Revision History


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Revision History

Revision History
Revision 1.02018-10-04 
 First issue

Revision 1.12019-04-15 
 RAy3-17 data – preliminary
RAy3 HW variants introduced

Revision 1.22019-05-20 

Extended Chapter 5, Configuration (to reflex FW development)

Revision 1.32019-07-23 

Revision 1.42019-09-06 

Updated Chapter 2, Accessories
Extended Chapter 5, Configuration (to reflex FW development)
Extended Section 10.7.1, “RED Declarations of Conformity” – DoC RAy3-17

Revision 1.52019-11-11 

New items in Chapter 2, Accessories (marked by ‘*’)
Improved description of some items (accepted polarities of PoE and power supply, FlowControl parameters in Eth switch, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting).
Final parameters for RAy3-17

Revision 1.62020-02-10 

Extended sections:
PIRL setup, Egress queue setup and VLAN setup (to reflex FW development).
Improved description of some items (new Pressure equalization).

Revision 1.72020-04-09 

Revision 1.82020-06-22 

Improved description of some items:
Section 1.7, “Ordering codes”
Section 3.3, “Basic link configuration”
Section 4.3.2, “RAy unit mounting to the antenna”
Section 5.5.1, “Status” – RMON counters
Chapter 7, RAyTools app for Mobile devices
Removed Appendix B. – Change of HTTPS certificate (not relevant for RAy3 yet)

Revision 1.92020-09-29 

Completely new Section 5.5.3, “QoS” (to reflex FW development)
Improved description of Section 1.3.3, “DC power (using ETH1+POE)”

Revision 1.102021-03-10 

Two completely new sections: “Encryption” in Section 5.4.2, “Radio” and “Radio loopback” in Section 5.6.2, “Live data” (to reflex FW development)
Improved Section 1.6, “Sizes, packaging and labeling” – added sizes and weights of boxes.
Change of HTML and PDF typography of the manual to improve text flow and text scaling possibilities on all types of displays (including small mobiles).

Revision 1.112021-08-18 

Improved description of Section 1.2.1, “Antenna waveguide” and Section 1.2.2, “Unit mounting”
Updated Section 1.3, “Ethernet + power interfaces” (added RAy3-18).
Updated Section 1.6, “Sizes, packaging and labeling” (added RAy3-18)
Updated Section 1.7, “Ordering codes” (added RAy3-18 and encryption SW key).
Updated Section 5.3, “Status” and Section, “Radio parameters” (added parameter ‘Power to be received [dBm]’)
Improved description of Section, “Backup” and Section, “SW feature keys”
New sections in Chapter 9, Technical parameters (added preliminary RAy3-18 parameters)

Revision 1.122022-01-13 

Updated Section 1.1, “Main characteristics” (mentioned RAy3-10 and RAy3-18)
Updated Section 1.5, “Status LED ( S )” (new indication for power supply voltage out of range)
Updated Section 1.6, “Sizes, packaging and labeling” (mentioned RAy3-10, RAy3-18)
Updated Section 1.7, “Ordering codes” (mentioned RAy3-10, RAy3-18 and new SW feature key “Power”)
Updated section Section, “Alarms Status” (new names of alarm severities)
Improved sections Section, “Radio loopback” and Section 6.3.4, “Radio loopback” (corrected explanation of measured antenna parameter CPI – Cross-Port Isolation)
Updated several sections in Chapter 9, Technical parameters (improved MTBF for RAy3-17 and RAy3-24, added final RAy3-18 and preliminary RAy3-10 parameters)
Updated section Section 10.7.1, “RED Declarations of Conformity” (added RAy3-18B)


Revision 1.132022-02-11 

Updated Section 4.6, “Power supply” (mentioned stronger power supplies, IEEE 802.3at/bt standards, etc. needed for RAy3-10 and RAy3-18)
Updated Chapter 8, Troubleshooting (added item “RAyTools smartphone disconnects from RAy unit”).
Updated Table 9.1, “Parameters 10 GHz” (added Sub-band B in to preliminary RAy3-10 parameters)
Updated Section 10.7.1, “RED Declarations of Conformity” (added DoC for RAy3-18)

Revision 1.142022-04-20 

Updated Section 1.7.1, “RAy units” (added RAy3-10 order codes)
Updated Section, “Backup” (improved specification of the backup and settings functionality)
Updated Section, “Radio loopback” (limit for good TX to RX isolation lowered to 45 dB)
Updated Chapter 9, Technical parameters (completed RAy3-18 parameters, added RAy3-10 parameters)

