Advanced Configuration


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6. Advanced Configuration

This chapter is identical with the content of Helps for individual menu.

6.1. Status

Status Menu

Fig. 6.1: Status Menu

6.1.1. Status – Device

Device section provides basic information on the local and remote units. Please note, that the status page displays information valid at the moment of opening the page or pushing the “Refresh” button.

Unit typeUnit manufacturing label, conversion Unit type = Ordering code:
RAY10L1 = RAy10-LA (Low frequency part, band A)
RAY10H1 = RAy10-UA (Upper frequency part, band A)
RAY10H1EU = RAy10-UB (Upper frequency part, band B)
RAY10H2EU = RAy10-UB-2 (Upper frequency part, band B, 2 connectors)
   The order code use U (Upper) letter for unit identification, instead of H (High), see Ordering code.
SerialProduction serial No.
Every unit has a unique serial number (a link consists of two units).
Station nameUnit name assigned by user
Station locationUnit location assigned by user
The text is displayed trimmed to 14 characters followed by three dots. The tool-tip with whole text is given, when mouse pointer is located above the text.
Peer serialSerial No of the peer unit which is supposed to form the Point-to-Point link with the unit being configured. The red exclamation mark is displayed in the case of the disconnected radio link because of incorrect Peer serial, see Short Status.
SW ver.Firmware version and subversion
Date & TimeThe internal real-time clock. The clock is set manually or it is synchronized with SNTP server and is set identically in both units
Voltage [V]Voltage measurement at the input pins of the power supply connector
Temperature [°C]Unit internal temperature
PolarizationThe current state of the signal polarization (according to the physical installation of the unit). Local and Remote units are indicated separately to be able to check proper installation. The polarization is given by the orientation of the main handle-bar of the unit. The proper position of the cable is sideways down.

6.1.2. Status – Service access

Service access section provides basic information of the unit management options.

MAC addrHW address of the ethernet module
IPIP address in the standard decimal “dot” notation, including the bit width of netmask after the forward slash.
ServersEnabled servers for service access (HTTPS and/or Telnet and/or SSH)
Management vlanService access via management VLAN only

6.1.3. Status – Radio link

Radio section provides basic information on settings and current state of the radio link.

Bandwidth [MHz]Nominal channel width. Both units in a link have to use the same bandwidth.
Channel TX [GHz] 
Channel RX [GHz]Channels used, expressed both in GHz and channel Nos according to standard.
Modulation TXTX modulation currently in use. Letters ACM are displayed when the Adaptive Coding and Modulation mode is set.
Net bitrate [Mbps]Channel capacity currently available to the user
Max Net bitrate [Mbps]The maximum RF channel capacity according to installed SW key.
TX power [dBm]RF output power level currently used. If the transmission output is over 3 dBm lower than configured, then the red exclamation mark is displayed instead of letters ok, see Short Status.
RSS [dBm]The intensity of the received signal is between −30 and −85 dBm. The weaker signal is identified as −110 dBm.
SNR [dB]Signal to Noise Ratio
BERBit Error Rate registered at the receiving end during the last second
Link uptimeTime elapsed since the current link connection has been established

6.1.4. Status – Ethernet bridge

Ethernet bridge section gives short overview of Ethernet interface settings and data flow.

Eth interfaceStatus of the ethernet interface. Current bit rate (10 = 10BASE-T, 100 = 100BASE-TX and 1000 = 1000BASE-T) and state of duplex (FD = full duplex, HD = half duplex) is shown. The red exclamation mark is displayed in the case of the disconnected Ethernet link in the opposite unit, see Short Status.
MDIStatus of internal crossover of twisted pairs of the ethernet cable (MDI-X = internally crossed pairs, MDI = direct connection, N/A means an unknown state).
Prioritized VLANVLAN packets are permanently supported. The state “on (ID 4)” indicates the prioritized treating of the VLAN id 4 packets. The state “off” indicates that all VLAN packets are treated equal.
RX packetsCounter of all received packets.
RX errorsCounter of received packets containing errors.
TX packetsCounter of all transmitted packets.
TX errorsCounter of packets with errors during transmitting.

