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5. Netlock.exe

Program Netlock.exe serves for locking the CU. Configuration data can be remotely read from a locked unit, however it is not possible to remotely execute the write or Init functions or start the monitoring or tests which would interrupt communication in the network. Netlock.exe is used by starting once with the respective parameters. There are 3 levels for locking and unlocking the CU:

  0 root
  1 racom
  2 nobody

The level of access is defined by the name and password used (the original names are root, racom and nobody). The levels differ in their rights to change names and passwords, but the possibilities for locking and unlocking are the same. For local access where the CU us connected to the PC via the service cable it is possible to overcome locking using parameter -aL.

5.1. Local access

Unlocking the CU via the service cable:

  netlock -aL -au

After acknowledging by clicking y Enter we receive the message Successfully unlocked

Key to parameters:


local access, means no need to use a name or password. If the parameter is used for work in the distant CU then next PC must be connected to it using the service cable.


unlock – unlock station


exit – program netlock terminated after the given operation. If the parameter is not used the final messages can be seen. Exit the program using Alt+X.


If redundant messages appear when the application is running use this parameter to remove them.

Locking the CU via the service cable:

  netlock -aL -al

lock – locks the stations

The status of the CU can be verified from  MORSE Main menu, for example, using command Ne Enter, Init Enter – a locked station replies with the message !Unit locked and does not execute Init.

Inserting a new name:

The name for level 0 is root. The names for levels 1 and 2 can be set up using command:

  netlock -aL -an2

name 1 – change level 1 name


name 2 – change level 2 name

Upon a query Type new name insert the name and acknowledge by pressing y . It is necessary to insert a new password after a name change.

Inserting a new password:

The password can be inserted for levels 0, 1, 2.

  netlock -aL -ap2

password 0 – change level 0 password


password 1 – change level 1 password


password 2 – change level 2 password

After inserting the same new password twice and pressing y the result is acknowledged with the message Password changed.

Simultaneously inserting a new name and password:

A name and password can be inserted for levels 1, 2.

  netlock -aL -ab2

both 1 – change level 1 name and password


both 2 – change level 2 name and password

Viewing inserted names:

  netlock -as

status – status of CU

The message obtained contains information about the locked/unlocked status and about the names assigned to levels 1 and 2. For local access only.

Testing a new name and password in local access mode:

Passwords saved to the CU cannot be read directly. It is possible to check the functionality of a password and where necessary insert a new password from a higher level or via local access. Checking a password in local access mode:


Parameter -au for unlocking is a default setting and therefore does not need to be mentioned.

Parameter -aL was not used and therefore the name and password are even requested in the case of local access.

A correct result is acknowledged with the message Successfully unlocked.

5.2. Local access with a password

If in the above commands we leave out parameter -aL then we need to use the name and password for level 0, 1 or 2.

Unlocking and locking the CU

These functions can be executed at each level.

Inserting passwords

  • If we log on using the name and password for level 0, we can change the password for level 0, 1, 2.

  • If we log on using the name and password for level 1, we can change the password for level 1, 2.

  • If we log on using the name and password for level 2, we can change the password for level 2.

Inserting names, inserting names and passwords

  • From level 0 it is possible to change the name for level 1, 2.

  • From level 1 it is possible to change the name for level 2.

After inserting the name it is necessary to reinsert the password. Use parameter -ab to simultaneously change the name and password for the selected level.

When using parameter -aMname with the stated name we are not queried for the name by Netlock again. Similarly it is possible to use the parameter for inserting a new name -aNname when changing a name using parameters -an, -ab.

5.3. Remote access

This differs from local access in the use of parameter -daADDRESS (watch the character order!), which contains the address of the destination CU, and also the need to use a name and password.

Unlocking a remote station:

  netlock -da69112233 -au
to a query

Login: insert name,

to a query

Password: insert password,



The result is acknowledged with the message Succesfully unlocked.

Other operations can also be performed remotely in a similar manner.

Reading names from a remote CU is not possible. However, if remote CU is connected to the PC via a service cable it then behaves as in the case of local access. This means that it is possible to perform the same operations with parameters -da and -aL as in the CU connected via the service cable.

5.4. Parameters for Netlock.exe

  • Common – se chapter Section 1.2.4, “Common parameters for all applications”

  • Special – parameters for Netlock application:

    Application commands:
    Locker options:
     -as -al -au -aMnnn -aNnnn -ap[X] -an[X] -ab[X]
     -al: lock
     -au: unlock
     -aMnnn: set my name
     -aNnnn: set new name
     -ap: change my password
     -apX: change password for user level X
     -an : change my name *
     -anX: change name for user level X
     -ab : change both my name and my password *
     -abX: change both name and password for user level X
     -as : locker status
     -aL : local mode - in remote modem is jack
    Lines marked by * make sense in local mode only.
    My password and New password will be requested from the prompt.
    • -al   locking CU

    • -au   unlocking CU

    • -aMnnn   preset of user name

    • -aNnnn   inserting a new name

    • -ap0   -ap1   -ap2   inserting a new password for level 0,1,2

    • -an1   -an2   inserting a new name for level 1,2

    • -ab1   -ab2   inserting a new name and password for level 1,2

    • -as   state CU

    • -aL   local mode

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