Mobile mode SDR


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2. Mobile mode SDR

The mobile network provides a connection between the Centre and Mobile stations. It offers plenty of new possibilities compared with the old mobile mode.

                        . Base
Router . . . Router . . . Base      ...Mobile
  |                        . 
  |                        .
Center PLC                Base

Bases and Routers form the stable part of the network which is connected by standard routing methods. These connections are made over the radio channel or via Ethernet. The central application can be connected to the Router CU or to the Base CU. Communication with a Mobile station then takes place via whichever of the Bases the Mobile station has determined as the most optimum. This choice changes depending on the position of the Mobile station.

All Bases send short packets in regular intervals and the Mobile station selects the optimum Base according to these packets. The Mobile station then sends data packets or maintenance packets via such a Base to the Centre. When the packet passes through the Centre data is recorded into dynamic routing tables in Bases and Routers on the route to the Centre.

The following data packet then travels from the Centre to the Mobile station in accordance with this recorded data. Recorded data is updated each time a packet is sent from the Mobile station.

2.1. Simple example

A simple mobile network contains a Mobile station and two Bases, all connected via radio channels. The central application is connected to one of the Bases. Configuration is derived from default values.

  + Base 1                    Base 2                     Mobil 1
           \|/                       \|/                        \|/
    ________|_                 _______|__                 _______|__
   | 690F0100 |               | 690F0200 |               | 690F8001 |
   |__________|               |__________|               |__________|

Tw1 p02 n0200              Tw1 p01 n0100 

Rpe T4250000               Rpe T4250000               Rpe T4250000
    R4250000                   R4250000                   R4250000
    l7                         l7                         l7
    1 0 111                    1 0 111                    1 0 4250000
    2 0 111                    2 0 111                    2 0 4250000

DGe oB                     DGe oB                     DGe oM
    b b690F8000                b b690F8000                m B690F0000
      mFFFF8000                  mFFFF8000                  MFFFF8000
      c690F0100                  c690F0100                  c690f0100
  • Addresses are selected according to the diagram, see chapter Address allocation.

  • Routing tables connect the Bases amongst themselves.

  • In menu Rpe in Bases the parameters Rpe 1 0 and Rpe 1 0 are set to a value of 111.

  • In menu Rpe in Mobile the parameters Rpe 1 0 and Rpe 1 0 are set to a value of frequency.

  • In menu DGe in Bases the area of Mobile station addresses is defined by parameters b,m.

  • In menu DGe in the Mobile station the area of Base addresses is defined by parameters B,M.

  • In all stations the address to which the central application is connected is determined by item c690F0100.

For simplicity only radio channels are used in the example. For more complicated networks it is useful to connect the Base via Ethernet, as is show here. A description of the function can be seen in further chapters using both configurations.

2.2. General description

The new mobile mode is used for communication between mobile stations and the control centre. It is configured in menu DGe. It differs in a number of ways from the existing mode which was configured primarily from menu FPe:

  • The mobile station uses not only RSS for selection of an optimum Base, but also other criteria such as DQ or RF channel loading

  • A packet in the network is of standard format, which is shorter than the existing special mobile packets

  • A Base can contain several modems with various frequencies; the Mobile station tunes into the optimum frequency

  • When mounting the Base and Mobile stations with narrowband and wideband modems the Mobile station also selects the most optimum with respect to bandwidth, full-duplex operation is possible

  • The principle of dynamic routing which was used up until now in the mobile network Centre has now been extended to all stationary modems

  • If there is traffic between the Mobile station and the Centre then maintenance packets are not sent

  • If the Base-Centre connection on the ETH channel is interrupted the Base is disabled by switching off the RF channel

2.2.1. Principle of communication

Here we describe a simple situation in the mobile network with a single frequency.

The network contains the necessary number of CU in Router mode which ensure the connection with the CU in the Base function. This connection can be used by channels ETH or RFC. Routing between them is done using standand routing methods. In the network there are also nodes (here 690F0101) which are not in the Router mode. The routing in this nodes contains the directions to Mobiles also.

In each CU between central applications and Bases one of the nodes is labelled as a Router. In base CUs it is labelled as Base and simultaneously performs the function of Router. Router and Base nodes must be selected such that a packet sent in the direction of a Mobile station leaves the CU via this node. A set of possible Mobile stations is defined in these nodes using the parameters (b)ase and (m)ask. In this way packets which travel to/from the Mobile station are recognised and these packets are processed according to the procedures of dynamic routing.

In the interval Base info (t)imeout Bases send a short packet from which Mobile stations collect information about Bases.

Example 1

Diagram of the network with basic parameters

                                    DGe oB     ...base mode
                                    b          ...parameters
             other                  Mobile:
             bases                  b690F8000  ...definitions
               :                    mFFFF8000     mobile stations
               :.. BASE 2
               :                    c690F7E05  ...centre 
               :                    (e)cho:0   ...base-centre echo timeout
               :   BASE 1           info (t)30 ...base info timeout 
               :     __________
               :    | 690F0100 |RFC
               :.ETH| 690F0101 |   .
               :    |__________|    .
               :                     .
   central     :                      .
   ROUTER      :                       .        MOBILE
 __________    :                        .     __________
|          |   :                         .   |          |
| 690F00FE |ETH:                          RFC| 690F8001 |
|__________|                                 |__________|

DGe oR     ...router mode        DGe oM mode
u          ...parameters         m          ...parameters
Mobile:                          Apps:
b690F8000  ...definitions        b690F7E00  ...definitions
mFFFF8000     mobile stations    mFFFFFE00     aplications

c690F7E05  ...centre via MAS     c690F7E05  ...centre

                                 B690F0000  ...definitions
                                 MFFFF8000     bases

                                 (h)ome:0   ...initial frequency selection
                                 (k)eep:30  ...Centre calling interval

Mobile stations are in Mobile mode. Using parameters (b)ase and (m)ask a set of possible Base addresses are defined within them. The Mobile station selects the optimum Base according to a number of circumstances. These include:

  • captured Base info packet

  • pertinence to the set of bases defined above

  • loading of base with RF traffic

  • RSS and DQ signal from base

  • etc.

In the interval (k)eep timeout the Mobile station sends a maintenance packet to address (c)entre via the selected Base. In all Routers including Bases through which the packet passes the actual route to the Mobile station is stored in dynamic tables in this way. Based on these tables packets are then sent from the central Router (or from other Routers en route) to the Mobile station. The (c)entre address is one of a set of addresses of central applications Apps defined in the Mobile station by parameters (B)ase and (M)ask. If a packet is sent from the Mobile station to any of these applications then over the next time interval (k)eep a maintenance packet is not sent so as not to increase the density of RF traffic.

Setting Timeout parameters

  • (k)eep timeout in the Mobile station must be shorter than validity (t)imeout in the Base and Router CU, over which time dynamic information about the Mobile station is maintained

  • Base info (t)imeout in the Base CU must be shorter than validity (t)imeout in the Mobile CU, over which time information about the Base CU is kept

  • base-centre (e)cho timeout has a default value of 0. It is used for a Base connected to the Centre over the ETH channel. When setting non-zero values, for example 10 to 60sec, a ping is sent in this interval to address (c)entre. If no response arrives after two pings then RF transmission from this Base is forbidden and the dialog with other Bases on the location is prohibited. This prevents connecting a Mobile station to a Base which is not connected to the Centre. After restoring pings on ETH RFC traffic is renewed.

