Important Notice


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Important Notice


© 2024 RACOM. All rights reserved.

Sole owner of all rights to this User manual is the company RACOM s. r. o. (in this manual referred to under the abbreviated name RACOM). Drawing written, printed or reproduced copies of this manual or records on various media or translation of any part of this manual to foreign languages (without written consent of the rights owner) is prohibited.

Products offered may contain software proprietary to RACOM. The offer of supply of these products and services does not include or infer any transfer of ownership.


Although every precaution has been taken in preparing this information, RACOM assumes no liability for errors and omissions, or any damages resulting from the use of this information. This document or the equipment may be modified without notice, in the interests of improving the product.

RACOM reserves the right to make changes in the technical specification or in this product function or to terminate production of this product or to terminate its service support without previous written notification of customers.


All trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners.

Important Notice

  • Due to the nature of wireless communications, transmission and reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e. have errors), or be totally lost. Significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the RipEX2 are used in an appropriate manner within a well‐constructed network. RipEX2 should not be used in situations where failure to transmit or receive data could result in damage of any kind to the user or any other party, including but not limited to personal injury, death, or loss of property. RACOM accepts no liability for damages of any kind resulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or received using RipEX2, or for the failure of RipEX2 to transmit or receive such data.

  • Under no circumstances is RACOM or any other company or person responsible for incidental, accidental or related damage arising as a result of the use of this product. RACOM does not provide the user with any form of guarantee containing assurance of the suitability and applicability for its

  • RACOM products are not developed, designed or tested for use in applications which may directly affect health and/or life functions of humans or animals, nor to be a component of similarly important systems, and RACOM does not provide any guarantee when company products are used in such applications.

  • The equipment should be used in hazardous locations under conditions according to Section 10.5, “Explosive atmospheres” only.

©  2025 RACOM s.r.o. All Rights Reserved.