6.2. Settings Device

Device Menu

Fig. 6.2: Device Menu

6.2.1. Device – General

Section General contains fundamental system settings, including authentication parameters

Unit codeThe unit code, e.g.:
L1 – the Lower unit broadcasts in the lower group of channels
H2 – the Upper unit broadcasts in the upper group of channels, 2 stands for two separate ethernet connectors, one for data and one for service access.
   The Ordering code use U (Upper) letter for unit identification, instead of H (High) .
SerialUnit serial number, unique for the H unit and the L unit.
Station nameA name assigned to the device by user. Maximum length is 64 characters, the first character has to be a letter or a number and characters allowed are the letters of english alphabet a-z/A-Z, numbers 0-9 and two special characters “_” and “-“.
Station locationThe station location assigned to the device by user. Maximum length is 254 characters. The characters allowed are numbers 0-9, letters of english alphabez a-z/A-Z and special characters: “_.,:;/() -“. The quotation marks are NOT allowed.
Peer serialSerial No of the peer unit which is supposed to form the Point-to-Point link with the unit being configured.
Search mode
Setting of this option has to be the same for both Local and Remote units. Make this setting prior to unit installation (especially when replacing damaged unit):
  • on, checked – In the case of the mismatched Local “Peer serial” and Remote “Serial”, the link can not be established.

  • off, unchecked – Even if the Local “Peer serial” and Remote “Serial” are not matched, the both units can be configured. Warning – the user data traffic is interrupted. Such a system status is indicated as a Short Status “Link connecting” message. Exclamation mark is displayed in the Status menu next to the mismatched “Peer serial” configuration item. The whole link is fully operational immediately after matching of the Local “Peer serial” with Remote “Serial” for both units.


Clicking the Time box brings up the Time dialog window. The first selection is whether the time shall by synchronized manually or through the SNTP protocol from a time server.

  • Time manual – Date and Time shall be filled in, Time zone and Daylight saving selected.

  • Time SNTP – Server IP address and synchronization period shall be filled in, Time zone and Daylight saving selected

When the time zone and/or daylight saving is changed, the GMT time is kept unchanged within the unit. The operating system is however restarted to avoid unpredictable behaviour due to the local time change.

After clicking Ok in the Time window, the configuration has to be confirmed by clicking the main Apply button on the Device page

6.2.2. Device – Alarm limits

Alarm limits section allows the user the set the limits on both link performance and environment conditions. Whenever a configured limit is reached, an alarm is written in the alarm log. At the same time, the Warning or Alarm appear in the Short Status. The consequent SNMP trap signal generation can be controlled individually for each item by checking the respective tick-box.

List of alarms and respective default limit values:


Inside temperature [°C]>80Unit internal temperature high level alarm.
Memory usage [%]>90System memory usage high level alarm.
Voltage min [V]<40Supply voltage – low level alarm.
Voltage max [V]>70Supply voltage – high level alarm. The SNMP trap is common for both – high and low level alarms.
The SNMP trap is common for both – high and low level alarms.
SNR [dBm]<10Signal to noise ratio low level alarm.
RSS [dBm]<-80Received signal strength low level alarm.


BER>10-6Bit error rate high level alarm.
RF power fail RF output power amplifier failure.
Peer disconnect Radio link to peer station is interrupted.
Peer eth link down User Ethernet link of the peer station is disconnected.

6.2.3. Device – Authorization

Some RAy features may be controlled by the sw key installed. Typically the transmitted bitrate or power is limited by such key.

Active KeysAll valid keys in the station are listed here:
  • Speed – maximal accessible transmiting bitrate is defined by the speed_xx key. Consequently the parameters Bandwidth, Modulation and Coding strength can be set in a limited range only. The received bit rate is never limited, hence different keys can be installed in the local and remote units. The “Remove all” button clears all keys installed in the unit. Without keys the unit transmits with the minimal bit rate of 8.45 Mbps only.

  • Power – maximal accessible RF power is +3 dBm without this key and +10 dBm with installed rfPower key.

