The Network Agent Channels behaves similarly like Serial channels but they does not have the physical inputs/outputs. The packets after processing in NAG are sent into node in the same CU. The menu is divided into two sections, CNI and Protocol submenus.
The CNI menu is identical for all channel types. For CNI menu description see chapter Chapter 25, CNI-channel to node interface
The NAG can run in increasing number of modes. The content of menu differs for individual modes. The setting for TMM (Tunnel Morse-Morse) mode is shown here.
From MORSE main menu type GPe Enter Enter
Nag: id |typ|subt| addr | mask | (0) 0001 0000 00001000 FFFF0FFF (1) 0000 0000 00000000 00000000 de(f)ault (r)ead (w)rite (I)nit (S)ync (q)uit >>
type 0 Enter
Net Agents: (t)ype:TMM (p)arameters (I)nit (W)rite (q)uit >>
type t Enter
type (n) NONE (t) TMM (r) RTU (d) ADIO (k) KATO (p) TSTP
choose t Enter for type Tunnel Morse-Morse
type q Enter
choose p Enter for parameter setting
Network agent parameters: (t)mm (r)tu a(d)io (k)ato
choose t Enter again for TMM parameters
Tunnel Morse-Morse parameters: (s)ubt:0000 (a)ddr:00001000 (m)ask:FFFF0FFF (q)uit >>
The retranslation packet incoming in Tunnel Morse-Morse is packed
in new service packet (see MORSE Guide) and the new destination address
is created for it. This address is derived from original dst
address by means of next two parameters.
(m)ask: FFFF0FFF | — Where there are “1” bits in this mask the original |
(a)ddr: 00001000 | — In those bits where the mask is zero the |
(s)ubt: 0000 | — Subtype is not used in TMM mode. |
Description of individual Net Agents are in the MORSE Guide 2 or in chapter Interface Protocols.