Nominal frequency tables description


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1. Nominal frequency tables description


The respective RAy unit name. The letter “x” stands for “L” or “U” (Lower or Upper band unit).
Example: “RAy11-xA” means both “RAy11-LA” and “RAy11-UA” units. See User Manual, Ordering codes for details.
NOTE: The optional last figure in the unit name (e.g. RAy11-LA-2) denotes number of Ethernet ports and it is not relevant for the Nominal frequency tables.


The respective channel set (nominal frequencies) name in the Ray unit configuration interface (see Configuration, item “Bandwith [MHz]”. In addition to the bandwith definition, the name may contain additional text which defines the respective alternative of channel plan. Examples:

  • “Bandwith: 40 MHz (ITU)” means that the nominal frequencies in the table follow the recommendation ITU-R F.387 rec.1.2. for 40 MHz bandwith, see also the note 5) below.

  • “Bandwith: 40 MHz (ACMA)” means that the table describes the 40 MHz channel plan defined by ITU-R F.387 rec. 1.1. (b), applied e.g. in Australia.


The complete frequency range (approx.)


Duplex spacing – the frequency difference between the Upper and Lower channels in a duplex pair.
Optional: The minimum and the maximal duplex spacing used in the table of frequencies.


The name of standard or recommendation defining the respective channel plan.


Name of the sub-band defined by channels in the table.


Name of the “Frequency table” containing the channel set described (see Configuration, item “Frequency tables”).


The channel number according to RAy unit configuration interface (see Configuration, item “TX channel [GHz]”).


The nominal TX frequency of the Lower-band channel


The nominal TX frequency of the Upper-band channel.


Table version.

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