Authorization KeyText box for input of a key.
AddThe key activation button. The key typed in the text box will be activated in the respective (local or remote) unit immediatelly after clicking OK in the dialog box (there’s no need to use the Apply button).
Remove allBefore removing all keys, it is recommended to configure the link to comply with the limitations (i.e. 7 MHz bandwith, QPSK modulation with high coding strength and max. 3 dBm output power for Ray10). If the configuration left does not comply with the no-key limitations, the default configuration is forced in after the next restart of the unit, which may cause a disconnect of the radio link. Immediatelly after executing the “Remove all” command the state of the link does not change, except the ACM level dropping to the lowest speed (if ACM is configured). A new key should be entered and/or the configuration should be changed to comply with the active limitation, otherwise the link may be disconnected after the next restart.

6.2.4. Device – Service Access

Service Access section gives full control over different ways to configure and manage the link.

UsernameThe login name selected by the user. Maximum length is 25 characters, the first character has to be a letter and characters allowed are the letters of english alphabet a-z/A-Z, numbers 0-9 and one special character “_”.
New passwordThe new password selected by the user. The length is 5 to 8 characters. The characters allowed are the letters of english alphabet a-z/A-Z, numbers 0-9 and four special characters “.”, “:”, “_” and “-“.
Repeat new passwordA new password has to be repeated to avoid typing errors
IP addressThe service and management interface IP address, default in L station and in H station.
Four addresses are used for internal communication. Not be used as a service IP address.
Unknown management IP addressThe LLDP protocol is implemented for the sake of the management IP address discovery. The LLDP protocol message is sent as a broadcast every 60s with the following informations:
  • IP address – item: Management address

  • Serial number – item: System Description

  • Station type, e.g. RAy10_L – item: Chassis Subtype

  • DATA_PORT for one Eth version, or SERVICE_PORT for the two Eth version – item: Port Subtype

The LLDP message can be captured and converted to human readable format by any LLDP client. The Wireshark IP traffic analyzing tool is a very nice tool for that purpose (both Windows and Linux license free versions are available). When using Wireshark – the Capture filter “ether proto 0x88cc” can be used to ease the job.

NetmaskThe service and management interface netmask, default
GatewayThe service and management interface default gateway, no gateway by default
HTTPSTickbox to enable the HTTPS server. When disabling, remember that you will not be able to access the unit by web browser afterward! Enabled by the Open-access default.
TelnetTickbox to enable the Telnet server. Telnet server provides CLI (Command Line Interface) for simple telnet clients. Disabled by default.
SSHTickbox to enable the SSH server. SSH server provides a secure CLI connection. It should be the only server left running when security of the link management is the primary concern. Enabled by both Open and Secure-access defaults.
Allow passwdEnables SSH access by password. Disabled by the Secure-access default.
Management VLANTickbox to enable service access only via the managent VLAN (it disables access via untagged LAN packets). See Management VLAN id below. This feature is disabled by default.

Switching the Management VLAN on/off affects all types of access from the LAN – make sure you will not be cut off afterwards. It is recommended to switch only one end of a link at a time.

Management VLAN idManagent VLAN id, default 1. This field has to be filled in even when the Management VLAN tickbox is not checked.
SSH keySSH key is uploaded from a file.
SNMP agentEnabling the SNMP agent to monitor the unit’s operation using traditional NMS (Network Management Systems).
SNMP StringSNMP community string. Maximum length is 256 characters. The characters allowed are the letters of english alphabet a-z/A-Z, numbers 0-9 and four special characters “.”, “:”, “_” and “-“.
SNMP Trap IPAn IP address to which SNMP trap datagrams are sent.

6.2.5. Device – Configuration

Configuration section provides tools for saving/restoring configuration data to/from a file. The configuration data file can be edited by an ordinary text editor. Service Access section gives full control over different ways to configure and manage the link. The factory default setting Access open is shown.