2.2.2. Overview of basic packets

Monitored at the Base

In the interval DGebt the Base sends short packets base info. The address from is the actual address, information about the loading of RFC of bases is located at address to , it doesn´t contain a data packet, packet type is 00:

15:18:29.055|C0000000 690F0100|                 |002  RFTX     0 00  bf

In the interval DGemk the Mobile station sends keep packets to the centre to address DGemc. The packet does not contain data, the packet type is 90:

15:18:44.939|690F0100 690F8001|690F7E05 690F8001|09A*30* 72    0*90 0dat 0
15:18:44.939|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F8001|E00I    IN    0N90 0dat 0

This is how an echo packet (!) looks when sent from the Mobile station to the Centre:

u S00   690F8001    R01 
30/ 82  690F0100     -  
   -    690F0101    E00 
  E00   690F00FE   serd 

 serd   690F00FE    E00 
  E00   690F0101     -  
   -    690F0100    R01 
31/ 80  690F8001  u S00 

2.2.3. Information stored in the mobile network CU


Dynamic routing table
(characters of the rd command mrd need to be written simultaneously)


>>Drt: 1 120
d690F8001 t690F0101 q0 113

Contains a list of Mobile station addresses which communicated with the Centre and the to addresses associated with it via which the Mobile station is reachable. The table is updated after each packet received from the Mobile station. In so doing the validity time set at the end of the row is the default value according to DGet, see also information at the end of the row >>Drt: 1 120

This table is used in possible other CUs between the central application and Bases. These CUs contains a node in Router mode.

Analogical information is made available by using command smc:

Nr   Addr      Base      Timeout  CnfTim
  1  690F8001  690F0201    0114    0120
== send:1  stored:0  mobiles ==


Dynamic routing table


>>Drt: 3 120
d690F8002 t690F8002 q79 0
d690F8003 t690F8003 q90 0
d690F8001 t690F8001 q81 90

The table has the same function as in the case of the Centre. Records about Mobile stations whose timeout has elapsed are also stored in it (maximal 4 Mobiles).

Base table


>>Bt: 3 120 dis:0
addr:690F0104 bir:0133 ttl:0.000000
addr:690F0108 bir:0233 ttl:0.000000
addr:690F0100 bir:0033 ttl:107.000000

The overwiev of the Bases on the common location (3 Bases working on 3 frequencies here). The summary information on the RF channels load is send into Mobile via a Base info packet.


We obtain an overview of reachable Bases using the command mrm :


>>Mt: 2 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0100 Dis:0 Rss:-58 Crit:993 DQ:31 FID:0 
KLeft:19 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.00;0.00bps tx:0.00;23.99bps 
Problem: y:0.000 dy:1.343 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-58 Dq:31 ttl:113
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
993|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
Addr:690F0200 Rss:-87 Dq:31 ttl:98
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
983|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
0. Addr:00000000 n:0
1. Addr:00000000 n:0
2. Addr:00000000 n:0

Out of the number of debug parameters in the header of the table here we include only:

  • B:690F0100 – selected base

  • Crit:993 – quality criteria of the selected optimum base, the Base having a maximum criteria is choosen

A group of four rows for each location follows. The location is a common place, where works one base or more bases on different frequencies.

The first contains information about the address, Rss, DQ and remaining validity time.

On other rows there is space for recording selective parameters whilst working on more frequencies. One column is reserved for each frequency. Only the first of them is used here. Item 33 characterises Base RF channel loading. Item 993 is the criteria calculated from data about the Base and about the history of the connection.

Brief information is also provided by menu sm1:


RF protocol HCSMA (Hruska's Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
mobile info on RF channel 1:
RSSI -58 dBm    base 690F0100

Here there is only information about a selected Base and the strength of the signal received from this Base.

2.3. Detailed configuration

The configuration used in the Example 1.


Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 004B108E     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F00FE L  E00 E00| -  E00|0 1 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 00000000    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

If the CU MR400 is used on the Central Router place and the Setr is connected via the service cable then the node 1 configuration looks like:

(1) 690F00FE L  E00 S00| -  E00|0 1 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
 Channel to Node Interface:
    retranslation     |   user+service             lim
 id N  A t          m | N  A t Base     m  sec brc S   e compr
(0) 1   NO AR         | 1   NO AR          usr OFF NONE

  Internet Protocol:
Eid| ip address             |    net mask            |          gw     |
(0) C0A800FE   FFFF0000     00000000

  (A)rt:1; write (E)nable:OFF (b)ase:00000000 MAS(K):00000000 s(h)ift:0000
  (r)epeats:0000  Sec(u)rity:OFF  (t)imeout:0  (p)roxy timeout:0s
  (f)rag size:1400bytes  (g)lue (append) up to:0packets
  b(a)se:C0A800FE  (m)ask:00000000
  IP(F)rag. size:552
  (s)Art:4; write (e)nable:ON
  (B)ase:690F7E00  (M)ask:000000FF

Wide retab. No 1
01to:0101 02to:0201 03to:0301 7Eto:00FE

ART No 1: 
items: 2
default gw: 00000000 (        )
dest:    gw:
690F0101 C0A80101 (    )
690F0201 C0A80201 (    )
Dynamic routing: Globals
m(o)de:MM ROUTER
validity (t)imeout:120sec
mm (m)obile
mm ro(u)ter
mm (b)ase

Router mode parameters:
Mobile:  (b)ase:690F8000  (m)ask:FFFF8000  (c)entre:690F7E05
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF


Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 0048E62D     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F0100    S00 S00| -  R01|0 1 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 690F0101    E00 E00| -  E00|0 2 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

 Channel to Node Interface:
    retranslation     |   user+service             lim
 id N  A t          m | N  A t Base     m  sec brc S   e compr
(0) 2   NO AR         | 2   NO AR          usr OFF NONE

  Internet Protocol:
Eid| ip address             |    net mask            |          gw     |
(0) C0A80101     FFFF0000     00000000

  (A)rt:1; write (E)nable:OFF (b)ase:00000000 MAS(K):00000000 s(h)ift:0000
  (r)epeats:0000  Sec(u)rity:OFF  (t)imeout:0  (p)roxy timeout:0s
  (f)rag size:1400bytes  (g)lue (append) up to:0packets
  b(a)se:C0A80101  (m)ask:00000000
  IP(F)rag. size:552
  (s)Art:0; write (e)nable:ON
  (B)ase:00000000  (M)ask:00000000

Wide retab. No 1
00to:0101 02to:0101 7Eto:0101

Wide retab. No 2
00to:00FE 02to:00FE 7Eto:00FE 80to:0100

ART No 1: 
items: 1
default gw: 00000000 (        )
dest:    gw:
690F00FE C0A800FE (  )

Dynamic routing: Globals
m(o)de:MM BASE
validity (t)imeout:120sec
mm (m)obile
mm ro(u)ter
mm (b)ase

Base mode parameters:
Mobile:  (b)ase:690F8000  (m)ask:FFFF8000  (c)entre:690F7E05
Base info (t)imeout:30sec  base-centre (e)cho timeout:0sec
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF

Radio parameters:
(T)X:4432000*100Hz  (R)X:4432000*100Hz
Frequency off(s)et:NONE  :0
Power - (l)evel:A  mW:1697
(c)heck period:30
(1)-tx  (2)-rx
de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync

Allowed TX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :111  (8) :0
(1) :0  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :0  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Allowed RX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :111  (8) :0
(1) :0  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :0  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Mobile mode has a permitted frequency channels defined by items Rpe 1 0 111 and Rpe 2 0 111. An arbitrary non-zero number is sufficient in place of parameter 111.


Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 00520E60     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F8001    S01 S00| -  R01|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 00000000    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

Dynamic routing: Globals
m(o)de:MM MOBILE
validity (t)imeout:120sec
mm (m)obile
mm ro(u)ter
mm (b)ase

Mobile mode parameters:
Apps:  (b)ase:690F7E00  (m)ask:FFFFFE00  (c)entre:690F7E05
Base:  (B)ase:690F0000  (M)mask:FFFF8000
(P)assive:OFF  (h)ome frequency id:0
(r)etune timeout:30sec  (k)eep timeout:30sec
(p)ifka timeout:60sec
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via Event (L)og:OFF
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF
Retune method parame(t)ers

Radio parameters:
(T)X:4432000*100Hz  (R)X:4432000*100Hz
Frequency off(s)et:NONE  :0
Power - (l)evel:0  mW:25
(c)heck period:30
(1)-tx  (2)-rx

Allowed TX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :4432000  (8) :0
(1) :0  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :0  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Allowed RX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :4432000  (8) :0
(1) :0  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :0  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Permitted working channels and the defined frequencies of these channels are given in the menu. In this example there is only one channel.

2.4. General layout of Bases

The mobile network, according to Example 1, used channel ETH for the connection between the central Router and Base. The following example contains the connection over ETH to Base 1 from where the route continues over RFC to Base 2.

Example 2

                                  DGe oB     ...base mode
                                  b          ...parameters
                                  b690F8000  ...definitions
                                  mFFFF8000     mobile stations
                                  c690F7E05  ...centre 
                                  (e)cho:0   ...base-centre echo timeout 
                       BASE 1     info (t)30 ...base info timeout 
                    | 690F0100 |RFC -> Mobile
               ..ETH| 690F0101 |  .
               .    |__________|   .
               .                    .
   central     .                     .
   ROUTER      .                      .     BASE 2
 __________    .                       .  __________
|          |   .                      RFC| 690F0200 |RFC -> Mobile
| 690F00FE |ETH.                         |          |
|__________|                             |__________|
DGe oR     ...router mode         DGe oB     ...base mode
u          ...parameters          b        ...parameters
Mobile:                           Mobile:
b690F8000  ...definitions         b690F8000   ...definitions
mFFFF8000     mobile stations     mFFFF8000      mobile stations

c690F7E05  ...centre              c690F7E05   ...centre
                                  (e)cho:0   ...base-centre echo timeout
                                  info (t)30 ...base info timeout
             |          |
 Base <- RFC | 690F8001 |
       DGe oM mode
       m          ...parameters
       b690F7E00   ...definitions
       mFFFFFE00      applications

       c690F7E05   ...centre
       B690F0000   ...definitions   (h)ome:0   ...frequency selection
       MFFFF8000      bases         (k)eep:30  ...Centre calling interval

The configuration used is derived from Example 1 with the following modifications:

  Tw1: 02 to 0101

  Tw1: 02 to 0200
  Tw2: 02 to 0100

  Tw1: 00 to 0100
       01 to 0100
       7E to 0100

Example of an echo packet (!) from a Mobile station via Base 1:

u S00   690F8001    R01 
30/ 69  690F0100     -  
   -    690F0101    E00 
  E00   690F00FE   serd 

 serd   690F00FE    E00 
  E00   690F0101     -  
   -    690F0100    R01 
31/ 69  690F8001  u S00 

Echo packet via Base 2:

u S00   690F8001    R01 
31/ 72  690F0200    R01 
31/ 77  690F0100     -  
   -    690F0101    E00 
  E00   690F00FE   serd 

 serd   690F00FE    E00 
  E00   690F0101     -  
   -    690F0100    R01 
30/ 77  690F0200    R01 
31/ 72  690F8001  u S00 

Connections between Bases over SCC

There are limited capabilities for use of the SCC channel for connections between Bases (routing to wire). A packet from the Mobile station must record data into dynamic routing tables in the Base or the Router. This packet must enter a node in Base or Router mode via one of the channels RFC, ETH or SCC. However, only one SCC channel can be connected (e.g. SCC3 in menu SIe3rN1 and simultaneously Ne1LS3). This single channel can only continue to one other CU, i.e. it is not possible to branch out using SCC. Example:

Router           Base 1           Base 2          Base 3
                                   \|/               |
                  \|/               |              0300
                   |              0200-SCC2---SCC3-0301

Base and Router functions in dynamical routing

It is possible to create differently configured networks in a similar manner. However, it is important that one node with RFC for mode MM_BASE is selected in each Base CU. This node must be the input node on the route from the Mobile stations via the newly configured Base to the Centre. The node has a firmly configured connection to the Central ROUTER CU and to the group of Application addresses in the Centre.

On the route from the Base to the Central router there may be other CUs which are not Bases. In each of them there must be one node (input node in the direction from the Base to the Centre) in MM_ROUTER mode. Similar as in the case from the Bases routing to the Central router and to central Applications must be firmly defined from these nodes.


                              . Base 1
Central                     .
Router 1 . . . . Router 2 .                   Mobile
                              . Base 2

On its journey from the Mobile station via any of the Bases and Router 2 to the Central Router the packet saves records to the dynamic routing tables in the Base, Router 2 and Router 1. The subsequent packet from Router 1 uses the address of the Mobile station as destination. According to this dst it finds its way in the dynamic routing tables in Router 1, Router 2 and in the Base. The Base 2 provides also the Router function for connection via Base 3.

This is the difference from the existing mobile mode which on the route from the Centre to the Base used the Base as the dst address whilst it carried the Mobile station address in the packet header. In the Base the header was then transformed so that the address of the Mobile station moved to the position dst.

2.5. Switching Bases

It is possible to use the mP function for Base switching tests .

The following example follows on from Example 2. It is also posible to use Example 1 in the same manner.

According to the evaluation of available bases the Mobile station switches to one of them, see menu mrm (Mobile station in Example 2):


>>Mt: 2 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0100 Dis:0 Rss:-64 Crit:993 DQ:31 FID:0 
KLeft:16 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.00;0.00bps tx:0.00;13.07bps 
Problem: y:0.000 dy:1.348 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-64 Dq:31 ttl:111
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
993|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
Addr:690F0200 Rss:-88 Dq:31 ttl:102
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
979|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 



u S00   690F8001    R01 
30/ 82  690F0100     -  
   -    690F0101    E00 
  E00   690F00FE   serd 

 serd   690F00FE    E00 
  E00   690F0101     -  
   -    690F0100    R01 
30/ 64  690F8001  u S00

The connection to the central Router runs through Base 690F0100.

