Command Line Configuration


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7. Command Line Configuration

Command Line Interface (CLI) provides an alternative to HTTPS access. CLI allows you to use a ssh (putty) or telnet client.

To connect using telnet to a unit with service access IP of open the command line and type:


Then use the username and password setup via configure device user (default values are admin, admin).

Putty client connection. Type into the Host Name (or IP address) field:


Click Open. Then input admin password. This method (without key) is only possible if configure service_access ssh local on was enabled previously.

If you own the private key, then you don’t need a password. In putty continue by selecting Connection / SSH / Auth and choosing the path to the key file, e.g. key.ppk. To save putty configuration go to Session / Logging. To access the unit via CLI simply select the connection in putty and press Open. More details in the appendix.

To connect via ssh in Linux.

ssh admin@ -i key

If you know the password and it has been enabled under configure service_access ssh local on, then you can skip the key and enter the password when prompted.

CLI menu

Fig. 7.1: CLI menu

The menu then branches out with three main commands:


configuration status, communication data, this menu is read only


change and save configuration parameters

toolscontrols service tools

To execute a command simply type only so many letters as it takes to distinguish it from others and then press Enter. Spacebar divides individual levels of the command, for example:

show radio local Enter will give you the same result as s r l Enter

After pressing Enter you will always return to the base level of show-configure-tools, so every step must begin either with s, c or t.

If the command is not clear, help is displayed which contains possible choices at the next level:

RAy: t r
WARNING: The given command "r" is not unique within set of possible commands:

Continue by typing t re for restart or t rx to measure the received spectrum.

For initial overview type help or ?. Doing so will add a schematic overview of commands to the first menu:

to read:           to write:                                   to test:

show               configure                                   tools
  radio       l|r    radio        fre mod pow                    ping
  eth_bridge  l|r    eth_bridge   spe dup mdi flow vlan          spectrum
  device      l|r    device       name peer user search time     rx_scan
  service_acc l|r    service_acc  htt tel ssh snmp ip def manv   tx_disabl
  keys        l|r    keys         add delete                     indicator
  alarm_limit l|r    alarms       cpu mem pow snr rss ber air    restart
  measure     l|r                             rf_pow peer_eth
  log         ...                                
  graph       ...
  config      ...    config       restore default

The commands in the first column ending in l|r (i.e. local or remote) are final. Other commands further branch as illustrated and are described in detail in help for the respective level.

! command provides a report on the status of the link, type exit to quit CLI.

7.1. Show Command

The output of the Show command is self-explanatory, only Graph and Configuration merit elaborating on:

7.1.1. Show Graph

The show graph displays history of several values over the last hour. The graph is represented by a table with two columns with timestamp on the left and the monitored value on the right. Graphs are available for the following values:

CommandCommand in wordsContent – historyfrequency of records
s g be lshow graph ber localbit error rate1 min
s g m lshow graph modulation localmodulation statusmodulation changes
s g v lshow graph voltage localpower source voltage5 min
s g r lshow graph rss localsignal strength1 min
s g bi lshow graph bitrate localnet bitratespeed changes
s g s lshow graph snr localsignal quality (local unit)1 min
s g t rshow graph temperature remoteunit inside temperature (remote unit)5 min
s g e lshow graph ethernet localtraffic history1 min

For example, typing show graph modulation local Enter displays the history of modulation states in the local unit:

RAy: s g m l
Command> show graph modulation local
["2010-06-29 08:03:39",8],
["2010-06-29 08:46:52",6],
["2010-06-29 08:50:19",5],

The degree of modulation is expressed by a number from 0 through 11, see ACM status.

7.1.2. Show configuration

The show configuration Enter command prepares the configuration file of the unit for download using a tftp client.

RAy: s c
Command> show configuration
Inactivity timeout expired.
INFO:    The file with configuration "ray.conf" is ready
         to be downloaded by some TFTP client.
         The file is accessible for approx. 60 seconds.

After the command is executed a configuration file ray.conf is ready for download using a tftp client for 60 seconds. The file contains configuration of both local and remote units.

How download is initiated depends on the tftp client used. For instance, in Linux type the following:

     tftp> get ray.conf

7.2. Configure Command

The command configure Enter or c Enter opens the menu that enables you to save configuration values to the unit. The individual items are analogous to menu show:

RAy: c


     configure { radio | eth_bridge | device | service_access
               | alarms | configuration | keys } ...

     Configure device parameters

     radio            Configure radio parameters
     eth_bridge       Configure ethernet bridge parameters
     device           Configure device parameters
     service_access   Configure service access parameters
     alarms           Configure alarm limits
     configuration    Put stored configuration to device
     keys             Configure product keys

The configuration menu further branches out like this:

radiofrequency, modulation, power
eth_bridgespeed, duplex, mdix, flow control, vlan
devicedevice name, peer number, user name, search, time
service_accessenable access protocols, IP address, default access
alarmsalarm limits
configurationconfiguration file upload
keysproduct keys upload

The commands are defined in detail in help which displays when the command is run. The commands may be shortened but the final parameters must be given in full. E.g. the parameters in the following commands are: 28, CH3, 32-QAM, hi, 16-QAM, low, auto

RAy: c r f m 28 CH3 32-QAM hi 16-QAM low

RAy: c r f m 28 CH3 auto

7.3. Tools Command

The command tools Enter offers several diagnostic tools:

 tools { ping | spectrum | rx_scan | tx_disable | indicator_rss | restart } ...
pingsend out a test ping
spectrumdetermine rss in the received spectrum
rx_scanfunction spectrum for Local / Remote, with disabling of the other unit
tx_disabledisables transmission for a set time
indicator_rssrss sound indication
restartunit restart

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