BackupComplete configuration settings are saved to a file named ray.conf. The configuration file can be edited by any common text editor.
The configuration data are uploaded to the unit.
Type of configuration to be uploaded:
Bridge – Bridge parameters (Radio channel, Ethernet, …)
Access – Access parameters (HTTPS, Telnet, SSH, SSH Allow passwd, IP address, Netmask, Gateway, Management VLAN, Management VLAN id)
All – Bridge together with Access
Local – Local unit only
Remote – Remote unit only
Both – Both units

When the configuration file was downloaded from a disconnected link, the upload is possible to the local unit only.

the management OS is restarted after changing the time zone and daylight saving.

The selected groups of parameters are set to default values.).
Type of configuration:
Bridge – Bridge parameters (Radio channel, Ethernet, …)
Access secure – Access parameters default to values which ensure the secure access (HTTPS=off, Telnet=off, SSH=on, SSH Allow password=off, Management VLAN=off).

The web interface is disabled on activating Access secure default parameters. The SSH access using password is disabled as well. The only possibility to configure the station is CLI with SSH keys authentication.

Access open – Access parameters default to values which ensure simple and open access (HTTPS=on, Telnet=off, SSH=on, SSH Allow password=off, Management VLAN=off).
All secure – Bridge + Access secure
All open – Bridge + Access open
Management access default values: 
IP address – unit L:
unit H:
Local – Local unit only
Remote – Remote unit only
Both – Both units

the management OS is restarted after changing the time zone and daylight saving.

Update of the unit firmware is possible through this menu. The fw pack is labelled as bm1-x.x.x.x.cpio. The unit is rebooted after the firmware change.

The unit power must not be interrupted during the firmware upgrade!

Local – Local unit only
Remote – Remote unit only
Both – Both units
Apply – choose the firmware pack in a new window and by the next Apply button start the transfer and installation of the new firmware. The process takes about 6 minutes and displays the next messages:
Start – Please wait. Transferring data to update (green)
1 min – Please wait. Transferring data to remote unit (green)
3 min – Update software. Wait approximately 5 minutes until RAy10 unit firmware installation is finished. DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER UNTIL THE WHOLE PROCESS IS COMPLETED! (grey)
 or – in case of choosing the same fw version –
Error Remote unit: Versions of the software are identical (red)
6 min – it is not possible to get a report after the restart, please verify the result on the Status screen. The pings can be send from PC to RAy to get a faster feedback, the update is ready after receiving ping answer (in case of L station: “ping -t”, In case of H station: “ping -t”)
In the same way, we can insert into RAy unit the package with manuals labelled as bm1-doc-x.x.x.x.cpio

If there is any problem with https certificate after completing the firmware upgrade, please see the Appendix F, Https certificate for further steps.

6.3. Settings Bridge

Bridge Menu

Fig. 6.3: Bridge Menu

6.3.1. Settings – Radio link

Radio link section comprises all necessary settings which influence the radio part operation. Some parameters (Bandwidth, Modulation, Coding strength and RF power) are influenced by installed Authorization Keys. See the menu Settings/Device/Authorization.