For testing communication via Base 690F0200 we use function mP in the Mobile station. Here we set parameter Pifka, which reduces parameter Crit of the selected Base and the Mobile station then switches to another Base:


Pifkas setting:
(a)ddr:690F0100h (t)imeout:300s
set (o)thers
(c)lear all

The result can be seen in table mrm:


>>Mt: 2 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0200 Dis:0 Rss:-88 Crit:979 DQ:31 FID:0 
KLeft:25 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.00;7.29bps tx:0.01;82.59bps 
Problem: y:0.000 dy:0.036 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-64 Dq:31 ttl:115
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
248|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
296|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
Addr:690F0200 Rss:-88 Dq:31 ttl:63
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
979|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 


In the first column of the table for Base 690F0100 the remaining time appeared over which Pifka applies, which here is 296 sec. Above this is the significantly reduced criterium for this Base. Switching to Base 690F0200 is the result of this. The Echo packet now passes through Base 690F0200. Address 690F0100 now only performs the function of a dynamic router on the route from Base 690F0200 to the central Router 690F00FE:


u S00   690F8001    R01 
31/ 87  690F0200    R01 
30/ 89  690F0100     -  
   -    690F0101    E00 
  E00   690F00FE   serd 

 serd   690F00FE    E00 
  E00   690F0101     -  
   -    690F0100    R01 
30/ 68  690F0200    R01 
30/ 88  690F8001  u S00 

Menu mP allows Pifka to be cancelled with command mPc or to be configured for all other addresses with command mPo. The influence of parameter Pifka ends once timeout mPt has elapsed.

Pifka function in dynamic routing

If faults occur in communication between the Mobile station and any of the Bases the calculated parameter Problem grows. If Problem exceeds a certain limit (DGemtP), parameter Pifka is switched to time (DGemp) for this Base, and reduces the value of criterium Crit contained in table mrm according to the set ratio (DGemtp). The Mobile station then switches to another Base if available and has a higher value of Crit.

2.6. Data packets

Packets carrying user data have the same format as in a standard non-mobile network. The type of packet is 0x09 or 0x89. The address of the Mobile station and Application in the Centre or vice versa are in positions src and dst in the packet header.

The Mobile station registers packets sent to any application in the Centre with an address according to parameter DGemb,m. Over a period (k)eep timeout following the sending of such a packet no other (k)eep packet is sent to the Centre. On monitoring the Base in example Mobile 1 – general description we see that during the period of sending user packets with data 0xAAAA the transmission of (k)eep packets is interrupted.

09:45:40.775|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|23A*31* 66    0*90 0dat 0
09:46:10.683|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|23B*29* 65    0*90 0dat 0
09:46:36.942|690F0100 690F8001|690F7E01 690F8001|23C*29* 65    2*09 0dat 0
09:46:56.889|690F0100 690F8001|690F7E01 690F8001|23D*31* 65    2*09 1dat 0
09:47:16.900|690F0100 690F8001|690F7E01 690F8001|23E*28* 65    2*09 2dat 0
09:47:36.944|690F0100 690F8001|690F7E01 690F8001|23F*31* 65    2*09 3dat 0
09:48:06.694|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|240*30* 65    0*90 0dat 0
09:48:36.666|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|241*30* 65    0*90 0dat 0

2.7. Watchdog on ETH channel

If in the mobile network according to example Mobile 1 – general description Base-Centre communication on the ETH link is interrupted then the Base maintains its radio connection with the Mobile station, however, the Mobile station-Centre connection is non-functional.

For this case it is possible to apply at the Base the function base-centre (e)cho timeout. This is activated by inserting the time interval to parameter DGebe, e.g. 10 sec. In this interval pings are sent to address Centre (DGebc) and the response is monitored:

10:10:09.849|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F0100|E00I    IN    2N94 4dat 0
10:10:09.850|690F0101 690F00FE|690F0100 690F7E05|E00I   OUT    2n94 4dat 0

If a response does not appear twice consecutively then transmission on the RF channel of this Base station is forbidden.

10:10:19.849|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F0100|E00I    IN    2N94 5dat 0
10:10:19.850|690F0101 690F00FE|690F0100 690F7E05|E00I   OUT    2n94 5dat 0
10:10:29.849|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F0100|E00I    IN    2N94 6dat 0
10:10:39.849|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F0100|E00I    IN    2N94 7dat 0
10:10:49.849|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F0100|E00I    IN    2N94 0dat 0
10:10:59.849|690F00FE 690F0101|690F7E05 690F0100|E00I    IN    2N94 1dat 0

This loss in communication on the RFC causes the Mobile station to switch to another Base if it is available:

10:09:47.442|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26D  RFTX     0 90 0dat 0
10:09:47.531|690F8001 690F0100|                 |26D*31~ 64    0*06  ack
10:10:17.513|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26E  RFTX     0 90 0dat 0
10:10:17.602|690F8001 690F0100|                 |26E*31~ 64    0*06  ack
10:10:47.437|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26F  RFTX     0 90 0dat 0
10:10:48.698|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26F  RFTX d   0 D0r0dat 0
10:10:52.493|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26F  RFTX d   0 D0r0dat 0
10:10:54.559|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26F  RFTX d   0 D0r0dat 0
10:10:56.619|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26F  RFTX d   0 D0r0dat 0
10:10:58.680|690F0100 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|26F  RFTX d   0 D0r0dat 0

Here it failed to send (k)eep packet from the Mobile station which is why parameter Pifka appeared in the Mobile station, the value Crit dropped for 690F0100 and the Mobile station switched to a second Base 690F0200:

>>Mt: 2 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0200 Dis:0 Rss:-84 Crit:991 DQ:31 FID:0 
KLeft:2 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.00;0.00bps tx:0.00;19.81bps 
Problem: y:0.059 dy:0.510 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-64 Dq:31 ttl:73
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
248|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
046|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
Addr:690F0200 Rss:-84 Dq:31 ttl:110
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
991|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

Further communication proceeds via Base 690F0200:

10:11:17.436|690F0200 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|270  RFTX     0 90 0dat 0
10:11:17.526|690F8001 690F0200|                 |270*31~ 86    0*06  ack
10:11:47.448|690F0200 690F8001|690F00FE 690F8001|271  RFTX     0 90 0dat 0
10:11:47.537|690F8001 690F0200|                 |271*31~ 84    0*06  ack

After restoring the ETH connection and receiving 2 pings from the Centre the RFC function is restored. The Mobile station may not switch back to the original Base immediately because the switching mechanism avoids frequent switching unless necessary.

2.8. Distribution of addresses

The new mobile mode requires the correct layout of address space, in particular with respect to the potential extension of the network by other participants and other frequencies.


The addresses of Mobile stations must be recognisable using an address base and a mask. In the above example they are:

 base  b 690F8000 (parameter DGeub in Router and DGebb in Base)
 mask  m FFFF8000 (parameter DGeum in Router and DGebm in Base)

Addresses of Mobile stations can thus take on values:


Only these src and dst addresses are processed by mobile network dynamic routing.


Addresses of Bases must also comply with the conditons of the address base and mask, here:

 base  B 690F0000  (parameter DGemB in Mobile station)
 mask  M FFFF8000  (parameter DGemM in Mobile station)

This definition of Bases is conditional for the Mobile station for entering captured stations to the list of Bases. In the example Central applications with which the Mobile station communicates also fall into this set. However, these addresses do not work with RFC which is why it is not necessary to eliminate them in a complicated manner from the list of potential Bases.

Other circumstances for the selection of Base addresses is the possibility of mobile network traffic on more frequencies.

The network in the new mobile mode can work with more frequencies. The Mobile station retunes to the frequency of the most suitable Base which is available. Up to 16 CUs (radio modems) with various frequencies can be located at each Base location (station). Each of them can use up to 4 addresses. In our example it only uses 2 addresses – one for RFC and the second for the ETH channel. The recommended diagram of addresses given below reserves address space for all of these possibilities.