Revision 1.152022-06-15 

Updated Chapter 9, Technical parameters (simplification of structure, moving some tables into ‘details’ sections, added column ‘Note’ into all ‘Frequency tables’, tuning of RAy3-10 parameters)
Section 9.1, “RAy3-10 details” (final technical parameters)
Section 10.7, “Declarations of Conformity” (added DoC for RAy3-10)

Revision 1.162023-03-23 

Updated Chapter 1, Product (added RAy3-11 and RAy3-80 to most sections, added Section 1.1.3, “FW concept”
Updated Chapter 3, Step-by-step Guide (FW development related changes, modified for RAy3-80)
Added Section 5.1.1, “Supported web browsers”
Updated Section 5.3, “Status” (parameter ‘TX modulation’ modified into 2 parameters ‘Current TX modulation’ and ‘Max TX modulation’)
Updated Section, “Radio parameters” (modified for RAy3-80, modified parameter ‘TX power’ to ‘Max TX power’)
Updated Section, “Radio adaptation” (added info about new more powerful frequency tables)
Updated Section, “Antenna Alignment Tool” (modified for RAy3-80)
Updated Chapter 9, Technical parameters (added RAy3-11 and RAy3-80, added Emission Designation sections for most bands)

Revision 1.172023-05-02 

Updated Section 1.1.3, “FW concept” (added info about specific FW clone for RAy3-80)
Updated Chapter 9, Technical parameters (removed “preliminary” for RAy3-80 parameters)
Updated Section 10.7.1, “RED Declarations of Conformity” (added RAy3-80 DoC)

Revision 1.182023-06-07 

Updated Section 1.3.2, “SFP/SFP+ slot (ETH2)” (added SFP+)
Extended Chapter 7, RAyTools app for Mobile devices (added RAyTools ver.3, changed the structure of the chapter)

Revision 1.192023-08-08 

Added new function ‘TX mute’. Updated sections are:

Chapter 9, Technical parameters – values in row ‘Sensitivity, BER 10-6’ in tables 9.1 – 9.4 (to reflect the changes listed below).

Changed all RSS sensitivity values of all RAy3 models for all bands and sub-bands from ‘guaranteed’ to ‘typical’ values (those are better by 1.5 dB for 10-24 GHz bands and by 3 dB for 80 GHz band). Updated sections are:

Revision 1.202023-12-20 

Section 1.3.2, “SFP/SFP+ slot (ETH2)” – added support for 2.5 Gb/s SFP moduls
New Section, “ Link State Propagation (LSP)” providing description of new function ‘Link State Propagation’
Chapter 9, Technical parameters – tables 9.1 – 9.3, values in rows:

  • ‘Speed (each direction)’ to reflect the link speed changes listed below

  • ‘SFP (user exchangeable)’ to reflect HW and FW development (newly supported also 2500 Mb/s SFP modules for RAy3-10/11/17/18/24)

  • new row ‘Dual Channel’ for RAy3-11/18 to reflect expected future HW and FW development

Slightly improved most of link capacity values in Mb/s for all combinations of available channel and modulation for all bands and sub-bands (i.e. for all RAy3 models for 10-24 GHz bands). The reason is the decision to use link capacities achievable on L1 Ethernet traffic with 1518 Bytes frames measured by RFC2544 test (instead of capacities calculated from modem baud rates till FW Updated sections are:

Revision 1.212024-02-09 

Revision 1.222024-05-22 

Updated Section, “ Link State Propagation (LSP)” – Loop prevention parameter was added
Updated Section, “Alarms Config” – information about individual Alarm severity is now provided
Updated Section, “Backup” – redesigned “Tools > Maintenance > Backup” screen
Updated Chapter 9, Technical parameters – values in “Ethernet L2 Link speed …“ tables of the individual RAy3 models
Updated Table 9.37, “Frequency tables 24 GHz” – rcinfo24_FCC200 was added
Updated Section 10.8, “FCC and IC authorization” – the FCC and IC certification overview

Revision 1.232024-06-10 

Revision 1.242024-07-09 

After upgrading the microwave link to FW (or newer), the following combinations of channel widths and modulations can be newly set. The RAy3-80 technical parameter tables have been supplemented with these configurations

  • 250 MHz / 64QAM

  • 500 MHz / 128QAM

  • 750 MHz / 256QAM

  • 1000 MHz / 256QAM

The following combinations of channel widths and modulations can be set on units manufactured after July 1, 2024 (and loaded with FW or newer). The RAy3-80 technical parameter tables have been supplemented with these configurations

  • 250 MHz / 128QAM

  • 250 MHz / 256QAM

  • 500 MHz / 256QAM

  • 1250 MHz / 256QAM

Added Safety distance calculation for EU

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