Bandwidth [MHz]One of standard channel widths can be selected. This parameter must be set identically in local and remote.
Channel TX [GHz]
Channel RX [GHz]
TX and RX channel frequencies can be selected from the list of available channels. Normally, the standard duplex spacing is maintained, hence setting one channel box results in automatic change of the remaining three. When special conditions require different duplex setting than the standard one, the TX-RX lock symbol may be unlocked. Then the TX and RX channels can be set independently. The respective channel at the peer side is again changed automatically.
Warning: Non-standard duplex setting leads to non-effective use of the spectrum and should be used in well-justified cases only.
RAy10-xB version:
Channels are marked as L1a… according to CEPT/ERC/REC 12-05 E (2007).
The “L” and “U” letters stand for the lower and upper segments of the range.
The “a” index complies with CEPT standards, other indices “c”, “e”… identify shifted channels (in this case, by 7 MHz). This allows selecting channels according to other national standards.
Channel identification also requires the bandwidth used – 28/14/7 MHz. For an overview of bandwidths and their mean frequencies refer to the manual – table of nominal frequencies.
Modulation TXThe desired modulation is selected from the list. When ACM (Adaptive Coding and Modulation) mode is selected, the modulation is selected automatically by the device, according to the signal strength and quality. This way the link always operates with the maximum bit rate allowed by signal conditions, up to the limit given by the Authorization key. When signal deteriorates, e.g. because of a heavy rain, the modulation rate decreases (e.g. from 256-QAM to 128-QAM). That results in the respective decrease of the throughput, nevertheless the link is not interrupted completely.
The ACM always uses the coding=High, except when the maximum speed limited by the Authorization key corresponds to coding=Low. Then the Low coding is used for this maximum speed only.
The ACM mode should be set on both units. The second possibility is the manualy set modulation on both units. The modulation can be set manualy from QPSK to 256-QAM, equally or differently on the unit L and H.
Coding strengthThe FEC (Forward Error Correction) coding is always used over the RF channel. Its strength means its ability to combat channel impairments, to avoid frame losses because of data errors. The stronger the coding, the higher the overhead, and consequently, the lower the net throughput. If the link speed is your highest priority and your application can tolerate slightly higher number of lost frames, you may want to use weaker coding. Normally the stronger coding is the recommended option.
Note that when the ACM mode is configured, the coding is controlled automatically, hence the manual setting of it does not affect the link.
RF power [dBm]The RF output power desired. To access the full power of +10 dBm, the rfPower Authorization Key has to be activated. Without the rfPower Key the power range is limited to +3 dBm.

6.3.2. Settings – Ethernet bridge

Speed [Mbps]One of the ethernet standards which determines bitrate can be selected (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-T). “Auto” (default setting) allows automatic negotiation of bitrate with the wire-link peer.
DuplexPossibility to select transmitting and receiving simultaneously (full duplex) or one-at-a-time (half duplex) on the ethernet link. “Auto” (default setting) allows automatic negotiation of this feature with the wire-link peer.
Auto and 1000 speeds may only be used with Duplex auto settings.
100 and 10 speeds may be combined with Duplex full and Duplex half.
MDIXMedia Dependent Interface Crossover indicates the ability of the interface to crossover the twisted pairs of cable internally. “Auto” (default setting) allows automatically detect and set crossover if it is necessary (Auto-MDIX).
Flow controlEthernet flow control is a mechanism for temporarily stopping the transmission of data on an ethernet network.
Prioritized VLANRAy wireless bridge has the ability to specially treat VLAN packets. Selection “On” enables priority treatment of packets having the selected VLAN id (see below).
VLAN idPackets with this identification number in their VLAN header are preferentially treated when Prioritized VLAN “On” is set.
Internal VLAN idThe RF bridge uses one VLAN id for internal purposes. It can be changed if there is a conflict with user data.
The L2/H2 version of the RAy uses internally one more VLAN id, which is set to value ‘Internal VLAN id’ plus 1.
Management VLANTickbox to enable service access only via managent VLAN (it disables access via untagged LAN packets). See Management VLAN id below. This feature is disabled by default.

Switching the Management VLAN on/off affects all types of access from the LAN – make sure you will not be cut off afterwards. It is recommended to switch only one end of a link at a time.

Management VLAN idManagent VLAN id, default 1. This field has to be filled in even when the Management VLAN tickbox is not checked.

6.4. Diagnostics Graphs

Diagnostics Graphs Menu

Fig. 6.4: Diagnostics Graphs Menu

Graphs section provides graphical information on history of basic link parameters. The main page gives access to seven graphs:

  • RSS

  • BER

  • SNR

  • Internal temperature

  • Net bitrate

  • Voltage

  • Ethernet traffic

with last 24 hours course. Clicking one of the mini-graphs or selecting the desired parameter from the listbox opens the Detailed graph page.

