Description of MORSE


The MORSE system complies with all the requirements imposed on today’s modern radio data networks:

  1. Packet switching.A packet network is significantly more effective for very frequent transmission of short messages than single loop systems, because single loop systems require large time overheads for establishing connections (in the order of seconds), which is not adequate for short messages (tens of ms). Unlike in single loop networks a single point in a packet network can simultaneously receive packets from several different transmitters.
  2. Dispersed intelligence.All MORSE system points are equal – an expensive network control centre or main converter is not necessary. Any point in the network can also serve as a routing point, and in mobile applications as a base point.
  3. Anti-collision system.MORSE runs a highly effective anti-collision protocol on the radio channel. This means that a master-slave algorithm can be run from the centre and also any point in the network can randomly communicate with any counter station. Every node, or rather user interface, is allowed to individually solve the algorithms of channel access, including their priorities.
  4. Transfer speed.A high transfer speed = high transfer capacity and reliability. The fact that individual messages are transferred in a shorter time reduces the risk of the messages being affected by interference. The modulation transfer speed of MORSE radio modems is always on the border of physical possibilities for the given channel width: 12.5kHz/10.84kbps, 25kHz/21.68kbps, 200kHz/133kbps, 500kHz/196kbps.
  5. Rx/Tx switching speed.This parameter is of significant importance in half-duplex packet networks because it appears as a time overhead before the transmission of each message (packet) and thus significantly influences the total capacity of the system. The time overhead appears again at each point of routing – repeated transmission of a message. A high quality radio modem should achieve a switching speed of better than 10 ms. All radio modems in the MORSE system switch at a speed of less than 1.5 ms!
  6. Creation of hybrid networks (integration of any transmission media).Besides the radio channel any other communication environment can be integrated into the MORSE network (LAN, WAN, GPRS, satellite, etc.). This works best with IP protocols and the Internet.
  7. Greater number of user ports.More user ports on a radio modem allow more customer devices (of the same or a different type) to be connected without increasing costs. Up to 4 serial ports, 2x Ethernet, an integrated GPS and a module of digital and analog inputs/outputs are available as modules for radio modems.
  8. Protocols on the user interface.There are tens of manufacturers’ protocols available for the user interface in the MORSE system including a number of special modes allowing a virtual image of the status of PLCs in the network to be created.
  9. Configuration.All configuration software for the MORSE system is accessible to all users and is supplied free for MS Windows and Linux. The MORSE system allows any change in configuration to be made without a direct wire connection to radio modem being configured.
  10. Diagnostics over the network.The MORSE system can be monitored continuously either manually or automatically (using RANEC supervisory software) and it is also possible to check the quality of transmission, optimise the network and set up parameters. A three day history of statistics (information about the amount and size of transmitted/received packets, amount of repeated/lost packets on individual lines, audibility of other stations) is accessible in HW components of the MORSE system.
  11. Service hotline offering remote supervision.If the operator is not interested in carrying out its own servicing and diagnostics the MORSE system supplier, or RACOM as the manufacturer, can remotely connect to its customers networks (using the MRemote module) over the Internet, telephone lines, GPRS, etc., once an agreement has been signed and security rules have been set up. In the Czech Republic MODANET, a public network in the 400 MHz band run by RACOM, can be used for supervision and servicing.
  12. Testing and monitoring the quality of individual connections.MORSE system radio modems are equipped with special software designed for testing and measuring the quality of data transmission, simulation of operational loading, etc. The MORSE system constantly (even when listening to user operation messages) measures and stores in memory the audibility of stations, signal strength, data quality, average and pulse levels of interference, etc.
  13. Downloading firmware over the network.The manufacturer supplies all MORSE system users with new versions of firmware free of charge. New versions of firmware can be uploaded to radio modems remotely over the network, even during live operation, without the need to physically visit individual points of the network.
  14. Operation of mobile units.Each MORSE system radio modem is also able to act as a base station of a cell network for mobile operation, i.e. without the need for further investment into the infrastructure it is possible to operate a mobile network in a given territory with MORSE signal coverage. The mobile network can be used independently for any other application.
  15. Open access to information.RACOM publishes all technical information about the MORSE system free of charge and regularly holds training sessions for users.
  16. Standards compliance.All components of the MORSE system comply with European standards and come with a Declaration of conformity. All radio modems comply with the most stringent ETSI EN 300113 standard for listen before transmit devices and also comply with the requirements of the American FCC part 90 and Canadian RSS 119.

MORSE Guide 1 – introduction to the system

MORSE Guide 2 – mobile mode, diagnostic, …

MORSE Guide 3 – ethernet in MORSE

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