

ISP Futuretec 2024

ISP Futuretec 2024
6. 6. 2024 | EA Hotel Kraskov

New leadership at RACOM

The process ‘the handover of the company’s management to a new generation‘…

Cellular router M!DGE3e

The third generation of the M!DGE3 cellular router was launched last year. It has established itself…

2023 Evaluation

As annually in January, the management met with the sales team to review the previous year…

Distributech 2024, Orlando


Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a happy time over the holiday season and a prosperous 2024

Webinar Recording RipEX2e

Webinar Recording
Latest Radio and Cellular Routers



Webinar Recording RAy3-80 GHz

Webinar Recording
RAy3 for 80 GHz


RAy3-80 GHz

WISPAPALOOZA 2023, Las Vegas

October 9 – 12, Las Vegas

Deliveries to Ukraine

Ukraine’s energy companies are doing their best to keep their distribution networks up and running…

RACOM in Egypt

Power distribution network in Egypt is being upgraded extensively, including the installation…

RAy3 80 GHz Testing

RACOM always carefully tests all its new products before they are launched. RAy for 80 GHz was no…

RAy3 for 80 GHz

We are pleased to announce that we have completed the development and launch the next member…

IWCE 2023, Las Vegas

IWCE 2023
March 29-30, Las Vegas

RipEX2e radio modem

During the ‘RACOM Partner Meeting’ in Prague in September 2022, we introduced the new RipEX2e…

2022 Evaluation

In January, we held our traditional sales meeting, where we always evaluate…


DISTRIBUTECH International 2023
San Diego, CA, USA

Happy holiday season

Wishing everyone a happy time over the holiday season and a prosperous 2023

New production facilities

RACOM tries to do as much as possible in-house so that it is not dependent on third parties…

Cellular router M!DGE3

RACOM is pleased to announce the launch of the third generation M!DGE…

OpenSSL Vulnerability

Please be advised that the newly discovered critical vulnerability in the OpenSLL with identifiers…

Hard times for manufacturers

About a year ago we informed you about the tough situation on the components market…

RACOM Partner Meeting 2022

In early September we organized another ‘RACOM Partner Meeting’…

Exhibitions Q1 — Q2 2022

Covid’s restrictions have finally eased and so we were able to attend…

Webinar recording — Next …

The Webinar ‚Next generation Radio modems‘ we delivered on 9th June…

Webinar — Next Generation IP…

You are welcome to join us at our Webinar on 9th June…

UTCAL Summit 2022

RACOM is a traditional sponsor of UTCAL Summit Conference…

2021 Evaluation

After two years, the reduced coronavirus measures have allowed us to meet…

Distributech 2022 — Delayed

We were ready to go, but Distributech has been rescheduled and will now take place May 23-25, 2022.

Apache Log4j Vulnerability

Please be advised that the newly discovered vulnerability in the Apache Log4j logging…

Happy holiday season

Wishing everyone a happy time over the holiday season and a prosperous 2022


DISTRIBUTECH International 2022
JANUARY 26-28, 2022 | DALLAS, TX

RAy3 18 GHz

RACOM is pleased to announce the release of a new model addition to the RAy3…

Fake components

Despite the current shortage of any parts and materials we do everything we can to keep…

Big projects are back

We’re glad to see that big projects are back despite Covid! In September this year, after a long…

Shenglu antennas

We are proud that we still are delivering our products within acceptable delivery dates and without…

LATAM team expansion

Our increased activity in Latin America is bearing fruit…

ISP Futuretec 2021

ISP Futuretec 2021
19.08.2021 OREA Resort Devět Skal

A shaky economy

Covid is receding, (at least in some countries), but problems remain…

Webinar ‘MR400 to RipEX2’

RACOM is actively bringing new ways to stay in touch with its partners and customers…

Covid testing

We would like to inform you that starting from Mar 15, 2021 all staff working in RACOM…

RAy3 reliable to –40 °C

When we have been asked by our partner from Canada to provide fully operational tests…

RipEX overcomes extreme frosts

This year Jizerska 50, part of the Visma Ski Classic series — long distance, cross country…

Sales meeting Outcomes

The traditional annual, January meeting of RACOM sales managers, product management and…

RAy3 — new casting technology

As is well known, RACOM constantly improves the quality of its products. In 2020 we invested a few…

2020 Partner Update

2020 was indeed a special year. As with the rest of the world, RACOM…

Happy holiday season

Wishing everyone a happy time over the holiday season and a prosperous 2021.

RACOM & COVID 2nd wave

Countries around the world are again being forced to take steps to control the spread of Covid-19…

Product homologation successes

As our products generate interest in more and more countries around the world RACOM…

RAy succeed in CRA

RACOM is delighted to announce that Czech Radiocommunications (CRA) …

Microwave link calculator

RACOM’s Microwave link calculator has recently reached a special milestone in its life…

License-Free 10 GHz in Czechia

The Czech Telecommunications Office recently reviewed and updated General…

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