PrimaryPrimary parameter to be displayed
SecondaryOptional secondary parameter to be displayed in the same graph
SideGraph from Local or Remote or Both ends of the link can be selected
Show AlarmActive alarms are indicated on the graph time axis
IntervalTime period displayed.
To use time intervals it is recommended to synchronise the time zone and daylight saving settings in your PC and RAy unit. To do this, go to the Status /Device /Date&Time menu, and then use the Time submenu.
The X, Y axes interval will be set up automatically using the extreme values of the monitored interval. For that reason, to display a Custom interval up to present, select Interval To greater than the present time.
To refresh intervals Last hour, Last day… up to now you need to reload web page in your browser, the Refresh button itself is not enough.
LegendLegend explains meaning of the different colors
ZoomZoom in by dragging the mouse, get back to full scale by Reset zoom

Refresh button applies selected changes

6.5. Diagnostics Statistics

Diagnostics Statistics Menu

Fig. 6.5: Diagnostics Statistics Menu

Date & TimeInternal clock date and time
Statistics clearedDate and time of clearing the statistic counters
Statistics periodTime elapsed from the clearing of the statistics

Radio link

UptimeSum of time intervals when the radio link was connected
DowntimeSum of time intervals when the radio link was disconnected
Reliability“Uptime” to “Downtime” ratio
Longest downtimeThe longest downtime period recorded
No of disconnectsNumber of disconnect events

Ethernet bridge

InUnicastPktsCounter of unicast packets received
InBroadcastPktsCounter of broadcast packets received
InMulticastPktsCounter of multicast packets received
InCrcErrorsPktsCounter of corrupted packets (CRC error) received
InDroppedPktsCounter of received packets, which were discarded because of buffer overflow
OutUnicastPktsCounter of unicast packets transmitted
OutBroadcastPktsCounter of broadcast packets transmitted
OutMulticastPktsCounter of multicast packets transmitted
OutCollisionPktsCounter of detected collisions during transmitting
OutDropPktsCounter of transmitted packets, which were discarded because of buffer overflow

6.6. Diagnostics Logs

Diagnostics Logs Menu

Fig. 6.6: Diagnostics Logs Menu

Last three records from the each log are displayed. The complete log is accessible by clicking the respective log name. The Local Overall and Remote Overall titles brings the respective overall log.

EventWarning and Alarm states, see Alarm limits and Short Status.
SettingConfiguration changes log.
ACM statusACM switching log.
OverallUnsorted overview of the whole log.
Last three records from the each log are displayed. The complete log is accessible by clicking the respective log name.

6.7. Diagnostics Realtime

Realtime Menu

Fig. 6.7: Realtime Menu

The values ​​of RSS, SNR and BER are updated with a period of 1 second.

6.8. Diagnostics Tools

Tools Menu

Fig. 6.8: Tools Menu

6.8.1. Diagnostics – Ping

Ping is the simplest tool to check the connection to any member of the network

DestinationDestination IP address (numerical only, in dotted decimal notation format)
Length [bytes]Random data bytes sent in the ping packet, 8 byte header will be added in the result
Timeout [ms]Pings are always transmitted in 1000 ms period
CountNumber of pings which will be transmitted (0 means continuous transmission)

Complete report is displayed after clicking the Refresh button

6.8.2. Diagnostics – Spectrum analyzer

Tools - Spectrum analyzer Menu

Fig. 6.9: Tools – Spectrum analyzer Menu

A very useful tool to evaluate in-band interference and to locate a free channel at a site. This is not a full-blown spectrum analyzer. The spectrum is only scanned with 7MHz channel resolution. The spectrum measurement accuracy is limited by RSS measurement accuracy.

EnterEnter the Spectrum analyzer menu.

BEWARE! Whenever the Spectrum analyzer mode is activated by clicking the Start button, the RF link is disconnected. The unit is switched to receive-only mode, bandwidth set to 7 MHz and all channels are scanned. The recorded RSS is then graphically displayed.

The One-shot mode results in only about 20 sec interruption of the RF link and can be activated even at the remote end of the link.

The Continuous mode is intended for use during a site survey and/or installation. It is automatically cancelled after 10 minutes to avoid permanent link shutdown by mistake. The peer TX transmitter can be optionally disabled in all modes. BEWARE! Before starting the “Continuous” mode, make sure you are not connected to the “local” unit through the very link you want to analyze.

