Employees have a choice of where and how the test is administered but with a commitment to record the results on a new RACOM form established for this purpose. Anyone who does not have a current negative test registered with the company will not gain access to the company premises.
To make the procedure as simple as possible and convenient for staff, RACOM bought tests and set aside a special room at the entrances, where everyone could easily test themselves and record the result in the system. If a positive test is detected, the person will leave the RACOM building immediately and contact their doctor. The test room will, of course, be carefully ventilated and disinfected after they leave.
Wherever possible, home office has been the preferred option. For those who can only perform their work within the RACOM building, FFP2 masks and vitamins are provided by the company for free. FFP2 masks are mandatory for use everywhere within RACOM premises. We also launched a set of helpful internal regulations for safe social interactions, increased focus on hygiene standards and made disinfection available throughout the company premises.
We believe that regular and comprehensive testing in all companies will help to improve the situation and we will soon return to a more normal life.
Stay Safe!