Only the lower half of the MORSE address is given in the table. The column represents individual CU located at a station. Each CU has 4 addresses for 4 nodes and one of the frequencies f0 to f15.

location 1:
0100 0104 0108 010C 0110 0114 0118 011C 0120 0124 0128...0138 013C  node 1
0101 0105 0109 011D 0111 0115 0119 011D 0121 0125 0129...0139 013D  node 2
0102 0106 010A 010E 0112 0116 011A 011E 0122 0126 012A...013A 013E  node 3
0103 0107 010B 010F 0113 0117 011B 011F 0123 0127 012B...013B 013F  node 4
 f0   f1   f2   f3   f4   f5   f6   f7   f8   f9  f10 ... f14  f15  freq.

location 2:
0140 0144 ...
0141 0145
0142 0146
0143 0147
 f0   f1

location 3:
0180 0184 ...
0181 0185
0182 0186
0183 0187
 f0   f1

location 4:
01C0 ...                

location 5:
0200 ...

location 6:
location 500:
7DC0 7DC4 7DC8 7DCC 7DD0 7DD4 7DD8 7DDC 7DE0 7DE4 7DE8...7DF8 7DFC  node 1
7DC1 7DC5 7DC9 7DCD 7DD1 7DD5 7DD9 7DDD 7DE1 7DE5 7DE9...7DF9 7DFD  node 2
7DC2 7DC6 7DCA 7DCE 7DD2 7DD6 7DDA 7DDE 7DE2 7DE6 7DEA...7DFA 7DFE  node 3
7DC3 7DC7 7DCB 7DCF 7DD3 7DD7 7DDB 7DDF 7DE3 7DE7 7DEB...7DFB 7DFF  node 4
 f0   f1   f2   f3   f4   f5   f6   f7   f8   f9  f10 ... f14  f15  freq.

Related to this breakdown are:

addresses used in the Centre

addresses used by Ranec Applications

and User Application addresses

This breakdown allows the use of a max. of 500 locations, at each of them a max. of 16 CU with 16 frequencies. Routing of such distributed address using routing tables is demanding, as detailed below. This is why in our example the selection has been reduced down to 125 locations and which when using a single frequency forms the series:


For use of all 500 locations it is more preferable to use routing by means of the Hierarchy Routing Table in menu DHe, which significantly simplifies the job. HRT allows you to completely forget about using standard routing tables. If the selection of IP addresses according to the needs of the network is also possible then it is also possible to get rid of the ART table.


The Centre in the given example uses 3 groups wide from half of the address space net reserved for Base :

690F00xx – addresses for nodes in the Central Router
690F7Exx – addresses used by Ranec applications
690F7Fxx – addresses for user Applications

Applications for Ranec and user applications may be connected via MAS. Shared address space for both types of applications is defined in the Mobile station:

 base  b 690F7E00  (parameter DGmb in Mobile)
 mask  m FFFFFE00  (parameter DGmm in Mobile)

Packets from the Mobile station to any of the addresses of this space suppress the transmission of a (k)eep packet.

2.9. Routing using Hierarchy Routing Table

When the address schema is designed suitably then the HRT can be used instead of the standard routing tables. In this way all the 500 locations mentioned in previous chapter can be utilized easily.

In this mode the node seeks in the HRT for the combination of (b)ase and (m)ask which matches with the destination address. Then creates the address to with help of parameteres (t)oa and tm(a)sk and the destination address. For detailed description see the Setr manual.

The tables rTab in Example 1 can be substituted by HRT tables in that way:


Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 004B108E     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F00FE L  E00 S00| -  E00|0 0 0 0 1| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 00000000    S01 S00| -  R02|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

DHe r 1:
Hierarchy Routing Table
    (b)ase   (m)ask   (t)oa    tm(a)sk
(0) 690F0000 FFFFFF00 690F00FE 00000000  ...for centre addresses
(1) 690F7E00 FFFFFF00 690F00FE 00000000  ...for applications behind MAS
(2) 690F0000 FFFF8000 00000001 FFFFFFFC  ...for Base addresses
(3) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(4) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000

The row (2) creates address to for the arbitrary Base. It is not required to add next items like in rTab.


Nid|address |M | u   s | L   N |l w n g H|sTO Err  Cent vTO hTO
(0) 0049D007     -  S00| -  R00|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(1) 690F0100    S00 S00| -  R01|0 0 0 0 1| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(2) 690F0101    E00 E00| -  E00|0 0 0 0 2| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(3) 00000000    S02 S00| -  R03|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30
(4) 00000000    S03 S00| -  R04|0 0 0 0 -| 15 SERV  OFF 304  30

DHe r 1:
Hierarchy Routing Table
    (b)ase   (m)ask   (t)oa    tm(a)sk
(0) 690F0000 FFFF8000 690F0101 00000000  ...for centre, MAS, Base
(1) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(2) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(3) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(4) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000

DHe r 1:

Hierarchy Routing Table
    (b)ase   (m)ask   (t)oa    tm(a)sk
(0) 690F0000 FFFF8000 690F00FE 00000000  ...for centre, MAS, Base
(1) 690F8000 FFFF8000 690F0100 00000000  ...for Mobiles
(2) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(3) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
(4) 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000

All functions in the mode Mobile SDR works at HRT identically like at using rTab.

2.10. Conversion of IP addresses by masking

If it is possible choose the IP addresses to be similar the MORSE addresses like in the Example 1, then the conversion can be done using masking instead of by Art tables. Set it in the EPe menu, part M-IP-M using parameters (b)ase and MAS(K). The parameter (A)rt:1 must have a nonzero value to be activated the mode M-IP-M. The Art table can be empty. Set parameters Sec(u)rity:OFF, (f)rag size:1400bytes. This part of menu is set identically in the central Router and in Base.

(A)rt:1; write (E)nable:OFF (b)ase:690F0000  MAS(K):0000FFFF  s(h)ift:0000
(r)epeats:0000  Sec(u)rity:OFF  (t)imeout:0  (p)roxy timeout:0s
(f)rag size:1400bytes  (g)lue (append) up to:0packets

When the network is enlarged in scope of the address diagram we doesn’t need add a new items in the Art tables.

2.11. Operation on more frequencies

The Mobile network can be equipped at each location with several base stations with various frequencies. The Mobile station then automatically retunes to the frequency of the one which is most suitable with respect to radio channel loading.


Automatic tuning of a frequency requires newer sw in PIC of the radio part of the CU. For MR160 a minimum of 36 and for MR400, MR300 a minimum of 42. Access the sw version number using command Rhe parameter S(W) ver.

Base stations are connected amongst themselves and to the central router via the ETH channel. Stations at one location exchange information about each of their levels of RF loading. The aggregate information (base info), containing an overview of RF loading of stations at locations, is sent by each of them on their frequency. One of the frequencies (home) is common for the whole network and covers the whole mobile network territory.

A mobile station collects the message base info and according to this maintains an overview of available bases and their RF loading. It then selects from these the optimum base for communication with the central router.

