxxx - res/1 - reserve xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 01 - cnt/8 = 1 - number of data blocks 00 07 - offset/16 = 7 starting from 7, carries word 7 00DD - Ainp 7
| header | data_part 1 | data_part 2 | data_part 3 | chksum | packet header 01 00 00 00 + 01 - format/8 00 - error/8 00 - MTF request number/8 00 - MTF response number/8 data_part 1 + 06 00 03 01 00 00 00 94 00 94 AA AA + 06 - typ (06 = digital outputs) 00 - 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 0 - long frame x000 0000 - res/7 - reserve 03 - 0000 0011 000x xxxx - cmd/3 = 0 - request for writing xxx0 xxxx - res/1 - reserve xxxx 0011 - size/4 = 3 - data block size (words) 01 - cnt/8 = 1 - number of data blocks 00 00 - offset/16 = 0 starting from 0 00 94 - 0000 0000 1001 0100 - mask for Dout 2,4,7/16 00 94 - 0000 0000 1001 0100 - status/16 AA AA - state of digital outputs/16 data_part 2 + 07 00 01 02 00 02 + BB BB BB BB + 07 - typ (07 = analog outputs) 00 - 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 0 - long frame x000 0000 - res/7 - reserve 01 - 0000 0001 000x xxxx - cmd/3 = 0 - request for writing xxx0 xxxx - res/1 - reserve xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 02 - cnt/8 = 2 - number of data blocks 00 02 - offset/16 = 2 starting from 2. output BB BB - data Aout 2 BB BB - data Aout 3 data_part 3 + chksum + 02 00 21 01 00 05 + CC CC + chksum 02 - typ (02 = analog inputs) 00 - 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx - ft/1 = 0 - lomg frame x000 0000 - res/7 - reserve 21 - 0010 0001 001x xxxx - cmd/3 = 1 - request for reading xxx0 xxxx - res/1 - reserve xxxx 0001 - size/4 = 1 - data block size (words) 01 - cnt/8 = 1 - number of data blocks 00 05 - offset/16 = 5 starting from 5. input CC CC - data Ainp 5
Configuration parameters for ADIO module are described in the document ADIO protokol for MORSE.
Configuration parameters for input and output unit SEP are described in the document SEP protokol for MORSE.