RAy succeed in CRA


RACOM is delighted to announce that Czech Radiocommunications (CRA) is the next Czech Telco operator to select RAy as its Microwave link of choice.

One of the largest Telco operators in the market, CRA owns key, strategic communication towers throughout the Czech Republic, from where it distributes television and radio broadcasts and provides data services.

RACOM was invited and participated in the tender with its partner SUPTel, a long-term certified CRA supplier.

Our Microwave links passed a demanding tender process, which lasted from January to May 2020. Due to Covid-19 lockdown and quarantine restrictions, the entire tender process was conducted without the possibility of personal meetings and presentations. Thankfully, CRA technicians had been testing RAy links since 2018 and were already familiar with many of the key benefits of this radio.

By the final phase of the tender only two products were being considered – RAy3 and a well-known Italian product. RAy3 strongly outperformed its competitor on technical specifications: e.g. instead of a fixed duplexer in the middle of the band, RAy3 uses a SW defined polarization switch with a narrow bandwidth (18 MHz) that can be placed anywhere in the band. Combining this with narrow channels (3.5 – 112 MHz) and the option to assign them asymmetrically allows maximum use of the available spectrum. CRA also appreciate RAy3’s speed of up to 1 Gb FDD compared to 500 Mb generated by the competition.

We are confident that CRA will be satisfied with RAy links as are Cetin (O2) and other Telco operators who have been enjoying them for many years.

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