Selection of addresses and frequencies

Base addresses can be selected according to the diagram given in section Address allocation:

location 1:
0100 0104 0108 010C 0110 0114 0118 011C 0120 0124 0128...0138 013C  node 1
0101 0105 0109 011D 0111 0115 0119 011D 0121 0125 0129...0139 013D  node 2
0102 0106 010A 010E 0112 0116 011A 011E 0122 0126 012A...013A 013E  node 3
0103 0107 010B 010F 0113 0117 011B 011F 0123 0127 012B...013B 013F  node 4
 f0   f1   f2   f3   f4   f5   f6   f7   f8   f9  f10 ... f14  f15  freq.

location 2:
0140 0144 0148 040C ...
0141 0145 0149 041D
0142 0146 014A 040E
0143 0147 014B 040F
 f0   f1   f2   f3

There can be up to 16 stations with various frequencies at one location. One of the frequencies which is common for all locations is labelled as home. Frequencies can follow on from each other in a grid, e.g. 25 kHz, however, this is not conditional. Addresses for node 1 are determined for radio operation, and the other 3 addresses are used as necessary for the ETH channel, etc.

The addresses of Mobile stations must comply with the condition recorded in parameters of Bases and Routers, i.e. here the addresses are in the range from 8000 to FFFF.

Configuration example

Base – configuration amendment

Example 1 is modified for 3 Bases at location 690F0100, which work on frequencies f0, f1, f4.

For 690F0100:

Radio parameters:
(T)X:4110000*100Hz  (R)X:4110000*100Hz
Frequency off(s)et:NONE  :0
Power - (l)evel:7  mW:275
(c)heck period:0
(1)-tx  (2)-rx
de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync
Allowed TX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :111  (8) :0
(1) :111  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :111  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0
Allowed RX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :111  (8) :0
(1) :111  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :111  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

For 690F0104 there is only a difference in menu Rpe for the set frequency:

Radio parameters:
(T)X:4110250*100Hz  (R)X:4110250*100Hz

For 690F0110 the frequencies are:

Radio parameters:
(T)X:4111000*100Hz  (R)X:4111000*100Hz

Menu Rpe1 – Allowed TX freqs:

In the menu the Bases to a common location are labelled with non-zero items, and in this case 111. The CU works out their addresses according to the address diagram:

channel  address
 (0)    690F 0100
 (1)    690F 0104
 (4)    690F 0110

Their frequencies are not important for communication between Bases, because this is done over Ethernet.

Mobile station – configuration amendment

Menu Rpe 1

Allowed TX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :4110000  (8) :0
(1) :4110250  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :4111000  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Menu Rpe 2

Allowed RX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :4110000  (8) :0
(1) :4110250  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :4111000  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Setting up frequencies is similar for all mobile stations in the network. In the Rpe menu it is not necessary to set up the working frequency (T)X: or (R)X:. However, it is necessary in menu Rpe1 to record all Tx frequencies used and in menu Rpe2 all Rx frequencies used.


Bases send packets to the addresses of other Bases at the same location. These pass on information about their active status and about RF channel loading. The loading is expressed as a number:

 33 - low load, lower than parameter DGebw set in the Base
 22 - medium load, between DGebw and DGebg
 11 - high load, higher than DGebg

In duplex stations loading of the Tx and Rx channel is distinguished, for example 32.

The resulting information at the location with three Bases is available by using command mrb:

>>Bt: 3 120 dis:0
addr:690F0110 bir:0433 ttl:106.000000
addr:690F0100 bir:0033 ttl:119.000000
addr:690F0104 bir:0133 ttl:120.000000

The record contains:

addr:690F0110    Base address
bir:0433         04 - channel number
                 33 - level of RF channel loading
ttl:106.000000   106 sec - remaining validity time

The aggregate information is sent for Mobile stations over the RF channel. These base info packets are short, do not contain data, and information is stored at the place of to address:

RF mon      |toa      frm     |dst      src     |lNo!DQ!RSS size|TT N
12:18:33.073|F0C00000 690F0100|                 |000  RFTX     0 00  bf

The Mobile station receives base info packets and compiles an overview of available Bases from them. The example contains one location with three Bases on frequency channels f0, f1, f4 with addresses 690F0100, 690F0104, 690F0110:


>>Mt: 1 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0100 Dis:0 Rss:-67 Crit:754 DQ:6 FID:0 
KLeft:5 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.00;0.00bps tx:0.00;1.44bps 
Problem: y:0.000 dy:1.726 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-67 Dq:6 ttl:118
 33| 33| 00  00  33! 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
754|754|  .   . 754!  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .|  .   .   .!  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 

The other example contains two locations,
at one addresses 690F0100 with frequency f0 and 690F0104 with frequency f1,
at the second location there is address 690F0200 with frequency f0:

>>Mt: 2 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0104 Dis:0 Rss:-66 Crit:988 DQ:30 FID:1
KLeft:30 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.01;82.91bps tx:0.00;63.82bps
Problem: y:0.007 dy:0.882 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-66 Dq:30 ttl:120
 33| 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
988|988|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
Addr:690F0200 Rss:-77 Dq:30 ttl:67
 33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
987|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

According to parameter Crit the Mobile station selects the optimum Base, retunes to its frequency, and communicates via this Base with the central Router.

2.12. Overview of communication

Exchange of information between Bases about loading of their radio channels.

The group of Bases at each location mutually informs itself about loading of its RF channels. The result is recorded in each Base.

Transmission of aggregate information about Bases for Mobile stations.

Aggregate information about loading of individual RFC at a location is sent by each Base on its frequency. The Mobile station creates an overview about all locations from which it hears any Base.

Transmission of maintenance packets from Mobile stations to the Centre.

The Mobile station selects the optimum Base and via this sends maintenance packets or data packets to the Centre. Routers and Bases en route record the current direction to the Mobile station into their dynamic routing tables.

Routing of data packets from the Centre to the Mobile station.

A packet sent from the Central application to a Mobile station is directed in routers and Bases according to dynamic routing tables.

2.13. Overview of parameters for mobile mode

Overview of menu parameters:

  • Rpe – setting up frequencies

  • DGe – setting up mobile mode

  • m – parameters for diagnosis of the mobile mode

Parameters of menu Rpe:



Radio parameters:
(T)X:4110000*100Hz  (R)X:4110000*100Hz  ... working frequency
Frequency off(s)et:NONE  :0
Power - (l)evel:7  mW:275
(c)heck period:0
(1)-tx  (2)-rx                      ... identification of other channels
de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite                at a common location
(I)nit (S)ync

Allowed TX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :111  (8) :0       ... non-zero value identifies active CU (0),(1) at
(1) :111  (9) :0           location, whose addresses are specified in table
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :111  (C) :0       ... active channel (4)
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0
Allowed RX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :111  (8) :0
(1) :111  (9) :0
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :111  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Mobile station


Radio parameters:
(T)X:4110250*100Hz  (R)X:4110250*100Hz  ... current working frequency,
Frequency off(s)et:NONE  :0                 changes according to selected
Power - (l)evel:7  mW:380                   Base, not configured
(c)heck period:30
(1)-tx  (2)-rx                          ... identification of other
de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite                    possible channels
(I)nit (S)ync

Allowed TX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :4110000  (8) :0              ... frequencies of available channels,
(1) :4110250  (9) :0                  transmitting TX
(2) :0  (A) :0
(3) :0  (B) :0
(4) :4111000  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0
Allowed RX freqs: (*100Hz)
(0) :4110000  (8) :0              ... frequencies of available channels,
(1) :4110250  (9) :0                  receiving RX,
(2) :0  (A) :0                        in simplex CUs RX is the same as TX
(3) :0  (B) :0                        in duplex CUs they are different
(4) :4111000  (C) :0
(5) :0  (D) :0
(6) :0  (E) :0
(7) :0  (F) :0