ModeA listbox to select the scanning mode. “One-shot” does one scan of all channels and automatically restores the RF link to normal operation. “Continuous” means the scanning is done repeatedly until the “Stop” button is clicked or the safety timeout of 10 minutes expires.
Disable peer TXThe opposite end transmitter can be switched off during the scan. This is a very useful option for detecting an in-channel interference. In continuous mode the switch-off period has to be selected (10 sec – 10 min) before starting the analyzer. Note that the RF link can not be restored before the switch-off period expires, even if you stop the analyzer manually.
StartClick the button to start the actual scanning. After, and only after, clicking this button the link will go down.
StopClick the button to stop the scanning in continuous mode. If the peer transmitter is on, the link will be restored within few seconds.
BackClick the button to leave the Spectrum analyzer screen.
Channel idIf you choose a range by clicking in the upper rows, you can use it to configure the link by clicking the OK button. The frequency will change after you click the Apply button in Bridge Settings. This function applies to One-shot (local) and Continuous (local) modes but not to One-shot (remote).

The results of the Spectral analyzer are merely informative. RAy10 is not a properly calibrated measuring instrument. It cannot, for instance, be used to evaluate the compliance of a remote transmitter’s channel mask with a prescribed standard.

6.8.3. Diagnostics – Documentation


The pdf format manuals can be downloaded directly from the RAy unit:

  • RAy10 Configuration manual – EN

  • RAy10 Konfiguracni manual – CZ

  • RAy10 Installation manual – EN/CZ

The content of those documents is the same as content of the User manual accessible at Some chapters (“Implementation notes”, “Safety, environment, licencing” and some attachments) were omitted to reduce the size of the pdf files. The complete manual can be downloaded from


The MIB table can be downloaded directly from the RAy unit.

6.8.4. Diagnostics – RX constellation diagram

Constellation diagram is a powerful tool to assess the received signal quality. Samples of the demodulated signal are displayed along amplitude and phase coordinates. Ideally a perfect grid of single points should be seen. The degree of random dispersion indicates the distortion and noise in the channel. The smaller the gaps between neighboring groups of points are, the higher is the probability of an error.

Menu Tools - Constellation 2

Fig. 6.10: Menu Tools – Constellation 2

BufferNumber of signal samples shown in one image
Read ContinuouslyThe diagram is updated every couple of seconds
InfoBasic parameters of received signal (Modulation, RSS, SNR, BER)

Zoom in is possible by dragging the mouse, getting back to full scale by Reset zoom.

Internet Explorer’s performance while displaying the RX constellation diagram is very poor (it takes minutes); we recommend using another browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Chrome.

6.8.5. Diagnostics – Miscellanous tools

System restartHard reset.
Export log fileSpecial diagnostic package (configuration and system logs) can be exported for service purposes.
Acoustic RSS
The built-in acoustic indicator of RSS is an optional feature. It can be used for the final adjustment of the antenna. Even a small difference in the RSS is reflected in the tone frequency – the higher the pitch, the stronger the signal. The beeper is switched on only after clicking the Apply button. Remember to switch it off after completing the work. It automatically switches off after 30 minutes.

6.9. Short Status

Short Status Menu

Fig. 6.11:
Short Status

The Short Status is refreshed automatically every 3 seconds.

ok (green) – Radio link is connected.
connecting (red) – Local radio is receiving a valid data signal and trying to establish connection with the peer. If the peer serial No does not match the one configured in menu Device – General, the connecting phase never completes.
searching (red) – Local radio is searching for a valid signal from the peer. It may also mean that the remote radio transmitter is turned off.
analyzer (orange) – Local radio is in Spectrum analyzer mode. Communication with the peer is not possible.
The Overall log is displayed on link click.
ok (green) – Unit is working correctly.
warning (orange)
alarm (red)
– Some of the system Warnings or Alarms is active – see Device/Alarm limits menu. The Event log with Warning or Alarm messages can be displayed on link click.

If you refresh the Status menu, you will see these error warnings (if applicable):

  • Peer serial – the serial number of the peer unit does not match

  • TX power – the transmission output is over 3 dBm lower than configured

  • Eth interface – the ethernet link has been lost

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