Parameters of menu DGe for mobile mode:


Dynamic routing: Globals
m(o)de:MM ROUTER           ... selection Router/Base/Mobile
validity (t)imeout:120sec  ... validity of entry in dynamic table
(N)id:1                    ... selection of node for this mode
mm (m)obile                ... other parameters for Mobile station
mm mob(i)le obsol          ... older Mobile mode, in menu FPe formerly
mm ro(u)ter                ... other parameters for Router
mm (b)ase                  ... other parameters for Base

de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite
(I)nit (S)ync


>>DGe u

Router mode parameters:
Mobile:  (b)ase:690F8000  (m)ask:FFFF8000  (c)entre:690F7E05
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF

(b)ase:690F8000 – reference address for definition of Mobile stations


(m)ask:FFFF8000 – mask for definition of Mobile stations


(c)entre:690F7E05 – address of central application


Lo(w)/M-L:200promile – evaluation of RF load, less than 20% is level 3


Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile – 20% to 60% is level 2, more than 60% is level 1


(T)au:5000ms – auxiliary parameter for evaluating RF load


(o)wn load threshold:500bps – auxiliary parameter for evaluating data load


(S)ystem channel:OFF – switches on transmission of debug messages to the System channel ise 1


>>DGe b

Base mode parameters:
Mobile:  (b)ase:690F8000  (m)ask:FFFF8000  (c)entre:690F7E05
Base info (t)imeout:30sec  base-centre (e)cho timeout:0sec
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF

In addition bases use the following parameters:


Base info (t)imeout:30sec – interval for sending packet base info to the RF channel


base-centre (e)cho timeout:0sec – interval for sending ETH test pings to the centre – if no response returns transmission on the RFC is interrupted, the dialog with other Bases is disabled and the Mobile station then switches to another Base


(D)isable:OFF — normal state

(D)isable:ON — Base is disabled, the dialog with other Bases on the location is disabled and the RFC transmission is interrupted

Mobile station

>>DGe m

Mobile mode parameters:
Apps:  (b)ase:690F7E00  (m)ask:FFFFFE00  (c)entre:690F7E05
Base:  (B)ase:690F0000  (M)mask:FFFF8000
(P)assive:OFF  (h)ome frequency id:1
(r)etune timeout:30sec  (k)eep timeout:30sec
(p)ifka timeout:60sec
Load treshold: Lo(w)/M-L:200promile  Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile
Load meas (T)au:5000ms  (o)wn load treshold:500bps
debug via Event (L)og:OFF
debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF
Retune method parame(t)ers

Apps: (b)ase:690F7E00 – reference address for definition of applications


Apps: (m)ask:FFFFFE00 – mask for definition of applications – packets sent to these addresses renew records in dynamic tables of Bases and Routers and prevent the transmission of a keep packet for the period DGemk


(c)entre:690F7E05 – address of central application – keep packets leave to this address


Base: (B)ase:690F0000 – reference address for definition of Bases


Base: (M)mask:FFFF8000 – mask for definition of Bases – only these addresses are accepted as a Base


(P)assive:OFF – standard state – with this setting station MR switches the antenna through the duplexer to MR or MW during a change of operation between the narrow and wide band. The signal is on SCC3 pin CD. Others pins on SCC3 works standardly and they can transfer the data of the protocol configured.

(P)assive: ON – MR does not give a signal for the duplexer


(h)ome frequency id:1 – number of the channel on which the Mobile station begins to search for a Base upon start up or upon a loss of connection


(r)etune timeout:30sec – the Mobile station does not switch between various frequencies before this time has elapsed; when switching between Bases from various locations on the same frequency this limitation does not apply (so-called rapid switch)


(k)eep timeout:30sec – in this interval the Mobile station sends a maintenance packet to the Centre to address DGemc


(p)ifka timeout:60sec – the parameter Crit is reduced for this time period for the Base with which problems occur in communication – this results in switching to another Base, if available


Lo(w)/M-L:200promile – limit for distinguishing the load levels 3 and 2 on the RF channel – for a load on the RFC for less than 20% of the time the level is 3


Hi(g)h/H-M:600promile – limit between level 2 and 1 – a load greater than 60% gives level 1


Load meas (T)au:5000ms – auxiliary parameter for evaluating RFC load


(o)wn load threshold:500bps – auxiliary parameter for evaluating data transfer load


debug via Event (L)og:OFF – record to debug messages to Event log

(0) OFF          ... off
(1) PROBLEMS     ... erroneous configuration of frequencies,
                     loss of location
(2) +RETUNE INFO ... (1)+ retuning to another Base 
(3) FULL DIAG    ... all messages

debug via (S)ystem channel:OFF – messages sent to System channel 1 (menu ise)

(0) OFF
(1) INFO  ...message about switching Bases, etc
(2) TRACE ...message sent with an interval of 1 sec  
(3) FULL  ...table mrm sent with in interval of 1 sec,
             heavy channel loading

Retune method parame(t)ers – parameters which are important for retuning to another Base:

>>DGE mt

Retune method parameters:
Retune m(o)de:RSS/DQ
(D)q weigh [mode RSS/DQ]:700promile
(M)edia type setting
Criterium (h)ysteresis:20promile
Dq  transform curve: Kx(1):15  Ky(2):950promile
Rss transform curve: Kx(3):85dBm  Ky(4):800promile
Problem meas (T)au:15000ms  (P)roblem treshold:900promile
Problem (u)ncertainity treshold:100 [1/100]
(r)ss:150promile  (p)ifka:250promile

Retune m(o)de:RSS/DQ – method of processing RSS and DQ when evaluating a Base

(0) RSS/DQ ...DQ has a weight according to DGemtD, 
              the weight of RSS is an increment to 1000
(1) DQ     ...other weights, under development

(D)q weigh [mode RSS/DQ]:700promile – weight DQ, weight RSS is 1000 – D

For all Bases at one location there is taken a common value of RSS and a common value of DQ.


(M)edia type setting – transmission media in individual channels are characterised by a four-bite character, for example:

MR:  0010 = 0x02
MW:  0101 = 0x05

meaning of bits from the left:
bit  3   - res
bit  2   - 0 channel preferred for transfer of individual packets
           1 channel preferred for transfer of a large amount
              of data (connection)
bity 1,0 - 00 ETH
           01 wide - wideband
           10 narrow - 25 kHz band
           11 microwave channel

Criterium (h)ysteresis:20promile – parameter Crit must change by at least this value in order to induce a change in channel


Dq transform curve: Kx(1):15 – for converting DQ values into a value used in the calculation a pair of abscissae defined by coordinates DQ/value are used: 0/0, Kx(1)/Ky(2), 31/1000.


Dq transform curve: Ky(2):950promile – second coordinate of conversion abscissae for DQ


Rss transform curve: Kx(3):85dBm – definition of conversion abscissae for RSS


Rss transform curve: Ky(4):800promile – second coordinate of conversion abscissae for RSS


Problem meas (T)au:15000ms – auxiliary parameter for the calculation of parameter Problem, a longer time increases the influence of historic values of the parameter Problem and slows down the reaction to new events


(P)roblem treshold:900promile – parameter Problem is calculated from more indicators, it rises particularly during unsuccessful communication with the centre. If the limit (P)roblem treshold is exceeded then Pifka status is set for this channel. This results in the Mobile station attempting to use a more suitable Base.


Problem (u)ncertainty treshold:100 [1/100] – together with parameter Problem the parameter Problem uncertainty is also calculated. Uncertainty drops with fresh data about successful or unsuccessful communication. Uncertainty cannot be greater than the limit set here in order to allow for the application of Pifka.


(r)ss:150promile – all criteria at the location are multiplied by this value (=0.15) with the exception of channel home (DGemh) in the case where RSS weakens to below -95dBm. This results in switching to channel home on which setting up communication to the next location is easier.


(p)ifka:250promile – the criterion of the channel to which status pifka was applied is multiplied by this value (=0.25). This results in the Mobile station switching to another Base if available.


(c)onnection:250promile – during the transfer of “connection” type data, i.e. a large volume of data, the criterion on channels unsuitable for this transfer is multiplied by this value (=0.25). An example of this are channels with parameter DGemtM0 = 2, i.e MR160.


pac(k)ets:650promile – during the transfer of “packet” type data, i.e. short packets, the criterion on channels unsuitable for this transfer is multiplied by this value (=0.65). An example of this are channels with parameter DGemtM0 = 5, i.e. MW160.

The result of the last two parameters is that narrowband (MR) modems deal with the transfer of short data and wideband modems (MW) remain available for the transfer of large volumes of data. These transfers to various Mobile stations can occur simultaneously.

Diagnostic report at Router

690F00FEh>Drt: 1 120
d690F8001 t690F0101 q23 120

A dynamic routing table for each recorded Mobile station contains address to, via which the Mobile station is accessible.

  • Drt: 1 120 – Dynamic routing table, number of recorded Mobile stations, max. timeout

  • d690F8001 t690F0101 q23 120 – address destination (in Mobile station), address to (in Base), remaining validity time (120) is set to a maximum with each packet, i.e. also with this query

Diagnostic report at Base

Dynamic routing table:

690F0100h>Drt: 3 120
d690F8001 t690F8001 q85 120
d690F8000 t690F8000 q67 0
d690F8003 t690F8003 q72 0

The content of the table has the same meaning as in the case of the Router. Several Mobile stations are recorded here whose timeout has already elapsed.

Overview of Bases at a common location:

690F0100h>Bt: 3 120 dis:0
addr:690F0110 bir:0433 ttl:0.000000
addr:690F0104 bir:0133 ttl:120.000000
addr:690F0100 bir:0033 ttl:118.000000
  • Bt: 3 120 dis:0 – Base table, number of Bases at a location, max. timeout, ban on RF operation as a result of a loss in connection with the centre, see menu DGebe (0 – RF operation permitted)

  • addr:690F0100 bir:0033 ttl:118.000000 – address of Base, its channel number (00), RF channel load (33), remaining validity time

Diagnostic report at Mobile station

>>Mt: 2 120 TLeft:expired B:690F0100 Dis:0 Rss:-74 Crit:992 DQ:31 FID:0 
KLeft:7 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.03;415.3bps tx:0.02;275.63bps
Problem: y:0.376 dy:0.725 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-74 Dq:31 ttl:115
 33| 22! 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
992|892!  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .|  .!  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
Addr:690F0200 Rss:-87 Dq:30 ttl:5
 00  23! 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
  . 928!  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .   .!  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
0. Addr:00000000 n:0
1. Addr:00000000 n:0
2. Addr:00000000 n:0
  • Mt: 2 120 – Mobile table, number of captured locations (2) and the validity time of the record (120s)

  • TLeft:expired – time (sec) remaining until the end of the ban on retuning to another frequency, decrements from the original value in menu DGe (r)etune timeout:30sec achieved upon a change in frequency. The idle value has expired.

  • B:690F0100 – address of active Base

  • Dis:0 – disabled – 0 is an active member of a MR-MW pair, 1 is a passive member

  • Rss:-74 – Rss Base selected by a Mobile station

  • Crit:992 – Criterion of the selected Base, Criterion is a calculated number which includes all envisaged circumstances for the selection of the optimum Base

  • DQ:31 – DQ of selected Base

  • FID:0 – number of selected frequency channel

  • KLeft:7 – number of seconds remaining until the keep packet is sent to the centre

  • Clu:0 – operation in a cluster, 0 means that only MR stations are at the location, 1 denotes operation of MR and MW at the location

  • Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 – watermark – load on communication line, original information for switching to MR or MW channel

  • Load:rx:0.03;415.30bps tx:0.02;275.63bps – actual data flow on the line

  • Problem: y:0.376 dy:0.725 – calculated number including the influence of the connection which couldn’t be made. If Problem exceeds the level of DGemtP, the channel is assigned Pifka status.

  • TAdren:0 – number of sec remaining until the end of a hard switch over to MR or MW operation, see menu mA

The following four rows for each location from which the message base info is captured:

  • Addr:690F0100 Rss:-65 Dq:22 ttl:104 – address which applies to node 1 and channel f0 at a given location. Other addresses at a location are derived by adding 4 for each additional channel. Rss and DQ are ascertained from a received packet base info and this value is used for other channels at the location. Time ttl:104 remains until the end of the validity of the record. It is set to a value DGet after the receipt of each packet from a Base.

  • 33| 22! 00 00 – RF channel loading of individual Bases. Value 33 is low loading, 22 medium, 11 high, 00 means there is no information about the Base. Load limits are set using parameters DGebw, DGebg in Bases. A vertical line denotes a Base which is working, and an exclamation mark denotes the home frequency.

  • 992|892! . . – Criterion calculated for an individual Base. A Mobile station selects the Base with the highest Criterion. This parameter is calculated with respect to a number of factors. Here the criterion is reduced for channel f1 as a result of the influence of greater RF channel loading of this channel.

  • .| .! . . – the time (sec) remaining until the end of the validity of the Pifka status is entered into this row. At the beginning of the Pifka status the time here is according to DGemp, and the time is according to menu mP in the case of manually inducing this status.

The last three rows at the end of the message acts as a filter for newly captured Bases:

  • 0. Addr:00000000 n:0 – each Base that is captured for the first time is recorded here. Only after the second packet is received from this Base is it classed as an active Base. The entry is then not taken into consideration. A max. of 3 new Bases can be recorded at once.

Diagnostic message at Mobile station – general

>>Mt overview:
 TLeft:exp. B:690F0100 Dis:0 Rss:-70 DQ:30 FID:0

Brief version of the message mrm. Suitable for work in heavily loaded networks.

Diagnostic message at Mobile station – abbreviated

First in  menu ma insert the address of the location, i.e. the address respective to channel f0, node 1. Then upon request mG we obtain a statement from message mrm restricted to the selected location.

>>Mt location: 690F0100 TLeft:expired B:690F0100 Dis:0 Rss:-70 Crit:988 
DQ:30 FID:0 KLeft:10 Clu:0 Wm:Loc:0.00 Rmt:0.00 Load:rx:0.00;0.00bps 
tx:0.00;3.96bps Problem: y:0.000 dy:1.505 TAdren:0

Addr:690F0100 Rss:-70 Dq:30 ttl:106
 33! 33| 00  00  33| 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 
988!988|  .   . 988|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 
  .!  .|  .   .   .|  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 

Test Base Info

Using command mB sent to the Base we cause the message Base info to be sent via the RF channel of this Base. Regular transmission of Base info runs at intervals DGebt.

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